r/antifastonetoss cope over the fact that not everyone wants a bussy ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

1  2020-05-20 by AllhailEmperorNathan


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Oh so you don't like spiders?

I bet you secretly want to fuck them. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Owned ๐Ÿ˜Ž

8 legs ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

8 feet๐Ÿ˜ณ

8 million ways to die

Imagine 8 AOC feet pics ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ‘Œ

seven vagรกnias

7 vaganias

maybe more

Okay thanks Grimsby


This but unironically


Based Hitler-chan pillow

Oh damn. Thatโ€™s actually a really good comeback.

spussy is top tier nigga wdy mean.


Oh you said something homophobic?

Youโ€™re just projecting because you secretly like dick in your ass ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Oh youโ€™re antisemitic? You must secretly love usury and subverting Western civilization ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Based and Schlomopilled

You called me a degenerate coomer? That's just because you want dick up your ass like me

The only thing funny about leftoid humor is how bad it is.

Right, just look at the leftoids that post here. This place is a shithole full of beaten to death rightoid memes, yet all the leftoids can provide are seething comments and whiny complaint posts.

Uhmmm actually sweaty, let me educate you:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer laoreet tincidunt lorem, ut cursus purus fermentum in. Maecenas ac condimentum tellus. Vivamus urna ante, auctor quis augue in, luctus faucibus mi. Vivamus rhoncus felis in leo porttitor consequat. Donec consectetur velit in dui luctus laoreet. Donec mollis posuere libero, a fringilla tortor egestas nec. Sed nec dui vitae mauris fermentum ullamcorper. Proin tellus sem, cursus placerat augue sed, sodales maximus velit. Maecenas et viverra lectus. Sed tellus ex, pellentesque sed pulvinar sit amet, pretium non elit.

Nam euismod, sapien ut tempor dapibus, dui arcu blandit nibh, quis aliquet massa leo non leo. In nec est nec tortor euismod varius vitae at nunc. Integer et risus id lorem hendrerit semper. Nulla placerat elit quis ultricies ornare. Ut tristique rhoncus fringilla. Ut placerat a mi luctus gravida. Fusce aliquam nunc nisl, id mollis erat convallis eu. Fusce gravida tortor velit, non egestas leo eleifend et. Maecenas ut nisi augue. Ut ornare et mauris porta condimentum. Vivamus ultricies ultrices faucibus.

Ut volutpat augue sed mi ullamcorper aliquet. Donec gravida arcu id sodales dignissim. Donec a accumsan leo. Fusce a ipsum viverra est aliquam vehicula. Sed sit amet sollicitudin ligula, aliquam dapibus nulla. Ut finibus viverra felis a facilisis. Aenean id scelerisque quam. Praesent viverra, odio sit amet dapibus rutrum, nulla ante porttitor orci, a ultricies diam tortor a massa. Quisque aliquet molestie metus nec porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent eleifend arcu id mollis commodo. Nulla ut interdum lacus. Nam accumsan, lectus non ultricies accumsan, sem diam aliquet urna, ac pulvinar odio eros a turpis.

Phasellus porta, ex eget imperdiet pharetra, erat leo placerat erat, eu porttitor dolor diam ut erat. Proin eget tellus non dui lobortis venenatis in ut sem. Mauris non augue dui. In sollicitudin, est in varius placerat, mi nibh consequat sapien, suscipit convallis dui lectus eget est. Nunc pellentesque, dolor sit amet scelerisque congue, odio velit molestie justo, non consequat neque lectus placerat dui. Nullam in ultrices ex, at auctor ipsum. Donec vel tortor purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent interdum metus felis, tincidunt facilisis ante pretium quis.

Nullam ut rutrum velit. Mauris sit amet ex varius, feugiat sem quis, mattis arcu. Nulla laoreet nisi et tellus iaculis elementum. Nam blandit mauris quis lorem ullamcorper pharetra. Nulla maximus eros nec odio mollis, at porttitor diam porttitor. Sed vitae enim dolor. Praesent sit amet lectus eu mauris tincidunt varius eu a odio. Sed sed euismod magna. Nunc a congue lectus. Cras tincidunt neque felis, nec tempor magna finibus non. Sed varius bibendum felis eget dapibus.

Go read a book, bigot

Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

I am a bot.

He's back and he's taking no prisoners!

Why are the bots on a Ted Kaczynski fan forum, this is bullshit.

Even bots know

Is this a new quote?

Did I just get dorime'd

Too Lstin; didn't read

u can tell whos a leftoid and whos a rightoid by the fact that the leftoid will post actual drama instead of le funny jogging guy

No they don't. They just complain about "nO dRaMa" whenever a rightoid posts a shitty meme.

So, every time a rightoid posts.

The comments they post are shitty because it is typically full of cringy tradfaggotry. But their memes are fine, they make people seethe, hence are based.







