Based zoomers

1  2020-05-31 by 4thebadbone


Cringe and attention seeking pilled tbh, funny to laugh at tho

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Don't these guys know twigger is going to dox them

The fire rises

Already happened and the life of the girl on the right got ruined, a kpop profile no less.

Their excuse? It's OK because black people are being told mean words, killed and kidnapped for being black.

And another Nazi has been created. Twitterfags are so dumb, if they just didn't intervene these whitoid zoomers would grow up and become NPCs like everyone else.

By destroying their lives they've ensured that they'll hate foreigners and minorities forever.

Who cares if another Nazi is created? Living life as an ostracized loser is punishment enough.

Lmao mega cope. If they are white and attractive, they will still have friends, lovers, careers etc. No one cares about your politics if you're fuckable

I worked with a nazi once. Like literally a lieutenant in the aryan nation. Dude was a chad and even his girlfriend wasn't white

Modern "nazis" are such pathetic larpers lol. How much you wanna bet this guy was constantly shitting on other hwites for diluting their genes or "coal-burning" but the minute his dick gets hard he forgets all his supposedly important beliefs.

Then why do rightoids cry about getting cancelled? Why do they deny ever being racist if the consequences of outing them aren't a big deal? Why don't they just say 'so what?' and ignore their detractors? Instead they all cry about their life being over and losing jobs and friends.

As a rightoid, I think it is because we are just not as idealistic. Rightoids are more practical. It's obvious that even if one joke you made gets leaked, you will lose your career and income. Rightoids are more likely to care about that.

Also, leftoids calling for killing business owners never gets any attention so they can do it freely.

All I see is cope. These idiots will face consequences of their actions and will serve as an example for any budding rightoid that gets ideas. The system works.

I feel the same way about people who get murdered, to be honest. It's like, if you had the good sense to fear that someone you were an asshole to might come back and murder you, this wouldn't be happening to you. But no, you had to snort when that incel asked you out, or you had to make a snarky comment when the workplace psycho asked you a questio, or fuck, you just didn't hold the door open for that guy who just got fired.

You had that shit coming.

Not sure a disagree with you

Lmao, the Seethe from a Chapo is expected

"Consequences of their actions" - usually means getting killed for not allowing migrants and blacks to loot and kill


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The cope is palpable. You and I both know no one will physically harm these kids but they will learn a valuable lesson that will serve them the rest of their lives. Stop being dramatic.

What's the lesson here? Don't post dumb shit?

This is the 21st century, and this is TikTok. Posting dumb shit regardless of topic is common

The lesson is the difference between type of dumb shit that can be posted and the type that can't. That's a valuable life lesson we all learn at some point.

All right, let me humor you Chapo

A 16 year old Chapoid posts that they want to genocide business owners, Christians and Whitoids. Should their life be ruined too?

If they posted that to their social media account with their face in fill view they too would be doxxed and learn a valuable life lesson. I'm not sure what you expect me to say.

Not sure what you want me to say

How about, hmm let's see.

"This person wrote a stupid comment when they were a teen, and as a consequence, shouldn't have their life ruined and address and phone leaked to the world for death threats. Regardless of whether the comment was rightoid or chapoid, the person in question should be allowed to mature and not be crucified over a joke".

Society requires its sacrificial lambs. Someone has to serve as an example for the rest the simpletons. The fact that rightoids like yourself are whining and crying about it means it's effective. The degenerates have to be kept in check.

Rslur, the only degenerates are people who spend their days reporting mean comments on plebbit, like yourself

Now please, call me a Nahtzee and end this discourse, I've had a long week

I love me some afternoon rightoid seethe. Society will teach these young degenerate wannabes a lesson they will never forget. And there isn't a thing you can do about it.

Keep talking I am laughing my ass off


Shut up commie

Cope less rightoid

All i see is braindead


And then you'll bitch when the ostracized loser goes and shoots some place up, killing dozens of people.

Given where things are going this shit is becoming a problem

Good lol. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Zoomers got no discretion.

Yes children are known for not doing dumb things and always being mature, they totally knew the consequences of their actions


As a society, we will likely regret this wierd combination we're brewing up, where we gut incomes, inflate people's expectations of success to truly--and I mean this in a literal sense--insane proportions, then we make it so the slightest slip-up in their youth gives them nothing left to lose. Add a little full-automation, and you've got a great recipe for societal decay.

Shit, for a lot of these kids, you may as well hand them a gun and tell them to either go into crime, or shoot up a school.

Spot on, things should be discussed, not silenced, if you silence others you fear of what they will say and so they will have their voice heard in any way.

The zoomers are heros for speaking out for what is right in thr face of total chimpery šŸ¦§

Internet points probably make them feel better about getting doxed lol

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Can you get more redditor than this


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based and toespilled

I've noticed a lot off šŸ‘ƒkpopšŸ‘ƒ profiles linked to the doxxing lately. Twitter never bans then for breaking TOS, however.

And that's a good thing

Lol imagine advocating communism from a gulag

Only in the mind of a fragile rightoid does doxxing = gulag


Probably tbh


Can you give me the link, please?


