Imagine being a guy, pretending to be a girl, pretending to be a male deer. Ah and a janny too.

1  2020-05-18 by 109subs




Him pretending to be a deer confirms my theory that jannies aren’t people

However that would mean this is really a deer, pretending to be a tranny.

Am i legally allowed to hunt it then?

Just do it, I'll be your lawyer


Volcel if you wouldn't

I dunno man, I don't wanna get grass on my dick

The estrogen tenderizes the bussy everybody knows that

Hand it over.

That thing.

Your estrogen.

why do t slurs all have huge bulging teeth and gums

Probably malformation from drinking soy as a kid

Wrong. This is from their mothers drinking while pregnant.

Don't look a gift deer in the mouth.

Happy gift deer day!

Gib Khazar milkers!

not being dramatic or anything but i would die for those milkers.

Being into whopping Khazar milkers is MAP-phobic, bigot!



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If you want the real answer for the teeth, it's because they've always been highly neurotic and, as kids, only ate with the sides of their mouths, mainly the molars.

Dude lombroso theory lmao

This creature continues so perplex science, all studies show that if left alone it will self destruct 👨🏾‍🔬

When you can't get pussy, you become the pussy

This is what zero pussy does to a MF

*types "AgainstHateSubreddits" on the searchbar*

Incel to transcel pipeline is REAL

The Chinamen will save us from this.

At this point I'd take the ricepill

This here is like the Holstein of lolcows rn.

Is that good?

Fucking troomers.

0 day

Same situation?


love your name

Safer than my previous ones, but instantely identifiable.

nice. mine isn't great, but I didn't have much but simplicity in mind when making it. plus the 88 makes it obvious, even though I wasn't really adding the 88 because of... You know. I chose it cuz iu88 just sounds right.

You'd love my sub name

I'm afraid he got banned. 110?

Virgin rulecuck vs Chad ban evader

They ruin everything


I’m not familiar with twitch rules but it seems like if nudity/naughty opinions are ban worthy offenses then drugs wouldn’t be allowed either? Also what a waste of perfectly good weed

He's actually mentally disabled.

Damn what a mutant

Ugh gross. Why does it laugh like that? 🤮


Can you get the Corona swab test for your penis?

asking for a friend

Imagine watching twitch

There're some great streamers?!

Zoomers OUT

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. Imagine being a guy, pretending to ... -,

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Actually had to use this copypasta on someone. Sad!

Just wait for the 50% to kick in

I'd say there's an 85% chance that this particular one does the 50%.

Boy pussy detected. Abort mission.

Boi pussy? 🤤👅👅👅

He has ties to the Anti-Defamation League lmao

Wait no way

Haha holy shit.

It still blows my mind that the ADL was created to pin the crimes of a Jewish rapist on a black janitor.

Wait what? Can you source that for me because it sounds fucking spicy.

I searched "adl janitor" and got this as my first hit. Not familiar with the source though. is fantastic, as it not only cites its sources but provides court transcripts and photo evidence of the case.

Even a reading of a case on wikipedia(which is a pro-ADL narrative), Leo Frank was proven to be the last man to see the victim, Mary Phagan alive. Leo's defense involved the black janitor, Jim Conley, masterminded a complex plot in which he faked obviously flimsy evidence to implicate a black watchman in order to implicate Leo. Jim Conley's testimony that he was an accomplice involved in hiding the body after Leo murdered Mary was instead so convincing to the white jury that they convicted Leo. A black man's testimony was so convincing that a white jury took his word over that of white man's in Georgia in the early 20th century. But Leo had the power of several prominent Jewish figures in America that funded him heavily, during which the ADL was created.



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Good morning, I hate troomers

And now we pray to Allah that the coin lands on an hero

Can I get a quick rundown on this thing? All I know is it’s some special kind of twitch moderator but I’ve never heard of him before like who even is this guy and how did he suddenly become some super mod at twitch

Twitch decided to create a "safety council", made up of various people who are qualified to represent their community and to help advise them on policy changes. The council consists of various types, mostly those deep seated in the streaming and gaming communities, but also a few others qualified in relevant fields (such as one guy with a PHD in criminology and cyber bullying, and a professor of online sociology).

Then there's this person, who's only qualification to be on the council is that they are trans, and immediately after the announcement they became drunk with power and there are various clips on LivestreamFails of them proclaiming how they "have power and nobody can take it away" or how some people should "definitely be afraid of me", while also making blanket statements about all gamers being white supremacists (a perfect specimen to represent a community made up mostly of gamers). They also believe they're a deer or something.

