Georgia Floyd says trans rights!

1281  2020-06-10 by FirstHawk_2


Trans women are women

Brave and beautiful 😍😍


I believe in freedom so I will not infringe upon your right to hold this opinion, even though it is stupid, but I will say that it flies in the face of scientific consensus. We have to learn to support our trans brothers and sisters.

What science lol

The science has been clear on two points β€” sex is complicated, influenced by a myriad of factors, and not binary; transgender people are real, and their identities are valid. If you want to say otherwise, then you are saying it in the face of overwhelming scientific consensus.

Again, I believe in freedom, as well as the right for you to express your opinion, but it is also my right β€” and responsibility as a Reddit moderator β€” to use the tools given to me to make sure that this subreddit and the community that we've built around it remains tolerant towards transgender people, towards people from the broader LGBT community, towards black people, and towards marginalized demographics as a whole.

So while you haven't crossed any lines so far, I'm warning you to express your opinion about transgender issues in an honest, open, and respectful manner.

You have a right to your opinion. You do not have the right to harm marginalized peoples.

The science has been clear on two points

sex is complicated

Doesn't sound very clear to me

Jannies gonna jannie

"Janny" is a derogatory term for individuals who spend their time making this site a better place.

We have a duty to foster an open and welcoming environment.

How much do you get paid?

Reddit moderators do not receive compensation. Subreddits are managed on a volunteer basis. I have β€” along with others β€” decided to devote time to managing this subreddit, which I assume you enjoy, and as part of this role we have decided to actively support marginalized peoples to combat the increasingly bigoted rhetoric here.

teehee maybe they should doble ur pay since ur doing such a good job

LOL! Maybe they should β€” you get a lot of hate doing something like this (being a moderation and advocating for trans people), and you wonder if you should keep doing it, but ultimately I think that helping the oppressed is worth it. Compensation of some kind wouldn't hurt, though, after all, we are responsible for running this site.

ok for each person u opress you get 1% increase to yyour moadaerator salarey

Thank you lord Jannie. Allah will grant you 72 virgins in his kingdom for your sacrifices to keep nazis out of your Reddit forum

I appreciate the kind words, and though I find the Islamophobic joke distasteful, I'm still capable of understanding that it is a joke and that you don't mean anything by it. I wish you well!

Friend jannie, Allah has his kingdom in heaven and will grant you your necessary femboys and anal lube courtesy of George soros.

Hey, I get it. I'm funny too. I'm not some stuffy moderator (or 'janny' lol). I'm a regular guy.

I can make memes. I like cute kitties as much as anyone. I can be silly.

Yeah I know, your mom told me all about you



Don't be disingenuous.

Q predicted this

didn't read lol

Then don't respond. Simple as that.

Can you show some hard science on this, last I checked there is none.

Have you ever checked, though?

If you had, you would know that this is currently the scientific consensus. This is science. These are facts. Experts have affirmed this a thousand times over, and it's only due to your own ignorance that you don't know this already.

But I understand from your post history that you are most likely incapable of understanding the logic of being allies with marginalized people. Stop posting on /r/ConsumeProduct and learn the /r/DeuxRAMA way: tolerance.

censorship of papers like Lisa Littman's is not consensus.

Some papers deserve to be censored. Unrestricted freedom of speech is not practiced in most western democracies because it is recognized as akin to the genocide of marginalized people.

As is my religious obligation I will always stand for the poor and truly marginalized but I see that as delusion and encouraging it is doing them no favors. If you genuinly provide me hard science to show it's not delusion I will protect them, as is my duty to Yahweh.

This is an atheist subreddit. Religious people are free to post here, but you have to understand that the default position of users here is atheism. The official position of our moderation team is that god is not real, and that he is a superstition created by ignorant people.

I literally just told you that I'd be on your side for this issue if you can accommodate my simple request. If the issue is truly clear as daylight it would take pretty much no effort and most reasonable men would be willing. Instead you're gonna go ahead and do that.

I'm sorry if it offends your fundamentalists sensibilities, but you might as well align yourself with the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is as real as the Christian god is.

So what I'm getting from this is that you can't provide the hard science to validate transgender individuals?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You aren't entitled to have me educate you. Trans women are women. Locked.

Stop posting on /r/ConsumeProduct

Hmmmm ;)


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Jannies gonna jannie

"Janny" is a derogatory term for individuals who spend their time making this site a better place.

Idk in general 4chan is a better site and there's much less jannie intervention.

4chan is a bigoted shithole. You need to pick up a book sometime.

