It could very well be power tripping but we've seen in the past where the frowned upon subs were held to a much higher standard than default/hall monitor subs. I wouldn't be shocked it drama was banned for actions that were going on all over reddit
Maybe you should make a group decision regarding whether it's a good idea or not to continue being moderators since you're evidently not able to do it without constantly having to make the subreddit private?
Have you ever considered that being a jannie just isn't what you can offer to the world?
Ever thought about just doing other things during your free time?
Maybe go for a jog once in a while instead of wasting your time on reddit and managing to even fuck that up all the time?
Or are you, perharps, just in for the money? You need the pay to buy more Funkos? I get it, why say no to some good old Ben Franklins? We all have to eat man, right? Not all of us can be Landchads, after all...
Oh, wait... you're not only doing a shit job, you're also doing it for free! 😂😂😂
Nah, there's no other real drama subs. This shithole is mostly just dull suburbanites upvoting months old Facebook memes. It's not even fun milking them.
Yeah we need more basement dwelling moids to scour reddit dwellings and dumpster fires like Twitter so they can entertain us with prime Drama. Unfortunately for me I have a life and a job so wasting my golden 20’s digging up daily shitflinging is definitely a YIKESARINO from me. I’d rather just post low effort monke
The autistic mods sticky their shitposts and turn the sub private whenever they feel like it, half the comments on every thread is [removed] because no one knows which words the robojannie doesn't like, and half the posts on the frontpage are undercover chapos crying about the "MDEfugee menace."
Sure pal, every dumbass decision your janitors make is actually a post-post-post ironic 200IQ 4d chess move.
You guys brag all the time about being the "4chan retirement home" but you're actually a bunch of self-important zoomers and troomers hanging out in a gay little club, trying to out-smug each other.
I got banned in the great purge. I was a CAutist that hopped over to watch redditors piss and shit themselves in dramatic fashion, only posted like once or twice. Messaged mods a few times but gave up lol.
The autistic mods sticky their shitposts and turn the sub private whenever they feel like it, half the comments on every thread is [removed] because no one knows which words the robojannie doesn't like,
Hell yeah
and half the posts on the frontpage are undercover chapos crying about the "MDEfugee menace."
Dude you tried to impress the sub with nudes your meth head wife then got bullied for your meth head kitchen instead. And you actually liked it. Your definition of nice is probably the mirror opposite of the real thing.
Since I am a well established refugee I suggest we enact a hard border to keep out the filth no need to let srdine wannabes ruin this excellent community. I am one of the good ones the ones coming now aren’t.
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-02
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-02
This is why we need Islam.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
3 PedoNormalizedBy2025 2020-06-02
2 abooseoxy 2020-06-02
1 Banned_8_Times 2020-06-02
1 Copeshit 2020-06-02
1 fast_tremolo_picking 2020-06-02
Some retards were cheering for cops being ran over and shot at, the y'all was inevitable.
That or they're being powertripping whores again.
1 perkot12 2020-06-02
Most likely the latter
1 Sleepywalker69 2020-06-02
I mean, most of reddit is saying that shit at the minute.
2 charming_tatum 2020-06-02
It could very well be power tripping but we've seen in the past where the frowned upon subs were held to a much higher standard than default/hall monitor subs. I wouldn't be shocked it drama was banned for actions that were going on all over reddit
1 BeneficialTable8 2020-06-02
implying that they aren't powertripping whores all the time
1 ZumWegwerfenBitte 2020-06-02
Probably the work of the agendaposting mod who vowed to ban all rightcels from the sub lmao
AnnArchist please purge them and make the sub centrist again
1 Nom_Chompy 2020-06-02
Wasn't me alone. It was a group decision. Also the reason was this.
3 S-K_123 2020-06-02
Leftoids should have never been let off the plantation
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-06-02
should have told him to cheer for protestor death like we do here
1 Sloppyjosh 2020-06-02
Please make me an approvedcel I voted for bernie and trump
1 Bummunism 2020-06-02
1 DrunkyDog 2020-06-02
I assume all of your blubbering necks that look like foreskins. Lawlz is Adonis compared you you fucks.
You losers always do this when shit gets good. Last lockdown was when Warren dropped out.
I just need to know what idiots to laugh at on reddit, and my daily sniff of bussy.
Deux is better but drama had an important place since every other meta reddit sub is agenda fuckshit.
1 DangerNut 2020-06-02
Power tripping mods?
1 Nom_Chompy 2020-06-02
Both reasons were why.
1 DangerNut 2020-06-02
There is definitely some crazy vibe going on reddit. Chappo spam just in the weirdest places.
1 ZumWegwerfenBitte 2020-06-02
Maybe you should make a group decision regarding whether it's a good idea or not to continue being moderators since you're evidently not able to do it without constantly having to make the subreddit private?
Have you ever considered that being a jannie just isn't what you can offer to the world?
Ever thought about just doing other things during your free time?
Maybe go for a jog once in a while instead of wasting your time on reddit and managing to even fuck that up all the time?
