Fight. Bigotry. Deuxcells.

1  2020-05-02 by rogue_nebula


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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. Fight. Bigotry. Deuxcells. -,

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good start, move on to death threats in time

How does it know.

Jewish tricks. Inshalla

The pronouns are xi/xer, bigot

the 2% gang is pretty based.

Based on what?

They don't care if other people call them fags, they will admit that they find trans women attractive, unlike the 98% who are afraid what other people will think of them, so they lie.

so they lie

Lmao this is what disgusting chasers actually believe.

It was just a joke, but if you didn't realize my sarcasm, maybe that means you would like to suck dick.

Wait were you talking about chasers or /dramautists there, I'm a bit confused

I'd facefuck Blair white but that's about it. Most of them look like failed drag queens

Based. I enjoy being bi so I can call myself a fag and fuck trans girls

Be patient, hes acoustic

Animu traps kinda cute doe 😳

2D > 3D 😫

if only irl bois were as cute

1D is where it's at, sexy lines 😋

1D go boom

Based and Flatland-pilled.

It's 0D you cringe normie

41% of the time everything works out



1.95% are willing to lie about it

Cope. Decent-looking traps get matched with anything that is barely sentient with life on Tinder. Yes, the gigachad that you found when you were catfiishing on Tinder, he swiped right on all semi-decent traps that he found on Twitter.

I'm not the one who is saying this. It's basically what every tranny finds out when it downloads Tinder. "What the hell!" It thinks to itself. "I get matched with everyone! The world is gayer than I thought."

>implying people read tinder bios

My meme😔 thank you deuxchads

Wait do MtF troids actually expect straight guys to date them?

uh, hell yeah. how have you missed that?


Turns out catering to mentally ill men's delusions that they're women encourages other delusional behaviour and entitlement. But they just want the same rights as everyone else!

I feel like delusions are kinda hot tho.


Yeah, but only if the person with them is so weak and submissive they'd never chimp out at your face, instead they just get hugs from you that delay their inevitable mental breakdown

I-Its totally not a fetish guys

Most trannies wouldn't date you anyways.

Thank God, then they can harass lesbian women instead and I get to laugh

Won't happen, dog pill. Remember?

like it's a bad thing

It's not a good thing either. So why care about it?

Like depending on how horned up I am I might blast a really cute one's trussy but that's as far as I'd go

I'm only meth gay

Yo I’ve been wondering about this cuz I keep seeing meth cock sucking posts around. Why do some “””straight””” dudes get the uncontrollable urge to blow another dude?

Maybe men are all degenerate faggots horny for cock and cum and balls deep down

Based cum addicts 😋😋

Radfems are right about men

Joe Exotic has entered the chat

Wait do MtF troids actually expect straight guys to date them?

technically 90% don't, because they are straight men who want to be an OwO lesbian anime gurl!

This is the right answer

Any tranny on twitter has ”lesbian” in their bio. They try to shame people into fucking them. Litteral porn addicted incels that shame people into fucking them Lmao

pretty much, the old troons who grew up long before anime was a thing are basically the same minus the weeb shit. Same old pornsick sissy autogynephilia through the lens of a different generation where its about being a bimbo sex doll rather an a waifu.

I've said this before. It's autism + unlimited porn access at an early age, likely a lot of lesbian and anime porn. They get obsessed with what they cannot have, which is to have sex with cute uwu anime girls as cute uwu anime girls.


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It depends on if the straight dude or lesbian is attracted to them and willing to date them. If they are then those ones are "chasers" and are reviled.

Now if the straight dude or lesbian wants nothing to do with feminine penis then those are the ones that need to be shamed into the mouthfeel.

Lesbians won’t fuck them either. They’re basically transcels.

Time for a manifesto.

Time got a manifesto

Are some of us Deuxcels alright?

the pipeline is real

A Communist Tranifesto?

Eliot Rodger says trans rights.

Imagine the seething rage of an incel, but validated by society at large (or at least the society they live in), despite the fact that normal people don't find them sexually desirable.

Then, on top of that, add the belief that if they could just change the attitudes of those normal people by forcing or guilting them into liking the "girldick", they'd be getting sex from men and women alike.

That's what you're dealing with here. A pack of incels who believe that the only way to get their dicks wet, is to convince people that a mannish ogre, or twink in women's clothing is actually a woman.

Narca on suicide watch

My friends neighbour was a transthingy, fcker hung himself from the swing set in the backyard.

Now the kids are trying to sell the swing set. I think that's insensitive.

W or w/o the skeleton

I don't they have any bones.

Where my bruhfunny niggas at

I am banned 😎

Same here brutha

how do u even get banned from bruhfunny

if you're a redditor


sanstheminion is braphobic

I'm banned from bruhfunny

Get me into bruhfunny, bruh

So 2% of straight men are gay. Hmm.

Not gay. That's the percentage of incels desperate for any warm hole.

Ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked. You're the ones that's gay for sucking my dick. In fact, creeps me out just being around you fags.


but i love japan and i love their food and language and media! i know so much about them from just that! im pretty much from their country.

I’d date a trans girl if she passes, is shorter than me, and has a passable voice.

just date a girl then fatty

I’m 5’11” 135 lbs. I don’t think that’s fat.

We all know youre lying, just admit it

I can send you proof

No thank you

Post Bussy LMAO

you can send me proof

I'd rather be fat than have a little boy's body.

so never

this is gold

Trans people are just gay men who want tits of their own

Yeah but those same 98 percent couldn't get a date with a cis girl either. So congratulations nobody's fucking.

Ive seen you 3 times in this thread saying that all men who do not want to fuck trannies are not capable of getting laid. This means you're either a tranny chaser or a Reddit troll and either way you should kill yourself

No, I like fucking with losers like you.

should kill yourself

No you first. You're kind are pathetic losers. You already don't have kids. You'll never love, or live on into the future. So how about you do humanity a favor and swallow that black pill and kill yourself.

you already don't have kids

Actually braindead

level of brain damage

You sound like the homeless man eating his own shit shouting everyone is insane.

Thanks for proving my point

You really like to swallow that shit.

You'll never love, or live on into the future. So how about you do humanity

Huh what is this gay sounding melo shit??


Huh what is this gay sounding melo shit??

Hahahaha, you fucking fag.

Nah you're the faggot.

I'm afraid you're the faggot here.....after all you are the one with repressed homosexual thoughts.


Better to be alone than in bad company.

We've got the best fakeops don't we folks

The fucking jaw on that

Shut up penoid

Everytime I see the whole "trans rights are human rights" thing I always ask what rights other people have under the law that transgenders dont and I have yet to get an answer.

I've heard sth about general medical treatment not being done due to no clear answer in the "gender" boxes on the form, but I'm rusty about it atm

Well shit, how hard is it to answer based on whether you have a dick or vagina?

idk, maybe the doctors see things not quite matching up and they don't get through the paperwork or sth?

No idea though atm

shut up troomer

Where the other 2% we need to have a talk🤔

it isn't bigotry if they just don't fucking a person with a penis
that's preference bby

Fuck it really sucks that people are not willing to suck that shenis, I would never, I would rather die a hundred times over but it sucks other people wont do it!

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BTW you're all fragile retards and contribute nothing to humanity.

AHStards can never get me because I’m a furfag 😎

Trans people aren't people.

Hitler says trans rights 😍😍😍

BEYOND based