So what I'm getting from this is that you have no good arguments for why this site is better than 4chan so you're gonna seethe and assume I don't read based of off little to no evidence. There's plenty of good arguments as to why this site is better than 4chan that you could bring up that I'd generally agree with, both sites have their strengths. But instead you resorted to that. I know you can do better.

This subreddit is not a democracy. I don't have to explain my reasoning. Locked.

How can someone so unbased mod this sub?

The official position of this entire moderation team is that trans women are women, LGBT rights are human rights, and Black Lives Matter.

Wait is this unironic? Get rid of this jannie lol.

He's larping you autist

This is the position of the entire moderation team. Trans women are women.

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I was on the fence, but I think my mind has been made up now.

What did you pick? I'm used to mods doing stupid shit on arrdrama for lols, but there's way too much effort here without a smidge of irony.

I picked being ironic. He made quite the post on r/consumeproduct a few months back haha.

Nvm I can’t tell

<comment about him being a tranny>

I thought all drama jannies were like that.

Yeah probably lol


Idk the whole animal kingdom looks pretty binary to me

Nigga Who The Fuck Getting Harrmed Here Bro If Your Trans Just Walk Away From The Computer


How do you tell whether they're a brother or sister though πŸ€”

Hey. So that's a good question.

Typically you should ask someone what their gender and pronouns are before getting to know them. That way there is no risk of you making a false assumption.


lol faggot

All the world's problems would be solved if we just learned to get along.

Then it should be 'women are women'


'We are all women'

It's called an adjective.

For example:

White women are women. Black women are women. White women are not black women.

Trans women are women. Cis women are women. Trans women are not cis women.

3rd line is wrong btw

No it's not. And I'm not going to engage with someone like you. Locked.

You can lock me harder than my chastity cage but a real gamer can never be defeated

So brave, I'm crying!

And that’s a FACT! Transphobes BTFO



Slayyyy queenπŸ™Œ fuck the patriary! 😠

So brave.

Big big chungus big chungus big chungus big big chungus big chungus big chungus

Neither Canadians or mods are human.

trans women are trans women


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That's why I don't respect them.

Stunning, and dare I say, brave

Yaas qween, slay!

Tran women are more woman than real women

fags are fags


Would transitioning have saved her?

Considering that about 95% of people killed by police are male, Yes, most likely it would have.

Male Lives Matter ✊🏿


For a couple of months at best. Wouldn't have saved her from herself if you get my point πŸ˜‰

He'd be at home injecting hormones and putting on lipstick instead of taking opiates.

mfw i accidentally shoot a heckin left wing demoncrap

Floyd joined the big 41% in the sky

This is the most based shit I’ve ever seen

Look at his lips

Look at the top of his head!




Their on fleek

Their what?

Breathtaking 😍😍😍

Trump just fucking adores brainless grunts and indulges them endlessly. Idiot police with an 80 IQ who are glorified bouncers except with a thousand times the power and immunity to criminal charges. Stupid Seal grunts with peas for brains who can't do their job because they're too busy sniping children with a big smile on their face, gotta make sure their commanders can't discipline them, in fact honor Seals who think their job is war crimes above those who followed orders and target things with a tactical purpose, because their stupid grunts, gotta worship the strong boy, look at those muscles, how dare you make him sad by trying to enforce discipline so that all those pea brain grunts don't suffer a wild breakdown in order and cease doing the will of society, but instead turn into mindless brigands with no purpose.

No can't make the pea brain grunt sad, just have to indulge him and his pea brain, so that we're just a bunch of wild grunts roaming around doing as they wish as the common people cringe in terror. That's heroism, their sacrifice is heroism, every idiot grunt why dies to mortar fire because he was too distracted sniping children, he died for us, that was our goal, piles of dead raped women, wow his dick must have been happy, that's all that matters, glad to have funded such a venture, taxpayer funds for idiots murdercation. What a hero, what a sacrifice. When Gallagher dies instead of draping the flag across his casket, let's drape a picture of an Afghan child with their skull blown open, let's be honest here about what he served for.

I'm glad to all the funds we spend killing black people that 75 IQ racist rednecks always finger because they're dumb as a brick and incapable of recognizing any other pattern. Let's just indulge that behavior, never discipline them for it, also pay them just for gratuitous self pleasing brutality, glass to spend my taxpayer funds on that idiot grunts power trip, let's never discipline them at all so that it all just turns into them indulging their stupidity on our dime.

Fuck grunts, this is exactly the problem with police and soldier worship. They become untouchable in our imagination because they're so venerated. But a pea brain grunt that's untouchable and endlessly indulged eventually just turns into a mindless brigand. So we worship brigands with room temperature IQs.

