Homesick for a place I'm not even sure exists

1  2020-05-17 by Dimbledorf


Whore island

Oh shit its Rust

This is a deep memory

I don't get it

I'm living on the smaller hill east of the valley. The one that overlooks the strait.

Me chillin in the swamp on the left

Can someone point me towards my home in the Gully?!

Me, Master of the Lagoon


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


  1. Homesick for a place I'm not even s... -,

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What movie is snappy talking about?

Paul Blart Mall Cop

Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie

Lion King

Despicable Me



People got real retarded about that movie

Remember how the left really wanted someone to shoot up a cinema just to prove their point but it never happened

rightoid posting in my DeuxRAMA

I'm a left-tard and he's correct. Libs were more upset when the Joker movie didn't inspire any white guys to shoot up a theater than they were when Hillary lost in 2016.

Sorry libtard snowflakes 😈😈😈

Just wait, the incels will rise any minute now.

The advertures of Hitler

This is the OG tedpill

dude butte lmao

Bussy 🤤

sounds French... le butte

Yo I remember this picture

Fuck where is it from?

Nazi propaganda

Like an elementary school poster or something

I remember seeing this in my elementary science class

I think it was from a science textbook

Which one tho

All of them from 4th-7th grade. Probably the ones published by McGraw-Hill.

All of them


Fuck if I know

Holy fuck it was. I remember this too

😢 fuck

Damn, that iceberg is huge

Me over there, in the Cave

Grug house good


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blocked retard

Get a load of Plato over here

Me fishing on the archipelago

Me on the archipelago bouta push BFGN off his coast into shark waters

U mean COOVE?

Me up in top right throwing virgins into Volcano as sacrifices to fire god

Me in the top right, being thrown in a volcano by giulio cesare

tfw (that that face when) not live in cave

we live in a society


grug smash ur skull with rock, eat funny pasta from ur head

Grug hear things and go bananana


me on the prairie

Me on plain, creating a hunting group to kill PanFiluta

wow that's hateful sweaty

Thog dont caare

me in the rain forest, swinging from tree to tree.😥

The civ 6 map

Nah, there's no knock off Disney looking characters and shoe-horned female leaders

Imagine not liking civ 6

Civ 5 is so much better

Have you played both on higher then king? They are different games. I enjoy civ 5, but 6 is legit enjoyable.

4 is better then both but it’s different.

Remember your roots

I’m gonna build my cabin over at butte

thats gay af enjoy starving -chad laker


Are these all the minecraft biomes???

This poster >>>>> Ben "Shoo the Jew" Garrison

It is called Colombia.

They took this from us.

Butte butte butte butte butte

They took this from you

look at this fuckin video game map

Tundra gang rise up

I call dibs on the valley.


Just a cohencidence

new fortnite map looks lit

What's the difference between a lagoon and a sound?

Lagoon is smaller

Also where is the estuary?

One is a body of water the other is slamming large objects into your pp hole

Lagoons are shallow areas with a single inlet that are protected by barrier islands or reefs.

'Sound' gets thrown on all kinds of random unrelated shit, but in general they are deep and wide bodies of water that don't always have just one inlet. An example would be the the water between the Swedish and Danish borders that is called both a sound and a strait. Just because.

A sound is more shallow I think

speak for yourself partner. ejaculates blood

Looks like Hyrule in BOTW

What do you mean not sure? That's a map of America it's just backward.

You've got the deserts and mesas and shit - Nevada/Utah area. On the bottom right is Hawaii. Bottom left is Florida and all the Alligator swamps. Down the middle is the Mississippi river. Cape Cod Bay is in the upper left corner.

you get the idea

meet me at the fjord at midnight

We meet at the fjord at midnight. Just knock on the door and someone will ask you who it is. Say "Teenus". You will then be asked what kind of watch you have. Say it's a Citizen Watch, from Ross. The door will open. Come prepared to leave your old life behind.


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Wholesome shitpost

Not a single troid in sight

Me on the hill by the lake

Someone should make it into a minecraft map

I still don't know the difference between a mesa and a plateau.

Ice(((berg))) in the back

Westeros and Essos?!

“Damn, that’s cool but they don’t even have a fjo-“

notices fjord


Based and tedpilled

Where's the savannah?

Wow look guys its a Ben Garrison comic

Based and cavepilled

Whats isthmus

I had this poster on my wall as a child and I struggled to pronounce fjord

You guys know all these places still exist but separately right? You can totally move to any of these rural places with us, but you wont because there's no Taco Bell.