Or are you, perharps, just in for the money? You need the pay to buy more Funkos? I get it, why say no to some good old Ben Franklins? We all have to eat man, right? Not all of us can be Landchads, after all...
Oh, wait... you're not only doing a shit job, you're also doing it for free! 😂😂😂
1 Nom_Chompy 2020-06-02
No u
1 Corporal-Hicks 2020-06-02
and they bitch about MDEfugees invading the sub
3 Sirjdsisifbds 2020-06-02
👆👆MDE cryposting
2 Spysix 2020-06-02
It's all so tiresome tbh.
1 silverpanther17 2020-06-02
so do we
3 4thebadbone 2020-06-02
Only because they aren’t racist enough. Bunch of pussies
1 CountChadvonCisberg 2020-06-02
It’s always the latter
1 awarabej 2020-06-02
Why not both?
1 XirallicBolts 2020-06-02
The latter. Drama isn't worth the effort when you can get banned literally by an RNG
1 Typo_Knig 2020-06-02
Hopefully it’s permanent
1 Sardinops 2020-06-02
Nah, there's no other real drama subs. This shithole is mostly just dull suburbanites upvoting months old Facebook memes. It's not even fun milking them.
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
don't forget the ethnic slurs
1 LoliIsArt 2020-06-02
Yeah we need more basement dwelling moids to scour reddit dwellings and dumpster fires like Twitter so they can entertain us with prime Drama. Unfortunately for me I have a life and a job so wasting my golden 20’s digging up daily shitflinging is definitely a YIKESARINO from me. I’d rather just post low effort monke
1 ThenextRickSantorum 2020-06-02
You’re wasting your 20s by spending any amount of time on reddit.
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-06-02
1 LoliIsArt 2020-06-02
1 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-02
Uh same statement could be used here tbh
1 1StrokeBust 2020-06-02
If drama goes, then I’m actually gonna be mad. It’s one of my favorite subs and the community is not over run by any average redditors
1 donpendejo 2020-06-02
I'm literally coping right now. :(
1 alakavat 2020-06-02
Drama mods are so wAcKy and rAnDom LOL.
The autistic mods sticky their shitposts and turn the sub private whenever they feel like it, half the comments on every thread is [removed] because no one knows which words the robojannie doesn't like, and half the posts on the frontpage are undercover chapos crying about the "MDEfugee menace."
2 ItsSugar 2020-06-02
1 JohnWoo4 2020-06-02
Drama is unironically one of the most heavily censored subs on this site.
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
That's unironically the point
Or it might be ironic i lost track
1 alakavat 2020-06-02
Sure pal, every dumbass decision your janitors make is actually a post-post-post ironic 200IQ 4d chess move.
You guys brag all the time about being the "4chan retirement home" but you're actually a bunch of self-important zoomers and troomers hanging out in a gay little club, trying to out-smug each other.
Again, pathetic.
3 d4ddyd64m4 2020-06-02
This sounds suspiciously like cope
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
i thought that was my point
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2020-06-02
And then you post like a camwhore faking an orgasm to the sound of money with a bit of plastic up your ass.
Don't try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
1 assassin_is_born 2020-06-02
Bro who the fuck knows if Drama is even real
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
jedediah purdy was right all along, post-irony is all there is
1 yocrappacrappa 2020-06-02
I got banned there after a Jannie malfunction.
2 Sennappen 2020-06-02
I got banned for telling a tranny to 41% xerself
2 DangerNut 2020-06-02
My ban was for telling someone that they could stop the automod spam by just blocking the automod.
That was the first time ever I got a rant with my ban.
2 HitlerSayTransRights 2020-06-02
I made a longpost about doxing a schizo tranny to the Farms
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2020-06-02
I got banned for... actually I have no idea why I got banned.
2 OrionGaming 2020-06-02
Probably underage
1 nan_chino 2020-06-02
My old account got banned for capeshit meme. Was probably that
1 XirallicBolts 2020-06-02
I got banned the final time because they had too many subscribers and autobanned 90% of them, requiring you "entertain" them for unban.
The exact same shit that made people hate me_irl
4 Vandrewver 2020-06-02
The endless cuckery of the same "people" who mocked bpt for the country club shit yet happily danced for their unpaid jannies to get back into the sub
1 noogai131 2020-06-02
I got banned in the great purge. I was a CAutist that hopped over to watch redditors piss and shit themselves in dramatic fashion, only posted like once or twice. Messaged mods a few times but gave up lol.
0 Redactor0 2020-06-02
That's a shame. It's exactly the kind of creative and hilarious content that we really need. It never gets old.
1 spooklordomega 2020-06-02
They're wacky and random because of manchilditis and trannyism.
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
Hell yeah
No it's nice
3 Sasanka_Of_Gauda 2020-06-02
Dude you tried to impress the sub with nudes your meth head wife then got bullied for your meth head kitchen instead. And you actually liked it. Your definition of nice is probably the mirror opposite of the real thing.
