Shout out to that guy I met at a bar one time that got banned from Facebook for being too based. (Not in the MDE way fuck off fugees)

4  2020-05-06 by XalwaysinbadfaithX

Off the top of my head:

-Posted a virgin vs Chad meme he made with the virgin being some local twink mumble rapper he had beef with and the Chad as himself, a metal guitarist who's in multiple bands

-posted a rant about how most m*talheads are annoying elitist faggots, even doing the asterisk thing

-posted an album of pictures called "free ass shots" where he just posted pictures of him sticking his ass out, changing his pants being pictures

-posted a several long minute schizo-tier video of him wandering around his house, clearly fucked up, and ranting about how everyone in the local hardcore scene is a liar and a snake

-posted a shout out to Blair White, "the only tranny I'd fuck while sober"

-a ton of other shit I dont remember right now

Fuck facebook jannies


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. Shout out to that guy I met at a ba... -,

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Should have invited him here

DAE keep /r/Deuxrama business cards in their jorts and/or ass?

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he already is

He's back on Facebook. I just did

Facebook jannies don’t do it for free though

They took something precious from me. That they did it for minimum wage doesn't make it hurt less

If I grab your feet will you feel better? 😏

A little

Buy my OnlyFans first

Not worth it, do coomers not realize hookers are a thing?

Cool it with the antisemitism 😰

Jews are the real master race, that's why God chose them and they rule the world behind the scenes. I may be jealous, but I dont hate them

Neither do I, it’s honestly pretty based

lmao I was thinking that about Blair the other day too.

The bigger question though, is why the fuck are you adding random dudes you meet in bars to your fb?

This post is peak extremely online guy

He was cool and asked me to add him. Why not?

It's... weird? Dunno, back when I had boomerbook I didn't randomly add people.

I literally dated a girl who added me at random, we had one mutual friend and didn't know each other at all. You missed out

eh, you must be a chad or something lol.

I'm really not. It was dumb luck. Her and her friend were adding random guys to laugh at the messages they'd get together but instead of outright hitting on her I sent some bullshit about her seeming really familiar and asking where we know each other from. We talked for like two hours and then I got her number. Rode that high for like three days before even texting her

He posts "free ass shots" albums, who the hell cares.