I understand that this subreddit is for memes, and that they are not always meant to be taken seriously, but I think it's important to remind people that — behind the memes — these are real people, with real feelings, and with real problems.
It is important to break this veneer of satire and irony to point out that, yes, LGBT rights are human rights.
I honestly can't be bothered to explain it in detail on this sub.
But in short, first from a religious perspective, there are no "human rights", all rights are derived from God, and the right to mutilate yourself and break Gods' law is not a part of the guaranteed rights God has given. And now from a natural perspective. All types of LGBTQIJKLMNOP+ are an abnormalty from nature, and disrupts and further destroys our connection to the nature that we are a part of.
You are a soyboy who is obsessed with a fake god, made up in some silly fake books, and doing everything right by the fake standards of this fake god. You believe in Jesus, who never existed. You consoom and consoom old theology created by ancient retards.
I suggest that you read The God Delusion by famed biologist Richard Dawkins. Or are you too afraid to read something written by a science that dispels your notions of a mystical God?
1 the_marx 2020-06-10
LGBT rights are human rights
16 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
Cringe and bluepilled
4 Swarmcap 2020-06-10
animal rights are human rights
-12 the_marx 2020-06-10
You should explain to me how that is cringe.
I understand that this subreddit is for memes, and that they are not always meant to be taken seriously, but I think it's important to remind people that — behind the memes — these are real people, with real feelings, and with real problems.
It is important to break this veneer of satire and irony to point out that, yes, LGBT rights are human rights.
23 opinions-are-illegal 2020-06-10
We get it you unironically like sucking dick now leave me alone.
-14 the_marx 2020-06-10
/r/DeuxRAMA opposes homophobia. We support LGBT rights. If you don't like that, then leave.
15 opinions-are-illegal 2020-06-10
8 AutoModerator 2020-06-10
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5 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-06-10
the absolute state of deuxfugees
4 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-10
nah Im good
6 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
I honestly can't be bothered to explain it in detail on this sub.
But in short, first from a religious perspective, there are no "human rights", all rights are derived from God, and the right to mutilate yourself and break Gods' law is not a part of the guaranteed rights God has given. And now from a natural perspective. All types of LGBTQIJKLMNOP+ are an abnormalty from nature, and disrupts and further destroys our connection to the nature that we are a part of.
-6 the_marx 2020-06-10
You are free to have your own opinion. The right to hold and express your own views is something that we believe in on this subreddit.
But the official position of the /r/DeuxRAMA community is that:
God isn't real. He is a fiction, made by men, that is held to by the weak.
Trans women are women.
LGBT rights are human rights.
You are free to disagree. But you fly in the face of all logic and science.
6 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
Oh God oh fuck suppose 2 000 years of theology and tens of thousands of books are useless now, someone said sky-daddy isnt real
-1 the_marx 2020-06-10
This is you.
You are a soyboy who is obsessed with a fake god, made up in some silly fake books, and doing everything right by the fake standards of this fake god. You believe in Jesus, who never existed. You consoom and consoom old theology created by ancient retards.
2 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
You know Jesus was documented by contemporary historians right?
-1 the_marx 2020-06-10
Yeah, and so was the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I suggest that you read The God Delusion by famed biologist Richard Dawkins. Or are you too afraid to read something written by a science that dispels your notions of a mystical God?
5 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
May I ask if you've read any real theology?
Saying "Flying Spaghetti-monster was documented" is also not an argument
-1 the_marx 2020-06-10
No, you may not.
I do not read fairytales written by people in olden times.
I do not believe in a fake God.
Jesus never existed, he never was crucified, and he never rose from the dead.
This conversation is over. I'm not going to talk to a fundie. Locked.
3 banned_user-14488 2020-06-10
Jesus was very much a real person that existed whether or not if he was God, cringe mod
0 the_marx 2020-06-10
There's simply no evidence for that claim.
The 'burden of proof' is on you.
3 banned_user-14488 2020-06-10
2 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
The historians Josephus, Thallos (writings lost but were mentioned before his work was lost) and Tactius
0 the_marx 2020-06-10
1 SirCheekus 2020-06-10
1 [deleted] 2020-06-10
0 the_marx 2020-06-10
I am not going to ban you, but this comment harasses me and therefore is a violation of the site-wide rules. It will have to be removed...
4 real_obamen 2020-06-10
Are you serious or memeing?
4 XalwaysinbadfaithX 2020-06-10
That's what makes cyberbullying fun tbh
2 thiccboi777 2020-06-10
stunning & brave
2 SDM1776 2020-06-10
1 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-10
Live in a third world shithole for a year whitey,
1 the_marx 2020-06-10
Why should I?
2 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-10
Just do it faggot, im not putting effort typinh out a longpost 4 u
0 the_marx 2020-06-10
Friendly advice: if you can't explain your point then don't make it at all.
1 lwn__ 2020-06-10
1 [deleted] 2020-06-10
1 The_Barroth 2020-06-10
Ok we get it. You can stop now
0 the_marx 2020-06-10
No I will continue
1 The_Barroth 2020-06-10
-2 anotherincel 2020-06-10
This, but unironically
16 Engin_Ears 2020-06-10
Gay adoption is chid abuse. Change my mind
4 asiimovdrip 2020-06-10
i feel like you would just simply be unable to make friends if people found out.
14 Zesty_Malaka 2020-06-10
What happens when both the dads leave? 😱
6 Deadmanbantan 2020-06-10
Thats some dark comedy right there!
13 SnapshillBot 2020-06-10
Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
13 malthuswaswrong 2020-06-10
Look at all the upvotes this post is getting. What a sub of tolerant and diverse otherkin.
10 ZolpidemDunmer 2020-06-10
10 banned_user-14488 2020-06-10
Cringe mods think that fags real are humans
7 Gigach4d 2020-06-10
I fucking despise reddit
6 damocles_paw 2020-06-10
How can you look at this and not be rooting for China?
5 Rosey9898 2020-06-10
Please forgive me, but I had to.....
3 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-06-10
Am I on a list now
3 arsepirate69 2020-06-10
*Proud fags.
2 IsraelDidntSign_BWC 2020-06-10
theyre going to eat it
2 silverpanther17 2020-06-10
WTF How is this shit legal??
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-10
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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1 AutoModerator 2020-06-10
Do not comment or vote in linked threads.
Users who cause problems will be banned.
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1 SDM1776 2020-06-10
Man on the right looks like Kanye
2 silverpanther17 2020-06-10
You think everyone looks like Kanye.
1 vaginabonesmasher87 2020-06-10
That’s fucking creepy
1 eujwhwge 2020-06-10
1 TakeMyVerySoul 2020-06-10
God damn, the fuck is with this site?
1 colormebadorange 2020-06-10
Which one’s butt do you think it came out of? I’m pretty sure that’s how mpreg works.
1 [deleted] 2020-06-10
1 bench-appearo 2020-06-10
i went all the way to the bottom to see how bad it is. most of them are removed but there’s just this one that really suck out to me
this one had -235 for some reason. we’ll never know why