2 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
well maybe, but i'm pretty sure they aren't chapos
1 Redstar587 2020-06-02
Cry more bussy boy
0 MrGoodieMob 2020-06-02
lol cope
1 DangerNut 2020-06-02
Ah so it's a day of the week that ends in the letter "y".
2 alexicov 2020-06-02
Is it Daddy already?
1 solarbearman 2020-06-02
Drama has the tendency to go private when actual drama occurs
1 Things_Remote 2020-06-02
Since I am a well established refugee I suggest we enact a hard border to keep out the filth no need to let srdine wannabes ruin this excellent community. I am one of the good ones the ones coming now aren’t.
1 furryjihad 2020-06-02
They can't be worse than our current refugees, this time I support multiculturalism
1 thealt1776 2020-06-02
Incoming deux flood
1 [deleted] 2020-06-02
1 agrees2retardsFan 2020-06-02
Deux please do the same thing
1 Hormelcoffee6 2020-06-02
Why do you persecute us so?
1 solarbearman 2020-06-02
mdefugees can't do banter. They only spam n-words and think they're comedy geniuses.
1 Hormelcoffee6 2020-06-02
It's literally better than "hurrr bussy trussy seethe cope I'm trans wah wah ACAB trussy bussy cope seethe dilate"
1 The_Homocracy 2020-06-02
hurrr bussy trussy seethe cope I'm trans wah wah ACAB trussy bussy cope seethe dilate
1 [deleted] 2020-06-02
1 AwanBros 2020-06-02
Hey homocracy I got banned by accident at rrrrdrama. I have never been a mdefugee, let alone post there. How about letting me back in?
1 [deleted] 2020-06-02
1 agrees2retardsFan 2020-06-02
Because of your boring humour and lack of drama posting
1 SeminalSentinel 2020-06-02
because everyone of your posts cause drama sweaty, thats unacceptable
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-02
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1 ClementineChime 2020-06-02
Oh, is it? That's strange. I didn't even notice. I just perused the latest Lawlz sticky while sippin pina colada. I wonder why you guys can't see it?
🤣 It 🤣 never 🤣 began 🤣 for 🤣 unapprovedcels 🤣
1 loli_esports 2020-06-02
double approved gang rise up
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-06-02
1 Prince-Klonopin 2020-06-02
i don't see how you can hate from outside of the club 🤔
1 FagglePuss 2020-06-02
at this point the sub is closed more than it's open. Not even your average faggy leftoid sub is that fragile.
-1 Kat_B0T 2020-06-02
1 GelloThrowback456 2020-06-02
Imagine not being an approcedcel.
2 mohkohnsepicgun 2020-06-02
tbh it's one step down from being someonewho gives reddit gold.
Anyway, we all know everytime arrdrama goes private it's like the streets of London at the beginning of 28 Days Later over there.
1 GelloThrowback456 2020-06-02
Thank you kind stranger.
1 TotesMessenger 2020-06-02
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
2 Krillbill01 2020-06-02
I’m glad I’ve held onto my anal virginity long enough to not be an approved poster on drama
1 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-02
1 1StrokeBust 2020-06-02
Fuck you 😡
3 Can_The_SRDine 2020-06-02
3 zergling_Lester 2020-06-02
seethe more 😎
1 tHeSiD 2020-06-02
Hey totes can you stope leaking tip secret information like this? K thx bye
1 Kramer_rulez 2020-06-02
Yall,did me dirty😤
1 awarabej 2020-06-02
agendaposter cope
1 GaysianSupremacist 2020-06-02
Unapproved rightards cope. 😴
1 assassin_is_born 2020-06-02
Straight and bluepilled
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-02
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1 diggity_md 2020-06-02
Admins be like: there's been a dramatic happening, honey, it's time for your dick flattening
Drama jannies be like: yes honey privates sub
1 MindlessPhilosopher0 2020-06-02
Hilarious and original!
1 TranstrasserismNow 2020-06-02
Don't mind me, just here to mock unapprovedcelsðŸ¤ðŸ¤ðŸ¤
1 Demysted1234 2020-06-02
Unapproved-cels seething lol
1 silverpanther17 2020-06-02
Brace for the fugees
1 SameIPasLastTime 2020-06-02
One of them has been reporting my accounts to the badmins as well. I’ve lost 5 this week.
1 dramasutra2020 2020-06-02
Does this happen periodically? Is everyone just menstruating over there?
1 JefferyEpsteinAMA 2020-06-02
1 Dzules 2020-06-02
How can we keep the sardines out now?
1 aduketsavar 2020-06-02
I'm approved but permabanned, I can lurk when the sub is private but can't post. This is both beautiful and retarded.
2 AutoModerator 2020-06-02
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SmurfPolitics 2020-06-02
They banned me but never de-approved me.
I can still see all of the Janny left-wing police work in action
1 VulvaRevolver 2020-06-02
I am banned but I can still see.
I will let you know if anything interesting happens during this time.
1 MemeAnalzyer 2020-06-02
drama made me aware of the MDE sub in the first place, yet ive been labelled an mdefugee, atleast I'm an approbed boaster
1 eillius 2020-06-02
Don't stop I'm gonna cope