What did I miss?

What happens when they dox 90% of White zoomers.

If everyone is doxed no one is?

You laugh, but it'll be like liberal degeneracy all over again. If everyone has something shady in their past, the clean become suspicious and open for mockery. You see this in most criminal circles, where a clean sheet is basically the same thing as 'no experience' on your resume. Either you're a rat or you're some dumbfuck who's going to get them all killed.

Best way to make sure that no company will ever hire you.

I would hire them instantly

Then you're company will earn a bad reputation, and noone will want to buy from you.

Why would anyone want to sell to fags anyway


Mfs will see someone say the truth and say ā€œcopeā€

Iā€™ve done that three times today already, and itā€™s not even noon.

hihihihihi based cuck cope mayo seethe bussy dilate xdddd im also a funny deuxchad like y'all

have sex

My company is Racism Inc and stocks are sky high right now nigger

Manā€™s literally the CEO of Racism

Did we just find

The CEO of racismšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³

You know what, I was wrong I admit it. If you sell a product that is only bought by racist whites, then hiring them is a good idea. I'm sure racists are buying those adult diapers, so if they see a black person they don't shit their pants, but shit into their diapers.

This. I poo'ed into my hand when daddy drumph came (heh) by and then rubbed the doody on his hand wen I shook it. Whoose laughing now, whiteboi.


Mayos = annihilated

Did this nigger just serious post on deux

Post of the Year

Not only do I want to buy from his company, I want to but the whole company!


I'd buy from their company

Thatā€™s why you donā€™t own a company

those companies are only reflexively adapting to what they perceive to be public opinion - as soon as that tide shifts, they will too.

why not start up a company and play this out poorcel?

Hey, you got the flair you wanted. Did you ask like I suggested?

Anyone with a brain would hire them instantly with a huge signing bonus.

You think we give a shit about government jobs? šŸ¤£ private businesses are way better šŸ˜Ž

Based lmao send those zoomers to /nsg/

Everday I pray to Allah for zoomers to rid us of the m*llennial yoke.

Inshallah, brother, we will no longer bow to the virus that is Westrn Libral thought


Liberalism is just as terrible as Leftism.

89% of zoomers are troids, the only yoke their gonna get rid of is the one the emts cut off the ceiling fan

Not me, they almost got me but I managed to survive being raised by the internet.

They could have just ordered him to not die.

Implying joggers obey commands issued by police. He was getting shot regardless

Should've told him to die then, reverse psychology.


Guys what the fuck

You good, king?


Whatā€™d you expect from this subreddit? Lol

I don't remember it being this bad, tbh. I guess I'm just retarded smh

Imagine being so sensitive that some words hurt you sweaty

Bruh I wish I was hurt


"would have" you fucking illiterate

Funny post but posting this where people can see it is retarded and theyā€™re probably going to get nogged

Itā€™s already everywhere

Zoomers rise up


What's worse is that a decent proportion of the black community would love nothing more than to kill these literal children. If you say the n-word it's like giving them a death warrant.

Tell that to trump who wanted the death penalty for the Central Park Five

That is why they were only slaves.

thatā€™s a good thing

You can say nigger

The communist bot is watching.


Communists are the niggers of political ideologies.

Nigger what?

Yeah, but in the white racist community, I get to shoot the black people who come looking to kill me. So that's a win-win. Like using a salt-lick while hunting.

Lol these losers got doxxed

doxxing random kids to end racism

They should have been more discreet. I donā€™t care about the racism element of it. Idk why but zoomers have nowhere near the amount of discretion that millennials do, despite them being more of a part of the internet age.

Rightoids seethe in this thread is beautiful

It baffles me how in the USA mere words can get your life ruined. They are words. Come on!

Sticks and stones can break your bones but words will fuck you up forever

Because words create ideas and paradigms. They drive action. They are powerful things.

Mailable minds see this shit and think ā€œyeah. Killing that black man is no big deal. They suck lolā€.

Now what. Regression of progress toward empathy, peace and unity.

I just downvoted your comment. FAQ What does this mean?

The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. Why did you do this?

There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

Being a fucking retard,
Being a pasty pandering weak bitch,
Being black. 

Am I banned from the Reddit?

No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

Words create ideas yes, but that idea is created in the minds of those who listen and are equipped with their own human ability of critical thinking. Words do not have a spell over you, words are mere words, which at best can spark an idea but you execute it, you consider the consequences.

As long as words are not being used directly for inciting violence i.e. 'let us commit...' I believe in a society words cannot merely amount to violence or harm, they are just words.

itā€™s spelled ā€œmalleableā€ bud

AW shit. Nice catch. Thanks man.

If you think dark jokes turn people in racist psychopaths you should seriously consider lowering your daily soy intake

Awww, looks like someone's Freshman Seminar included Saussure..

Because Twitter was a mistake

They look like faggots.

Horrible people.

Post skin tone

Ask your mom the color of my taint

She said you didn't know how to wipe properly.