PHD in cyber bullying

West was a mistake

He wrote his thesis on the best way to determine someone's ethnic background based on their vocal inflection over Call of Duty voice chat, and the appropriate slurs to use when they throw the match.

okay based

There needs to be a study done on the mental effects of becoming a janny. I know you’d have to be mentally ill to become a janny in the first place but, I seriously believe it accelerates mental decay in these people.

Being transgender isn't a mental illness.

and louder for the people in the back


Not all transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria and that distinction is important to keep in mind

Being a tranny is a mental illness and was classified as such until it wasn't anymore due to "stigma"

show me where. being transgender has never been a mental illness.

The absurd viewpoint comes from misunderstanding what dysphoria is.

i linked you the american psychiatry associations view on dysphoria. here is the UKs national health service with the same view.

who says otherwise?

I know all you trannies and tranny sympathisers do is lie but at least make up something that isn't disproved with a Google search

I get the feeling you're just baiting

mate as i said this viewpoint is caused my misunderstanding of what dysphoria is...

Your link supports my argument.

we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition

A World Health Organization expert said it now understands transgender is "not actually a mental health condition".

Governments should swiftly reform national medical systems and laws that require this now officially outdated diagnosis

just linking what your "proof" said. The diagnosis was proven untrue and to help reduce the stigma trans people were getting because they are "mentally ill, deluded people" they removed it from the category immediately. The article never says that it was removed purely because of stigma whilst still remaining true.

Humans used to think homosexuality was a mental disorder. Do you think that was changed cause of "stigma" as well?

you can still read up on what dysphoria is. Its not something nearly all transgender people have and it is something that cis people can get. the cure to dysphoria is HRT and SRS


I'm not reading this when you lie about basic shit like transgenderism never having been considered a mental illness

Trannys aren't the opposite sex and never will be. Seethe about it

Let me correct myself

being transgender has never correctly been perceived as a mental illness.*

Is that better?

And no one is talking ablut being the opposite sex, we are talking about changing gender and gender identity

I was talking about being a g*mer, which is clearly a mental illness.

Sure you were buddy :)

Those links are helpful no matter what you meant

Cool now post all the older psychiatric papers on the use of ice pick lobotomies praising it's use for literally every diagnosis ( and in a lot of cases misdiagnosed mental disorders) . See sweaty let me explain something to you. All this trans shit , and oh is it shit , is already being looked at that the same way as icepickers and other more extreme things done in the psychiatric community. See here's the thing a majority of "transgenders" are autistic which IS a mental disorder. It's been proven over and over. Also the fact that you stated that you don't have to have gender dysmorphia to be trans just goes to show exactly what a joke this fad of a movement has become. If for 1 second you can't see that the jerky autistic dude who thinks he's literally a woman but also a deer is mentally unwell then you might want to step out a little more and get away from such niche subreddits. The fact is that the trans movement is a fad that is actively recruiting young impressionable autistic and other easily swayed people to their movement . See there is a culture going on where if someone is labeled a "phobic ' it ruins their career. Just like all the people who spoke out against the use of over medications of children , the ice pick lobotomy insanity , the literal imprisonment and sterilization of 1000s of those deemed mentally ill ( deaf people included ) the literal sexual abuse of depressed or excitable women and shock therapy. See they had their careers destroyed for speaking out and saying " hey maybe we shouldn't be doing this" and going against the literal fad theories that were disproven. It took years and in some cases decades for all of these practices to be disproven and rejected. The trans thing already has many in the community speaking out and supporting each other when it comes to criticizing the latest fad practice . You can post all the papers and theories you want but the fact is that children and the childlike are being preyed on by others to convert them to their fad. See sweaty some people love being a victim. It allows them to have an excuse for their own shortcomings and place the blame on others for their failures. So keep doing your copy and paste of the studies that are the in thing now but do a remindme! In 5 years when the whole thing has flipped and now they say it needs therapy and not immediate HRT , You know like they required long term counseling and living as the sex they identified as before the doctors would even remotely consider doing such a drastic and potentially life destroying procedure. You can call me a transphobe or a bigot all you want but keep in mind bby : I don't hate them , I don't fear them,. I feel so fucking sorry for them that it is almost heartbreaking .

You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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Sure man.

Just don't call anything facts cause literally everything you just said comes from your feelings.

I link studies, you show me your personal viewpoint.

I don't really care homie

Literally the whole point of my post was saying how this shit is disproven later on so your studies don't mean shit also I think that yeah you really do care. I think you either are trans and want validation or are in a relationship with one.

Neither. Im just annyoed at the amount of misinformation and emotion is put into hate towards trans people.

And what how do you know its gonna get disproven? Should we not like believe any studies since "theyll be disproven anyways" or is it just studies you don't personally like?

And my point was i don't care to respond to a fucking essay of text that just is purely your own opinions based on how you feel on the subject.