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Seethe and cope

No, dilate is the last one

Seethe and cope

Have sex

Quadnarca is pretty cool, and I'm not just saying that because I have a crush on him. Because I dont.

Nah he's a gross chaser who needs to 41% as well.


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Quadtardica and his consequences have been a disaster for the human race

If the best the left has is pizzashill and watermark, then humanity has nothing to worry about

Itโ€™s because in those circles being a dumb loser is actually a good thing and it means your opinion matters more. So most of their humor is cringe self deprecating stuff or awful attempts to be wholesome

Imagine going to an ideology that says โ€œthe more of a worthless degenerate you are the betterโ€. Truly shocked that it would breed self loathing and being a fag.

you act like stonetoss is funny


He is pretty much the modern day Shakespeare

stonetoss isn't funny, he's incisive

but if you think he's bad, check out his comments sections for some alt-right cringe

He can be really funny at times

sometimes but the jokes have already been made

not wanting bussy

why? are you some sort of faggot?


I WANT BUS-SY ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

faggy retards only have one joke... homophobe = faggot and its not even funny im not scared of faggots im not a faggot i just disagree with faggots existing

ok faggot lmfao sure

I've never witnessed so much cope about being an irl faggot lmao

Go suck a cock faggot

Spoken like a true fa*got

By that logic people at r/childfree are pedophiles.

Ahh but you see leftist "logic" only applies when they want to.


I still don't get it. Why do they need a community about deciding not to have kids? It's not hard to just not do something, I'm doing it right now.

Most people have a strong urge to pass down their genes. The people on there have the desire to have kids, but they pretend they are cool. KInd of like Nofap, they need a community to actually not do the things. Some people just dont really care, icluding you and me.

At least with r/nofap i assume (ive never been on it) not doing the thing requires effort

Eh, I do it and it doesnt impact me. Might be because im 14 years old.

Itโ€™s communal cope.

NoFap seems to have something to it IMO Masterbating makes us docile.

Mental retardation

Early 20s retards and some genuinely despicable 30s-40s. Itโ€™s mostly the former tho

They're miserable hateful pieces of shit so they band together to convince themselves they aren't pieces of shit

Who's to say they aren't?

Groomer moment


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what's ligma?

Joe mama ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Who's steve jobs?

John Galt

Nigeria stranger

Tfw the left canโ€™t meme so they just reappropriate right leaning memes.

You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.


  1. r/antifastonetoss cope over the fac... - archive.org, archive.today

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Honestly both the original and the trans one are funny. Is this centrism?



This is the only good stonetoss edit Iโ€™ve ever seen


All of them suck


My apologies, antifastonetoss is an incredible critique of fucking 4chan comics.

Editing comics to say โ€œTRANS RIGHTSโ€ is a very productive use of time.

Seethe x2

Actively coping

these comics are just free publicity for stonetoss, they literally keepp him alive


The reason I found out about stonetoss was from edited memes with the text stonetoss is a nazi. I then found his comics and thought they were pretty redpilled. They are doing exactly the opposite of what they intend to do.

My favorite sections on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbra_Streisand

  1. Early life
  2. "Streisand effect"

i checked the comics to see if they were any funnier then the leftist edits

ended up very dissapointed :((((

you think stonetoss is redpilled? are you a teenager by chance?

antifastonetoss hate stonetoss? That must mean they want to fuck him ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘ˆ

was he proud of being a nazi originally or something


Guy posted one comic where a holocaust book was in the 'fiction' shelf, and another one where a vampire rabbi wanted to suck dick blood after a circumcision.

So, if he's not a national socialist, he at least doesn't like jews.

Pride has turned into an Instagram opportunity for preKaren sluts

Oh yea, I too secretly wish to permanently mutilate my genitalia and alter my hormones for an extremely obscure and degenerate fetish that only developed through my overconsumption of internet pornography

It's "extremely obscure" among the regular population. Not so much when it comes to the magacel contingent. Poltards live for that shit.

Sissy hypno porn says autogynephilia rights!

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Lol it's funny if reinterpreted as "leftoid inadvertedly changes magatard into whitenat" or "magatard becomes deuxchad", but it's not funny in the way the way antifags intended it to - mildly amusing, sure, and unironically very hot, but funny, no.

Drama is probably the only place on reddit that copes and fumes over waves of mde refugess that will flood their playground anyyyy second now.

โ€œfunnyโ€ lmao

Drama is mad at the superior subreddit again

I mean at least it isnโ€™t just WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS like most other antifastonetoss-tier garbage

Dude bussy lmao

Better to be a nazi than a troomer.

Have you ever noticed how leftoid humor usually advocates for either one of these three?

  • Text wall
  • Enabling degeneracy
  • Violence

These people are fucking animals

More for me then ๐Ÿ˜Ž