News flash - the sacrifice of troops was only heroic in the past because we put bullets in the heads of the grunts who couldn't follow orders, that kept the others concentrated on actually accomplishing the goal and kept them from dishonoring themselves, their force, and their country and invalidating the meaning of that sacrifice. We allowed pea brain grunts to be heroes because we used their muscle while slapping them every time they tried to substitute their pea brain for that of their superiors. Then we worshiped them mindlessly and took away any and all discipline because they couldn't be touched, and guess what they started doing what a pea brained grunts brain says to do. It's not very honorable or heroic, mindless muscle following it's own will is just brigandry, nobody sheds a tear when a brigands dies, when they die the only thing they sacrificed for was themselves, fuck them.

Is this pasta?

It’s watermark so 50/50 chance

Words words words words words words words words words

Who post it on r/traaaaannnnns ?


Pretty sure they've got a bot that shadowbans deuxtards and other degenerates.

yep, these racist transphobes banned me

And that's a good thing. Stay in your lane sweatypie.




Elegance incarnate.

Floyd says no to troomerphobia

are you saying the Fentanyl overdose was a suicide?

Yep a sudden heart attack, that's totally what an opiate overdose looks like. Just happened to kick in so that he slowly stopped moving in the middle of a 10 minute period where a blood choke was applied to him.

Maybe it probably wouldn't helped if he would've taken his knee off the overdose victims neck and immediately began administering cpr once the overdose began. I seriously doubt the knee was helping much. But nah he's going to sit there with his neck on a motionless body for 5 minutes, until the EMT comes over, he lifts up his knee and carries what is obviously now a corpse into the ambulance.

imagine serious posting in a thread about Floyd being a troid

I for one am happy to finally see our negroid bruthas finally embracing trannies by supporting BLM. this is a huge step forward in their otherwise stagnant evolution.

Heckin’ validπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

The moderators deciding whether or not to ban us must be confused as hell

George would have beaten a tranny to death.

If he didn't accept payment for fucking one first πŸ€”

Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. Georgia Floyd says trans rights! -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Trans rights are human rights!


M'lady πŸ˜πŸ’‹πŸ”₯

Careful. I got suspended for 3 days by the admins for making this post.

I summon u/Vintologi_se and u/QuadNarca to bless this post.

Transpositivity is our strength

Based and thotpilled

I'd smash

what? his neck? i wouldn't

I’m so proud of this community 😭

I tried converting to Mormonism as a child but my friends parents got mad because I'd add pigtails and girl clothes to Jesus handouts.

I should've just said 'Jesus supports trans rights !!!' but idk if 2004 was the same world we live in now

Wanna take that challenge on bareback texas style

Damn thicc

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Now I’m upset pride was canceled. What a great way to show solidarity to all the black, trans women!

Now I’m upset pride was canceled. What a great way to show solidarity to all the black, trans women!

Now I’m upset pride was canceled. What a great way to show solidarity to all the black, trans women!



/r/wholesome /r/transpassing

Ok enough this is like "Weekend at Bernie's" levels of corpse abuse.

Whatever this man was, let him rest in peace.

Tell that to the people running multiple funerals for him

he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach during an armed robbery once

guy was a piece of shit who didn't deserve to be murdered, but he's no martyr.

I'm sure he did man and you aren't just making up more shit you read on a white supremacist forum. Please keep on making excuses to indulge your 80 IQ cops on their murder rampages and we can keep on having riots until you learn your lesson.

chapo chapo chapo chapo chapo

Okay I guess court records are now white supremacist forums.

yeah but all these weird memes people are making with his dead face it's like tying his corpse to a pole and throwing a dress on it and parading it around town.

like sure he was a total piece of shit, but he's dead. Like that old expression about beating a dead horse. It's as if some people here are beating OFF to that dead horse. Super grotesque and unbecoming of civilized people.

yeah, don't care. it doesn't effect anyone

Yeah as if this had any purpose besides white supremacy lmao get fucked

George was an idiot lo iq bouncer, Chauvin is also an idiot lo iq bouncer. Chauvin committed way more crimes he just never served any time for it because you for some reason think it's a good idea to give idiot grunts total impunity and absolute authority and set them lose on the public. Go fuck yourself animal. Riot until you learn your fucking lesson.

Stop beating the dead horse and start ass fucking it.

Fuck George Floyd. The man wasn’t a good person. He was resisting arrest. And he should have been shot and killed when he held a pregnant woman at gunpoint while he and his friends robbed her house.

Fuck him and his dead body.

You’re not being edgy, you’re just being overly disrespectful. Uncle Ted would not approve

ted is a virgin kike who gives a shit