I was saving her some flavor, per her request


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It was bad enough with MDEfugees, now we have xboxliveFugees??

The funny thing here is you all think Iā€™m the bad person for thinking that mocking someoneā€™s murder is a horrible thing.


I do have a hard time processing what is happening now. There seems to be a horde of people Celebrating this mans murder. How am I supposed to be ok with that?

Who's celebrating lmao

Dude has a beer in hand, laughing and giggling. Looks like quite a party to me. Or can you not see the picture?

He's just having fun and not letting it put him down, he's not celebrating


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You are lost. Truly lost.


And nose

What the fuck is with zoomers and posting shit that can ryun your life publicly

So fucking dumb

White pride for you

Boundaries need to be pushed by someone, why not unemployed teenagers who donā€™t have rent to pay. Itā€™s not like the political climate will stay like this for the next decade.

Boundaries need to be pushed by someone

except when it comes to gender, equality, diversity etc i guess.

stfu rightoid, saying nigger isnt pushing boundaries its just being a dumbass edgelord

Seriously there is no fun in saying nigger if it doesn't make people mad


Rightoids have been predicting the political climate taking a sharp right turn since the beginning of time. Still it continues going left. Next generation's rightoids will be announcing their pronouns before every conversation.

Not if we follow through with Uncle Teds plan this time around

Leftoids have been predicting the political climate taking a sharp left turn since the beginning of time as well. However we look at history and its clearly a gradual leftward shift until things either collapse or society gets fed up with degeneracy and takes it too far.

Are you honestly denying that it's been going left? If your sharp right turn depends on collapse of society then I got bad news for you. Modern societies are collapse proof.

Modern societies are collapse proof

Meaning that eventually enough of society will become disgusted with the degeneracy and in their attempt to correct, will overshoot. I never said that it wasn't going left, but considering how connected the world is, there will be a lot more people tuned in to how their countries are being stripped of what made them valuable and turning citizens into slaves.

Do you honestly think that's a new insight? Degenerates have been saying that since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Yet society continues to move forward.

Listen leftoid, even if the world becomes a Leftist hell hole you still won't be a member of the Politburo

You'll be serving someone smarter than you who has appropriated the movement. If you are okay with that, fine. But don't delude yourself

What makes you think I have any ambition? I'd be satisfied being a low level snitch that reports suspected rightoids for wrongthink.

I know you would be, leftoid jannies have no other job lol

I can only aspire to being a janny one day. In the mean time I will continue to smash that report button.

I think the media gives a very false impression of where our society is going. They target left-leaning urban types because they have more money, and because they already agree to those politics. But the real world doesn't in any way resemble the world we see on television or in the movies, and the opinions of the elite are increasingly detatched from the beliefs of everyday people.

And no society is collapse-proof. You can't possible believe that. Globalism might forestall or even prevent minor to serious problems, but it also guarantees that a critical problem will be critical for the entire industrialized world, rather than the more traditional scenario, which is more pockets of collapse.

There is a lot of ruin in a nation, and that makes idiots think that it cannot ever actually be ruined. It's the 'ducktape has always worked, so it always will' theory of engineering.

the political climate has made several sharp left turns just within living memory. The sharp turn toward Nixon and 'Law and Order' conservatives is the most notable, and it arguably endured well into the 90s.

That wasn't a sharp turn right. That was a slight steering back to center after the extreme left turn of 60s and the resulting degeneracy.

Nixo created the EPA and ushered us into an era environmental consciousness.

Lol youre dumber than they are

"would of" tells you all you need to know

People say this, but it's going to be like unwed mothers. Dirty, disgusting and horrible people...who you can no longer even slightly criticize because of how goddamned many of those whores there are.

In ten years, everyone's going to be doxed and dirty, and the public outrage that will rise up against those who hold it against you will make having any standards at all an untenable position.

The Earth is healing.


Ummmmmmm, pretty sure kpop stans already doxxed this person.

Low iq joggers versus average iq burgers. Id say we gas them both so only galaxy brain deuxchads remain.

Crackers be like: lets ruin our careers with unfunny jokes

Jokes aside it's not worth asking this question on other subs I'd just get downvoted and no answer. What was George Floyd's offense? Like what did he do? Also did he attempt to run away or fire a gun or something? I couldn't find the answers on internet.

Apparently trying to pass off counterfeit $20s.

The police say he was resisting arrest but honestly who the fuck knows, I can't be assed to sift through the millions of news videos showing half-second clips to judge for myself.

Rightoid cope is something to behold

zoomers gave me hope for humanity

the zoomer rioters are only there because it's trending.

its not even about george floyd's death anymore, or police reform

they're narcissists who need the attention

The one on the right looks kinda like a ape


Anyone who says "would of" should be shot

Do they have a gofundme yet?

this is what alcohol does to your brain

I agree that the j*ws should never have brought black slaves to the americas.

Is she wearing nude lipstick and have no eyebrows, or is her entire body just that one shade like that...?

By the way I might be ed_butteredtoast in disgiuse. Just saying.