No one gives a fuck about someones opinions. What matters are the actual studies and research that has been done on the subject curre tly

Because it already is on its way to being disproven buddy. The backlash has already begun in the psychiatric community . All the "personal" feelings I was stating are being pointed out by others in the psychiatric community . Don't be a sheep and believe something because something is loudly being proclaimed at the moment. Research all the treatments that I mentioned or the ones I left out. The psychriatric community has been flip floppy since it's conception. Things that are touted as fact are later disproven quite regularly .

I was kind enough to show you some links. How about you be kind enough to show me some?

Your post is kinda cringe to read since its just a wall with no breaks

Imagine spamming the same shit over and over and calling someone who responds to your shit tier responses cringe. I literally provided a ton of examples of how fickle the psychriatric community is in it's treatments and theories in my 1st response to your NPC posting . I really do think you are either a troid or a troid enthusiast with the agenda posting . So shout it loud so those in the back will hear like you spammed before bby .

Provided a ton of examples

Bitch where. All i see is you talking a whole bunch

And my "shit tier" responses are just asking you for proof for all the sjit your spewing without providing anything.

I mean deuxRAMA is literally a transphobic community so calling my posting "an agenda" is kinda weird

I really do think you are either a troid or a troid enthusiast

Nah just someone who listens to the majority research instead of what random people online tell me

Well since you clearly are an autistic troid that can't comprehend that shit that's pushed in the psychriatric community today is debunked later on and there's a long history of it idk what to tell you. Imagine being the champion of the exploitation of impressionable people and wanting them to make life destroying decisions . It's a fad . It's a fucking fad. You are championing a fad that is being called out as a fad . Did you collect fidget spinners and play fortnite too?

Well since you clearly are an autistic troid that can't comprehend that shit that's pushed in the psychriatric community today is debunked later on and there's a long history of it idk what to tell you.

so since it might be debunked later we shouldn't believe in it even though majority consensus is towards it being true? I see, ok.

your link literally means nothing?

yes it being a remarkable fight in todays culture makes it popular among young people. But these people go through a phase. Since they do not show any signs of having dysphoria they also physically cannot get HRT or SRS. That is only prescribed after a long process of psychiatric and medical evaluation. They literally make no permanent changes in their life. Its a phase like any other.

You could even argue it is a good one since it gets them to question gender identity and the roles we give to men and women in society.

Transgenderism is a new thing and not fully understood by anyone yet. But claiming it destroys lives or that its just a fad is just incorrect.

as your own link said

The historical and cross-cultural record indicates that conditions akin to what we now call "transgender identity" have been known to occur in all societies, with varying degrees of acceptance, suppression, or even encouragement. The widespread acceptance of individuals who were born males and dress and live as females, such as the hijra in India, katoey in Thailand, bakla in the Philippines, and travesti in Brazil, for example, long predates the current transgender movement in the West. Despite a longstanding recognition of their existence, transgender individuals in those countries continue to face some discrimination. Among the Kuna (also known as Guna) of the San Blas Islands in Panama, transgender identity appears to have been fully accepted since precolonial times.

Shockingly this has happened quite a lot in history. Just now in current culture we are able to research and normalise it on a bigger scale

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot.

Did I ever say there weren't true transgender people? I said it's a fad which that and many other articles state but I figured psychology today would be reputable enough for you and not the other lesser articles. This whole time I've been saying it's over diagnosed. I also stated that I don't hate those who truly have it that I honestly feel bad for them. The fact of the matter is that it's a fad that the easily swayed and manipulated are being preyed on to join. Is it so hard to say " hey let's wait and not put Tommy on hormone blockers at 8, last week he said he was Superman." That's all I've said this whole time. You on the other hand seem to see no problem with that. Let history show who was correct.

hey lets wait and not put Tommy on hormone blockers at 8

That does not happen ..

As i said in my earlier reply. Being prescribed anything that could effect you permanently needs to have tons of medical and psychiatric tests done on the person beforehand.

I figured psychology today would be reputable enough for you and not the other lesser articles.

My original comment had links to the american psychiatric association... What do you mean lesser

I was speaking of the other articles talking about it being over diagnosed and the witch hunt that happens in the psychriatric community if you go against the grain on the issue.

As for the statement that 8 year olds aren't put on hormone blockers Tons of other links talking about children being put on them too. Maybe research the stuff you so vehemently defend .

alright so i think you should do some more research than an nypost article.

Puberty blockers are started when your puberty is starting. Typically that is around age 10-11.

For most children, puberty begins around ages 10 to 11, though some start earlier.

