We need to protect coronavirus carrier rights from the weak

1  2020-04-23 by XalwaysinbadfaithX

Right now people like me are told that we shouldn't just leave our homes, we shouldn't leave whatever room we've made a makeshift mattress in. This is a violation of civil rights. Even the building I work in got shut down because of a "coronavirus outbreak". Fucking pussies. I've had it for at least a week longer than any of my coworkers and you never saw me complain or make up excuses to not work. I actually applied to Amazon and waited in a dense line for almost two hours today to submit my I9 because it's the quickest way to get back out there and getting some income because a lot of their workers quit out of fear.

The only thing I got out this whole hysteria is 10 bucks from a bottle of hand sanitizer from my former employer that I sold to some lady in a gas station parking lot


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If the mods didn't want it in their thread, they could say that or just delete my posts. At this point you're just being childish, reaching desperately for some way to be right when you're so very wrong. You can keep trying, but you've failed to make any progress thus far and won't unless you change your tactics. Repeatedly attacking my "reading comprehension" is just another sign you have no purpose here other than to try and offend me, which makes sense given what you're defending but won't actually get you anywhere, particularly when you're so wrong. Are you going to keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, or do you want to quit now?


  1. We need to protect coronavirus carr... - archive.org, archive.today

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Yeah that's one of the symptoms. Up until recently I could trust my farts😔

imagine never shitting yourself smh

Up until recently I didn't even have to imagine 😥

Poorcel SEETHE😠

I'm cool with being poor, I have rich af parents so it's my own fault. I'm seething because my rights are being taken away

Is this actually not a shitpost? Mods said so and they wouldn't just lie to me like that, right?

ok you can die