No one is giving puberty blockers to 7 or 8 year olds.

here are some links related to puberty blockers

If you are under age 18, the criteria for getting a prescription for a puberty blocker are:

a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender non-conformity or gender dysphoria

gender dysphoria emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty coexisting psychological, medical, or social problems, if any, are stable enough to start treatment

the adolescent having given informed consent, and the parents or guardians having given consent and being involved in supporting the adolescent throughout the treatment process

Puberty blockers are considered to be very safe overall.

Possible side effects of GnRH analogue treatment include:

Injection site swelling Weight gain Hot flashes Headaches

We are not sure if puberty blockers have negative side effects on bone development and height. Research so far shows that the effects are minimal. However, we won’t know the long-term effects until the first people to take puberty-blockers get older.

and even after they start with puberty blockers they still can't just go and get "peepeechopped" or whatever you guys call it

While most children take the medication for a few years, every child is different. After suppressing puberty for a few years, your child might decide to stop hormone therapy or pursue other hormone treatments.

while they are taking puberty blockers they are under constant study

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot.

also the first 2 pages of google literally just have that one case from like 11 different news websites lol.

Hey troid weirdo . You're boring and you deflect like the autist you are. So go on and deny that they don't put children on hormone blockers . Go on and ignored my whole point of the 1000s of people being taken advantage of and why that's not good. As long as you feel that you got your heckin cute validation you can let the world burn around you. Like almost every troid youre a narcissist and it shows. So go on and feel that you won this when only in your deluded mind you did. Everyone who doesn't scan over your agenda posting copy and paste jobs and ignore you will all say that you just wouldn't accept reality . This is why the vast majority of people have turned against it all .

Hey buddy

I did see everything you said about these issues and if something like that is happening it concerns me deeply.

You see the problem is you didn't show me anything. The one link you provided didn't say anything to support you. You haven't provided anything else

You see i am of the opinion that if a person has very strong beliefs about a subject, which you clearly do, those feelings must come frol somewhere. There must be something they are based on. This is why i ask people to provide where they are getting their strong claims from?

I am in no way saying its bad to believe like you do btw. I find it extremely admirable and am of the same mind set. I just actually have ways to prove my arguments while you have brought literally nothing to the table.

Also please respond to my other comment. I think i made some valid points. You are welcome to disagree ofcourse if you can provide evidence of what im saying to be untrue

Literally do a Google search in the subject you're willfully ignoring all the evidence that is extremely common knowledge to almost anyone there dude. For someone who posts posts posts about troids you sure as hell don't know shit except the link you spammed over and over and over like the NPC you are. As I said you are either one or in a relationship with one and want some type of validation that what you're doing isn't messed up . Literally type in at what age should hormone blockers began and it brings up the mayo clinic on the 1st result . So you willfully ignore and fail to admit that everything that I have tried to explain to you is correct . Like most people who suffer from delusions you fail to accept reality .

Yeah ill link you what it says on mayoclinic. I linked this in my other reply aswell.

What is the typical treatment time frame?

For most children, puberty begins around ages 10 to 11, though some start earlier.

What are the criteria for use of pubertal blockers?

To begin using pubertal blockers, a child must:

Show a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria

Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty

Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with treatment

Provide informed consent

And even if some type of mistake happened which can happen of course

Are the changes permanent?

Use of GnRH analogues doesn't cause permanent changes in an adolescent's body. Instead, it pauses puberty, providing time to determine if a child's gender identity is long lasting. It also gives children and their families time to think about or plan for the psychological, medical, developmental, social and legal issues ahead.

If an adolescent child stops taking GnRH analogues, puberty will resume.

Also please reply to my other detailed response. Dont claim im deflecting and just ignore me completely on a long response

Nah See while you so passionately defended something that I never denied existing but 🙈🙉🙊 everything else that's extremely common knowledge to everyone who isn't remotely totally dumb on the subject . While you screamed for sources when I told you things . While you agenda posted and astroturfed the hell out of everything. I was flying a drone. When I was responding it was when I was changing batteries and had my phone available . So while you raged and denied I was controlling 2 mindless preprogrammed things: My drone and you .

here we go again. Wide claims based on your opinions.

what is extremely common knowledge? if you can't provide me with a single fucking link it isn't very common now is it?

Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.

??????? i literally have linked medical clinics and have been using their arguments.

and yes usually sources are quite good. Anyone can tell people anything if they never have to prove what they are saying

HRT and SRS actually considerably helps the mental health of trans people :)

it is also the most effective cure for dysphoria

jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair\ Ahem, you look very lovely.

And the deer is pretending to be male again, judging by the antlers.

How do you hold a broom with hooves

I wonder how he likes the taste of curbs

Worst part? He does it for more than $0.00/hr

im tired of looking at this troids gummy smile on my feed tbh.
Coomers and gamers get the wall.

God, this dude's hideous