A glimpse inside the colored utopia

713  2020-06-10 by carpathian-florist


Black Lives Matter

Das rite! ✊🏿

I hope that you are aware that using black emojis without being black is digital blackface. If you are black, continue, otherwise, it would be nice if you would stop :)

Preach brother ✊🏿

C tier trolling btw

Go back to feemagers btw



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No Lives Matter

they really dont

Deux Lives Matter

They do but you do not!

Roof korean lives matter

For free!



I despise the fact someone like you even exists, but this is hilarious.


They basically made a pillow fort and stuck a sign up saying "no government allowed".

All they gotta do is take down the cell phone towers, cut the internet in that place, and prevent antidepressants from going inside. Then we'll have a Netflix series that makes the tiger king look like the Brady bunch

> antidepressants

and hormones


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le basado

As another Deuxchad said, cut off the electricity and this """""Autonomous""""" zone will last as long as an iPhone battery.

Tbh, these tards could probably survive without electricity for quite a while if they have the brains to use one of those small solar battery chargers for their all-important phones. The real way to flush em out would be to cut off the water supply.

Nah, electricity will do it. The hobos can go without power, but not the larping revolutionaries. Couple days max.

Infighting, suicide and sexual assault allegations will do it in days... no need cut anything off, at least anything they didn't have cut off willingly.

Sucks for the normal people there though

It does, but honestly, if I lived there I’d be praying for them to cut the power lines so the chapo orcs would get the fuck off my property

Given how chapos are 99% mayos any black guy could beat the shit out of them and get away with it, given the context

Lock em in there and let them starve and they won't cause problems in the future though

they havent been in "power" one day and it's already a dystopia. Making people pay for protection and marking people as Jewish racist.

How do you think these people would fare in a real revolution, without a sewerage system for 4 years?

A few days at most. Minutes is generous if there’s actual combat.

Rape, followed by being forced to dig a ditch in which they will be disposed of after being shot

They understand protest, presumably, but they don't understand that "muh organize" is not even 20% of the struggle to create a real resistance. You have to produce and manage so much shit to maintain an actual livable environment.

Those people have never worked in their lives, nor do they have many skills. Nor do they have assets to use. How do they think society runs?

There's a general lack of awareness that comes with being young in a time and place as peaceful and prosperous as the modern west. I know I sound like a boomer, but it's incredible how much the average person takes for granted, let alone someone retarded enough to join an "autonomous zone" in Seattle.

We take all the systems that have been built around us for granted until we have to make do without them.

The funny part is of course that the shit around us is maintained by people with 4 braincells each. They just happen to be more useful than the average revolutioncel.

in spite of years of sweatful gaming on mommy's CC, anticels were never prepared for the monthly Xsurrection Live fees

Cut internet
no cell towers

accidental anti tech revolution?

this is the future ancaps want (and here’s why that’s beautiful)

Tbh you've just inspired me to do a similar thing that's retarded in a different way


It's basically just people online circlejerking over a couple dozen people standing in the street.


Yeah they’re gonna set up a solar power plant in the middle of a cloudy city.

!remind me 2 weeks


This is genuinely the gayest and most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

This type of shit happens every few months in Seattle, a bunch of skinny white college kids go out and larp until they get bored because the mayor is too much of a cuck to do anything about it

This is a great post to show the limitations of the human brain.


  1. A glimpse inside the colored utopia - archive.org, archive.today

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absolutely sentient

White ppl btfo

autonomous zone

lmao im sure these larpers don't even know to make a proper tourniquet or if salt is peremptory or not

The AMA says they mostly eat at McDonald’s or a number of restaurants outside of the “autonomous zone” and almost everyone goes home at night.

All their on-site food got stolen by homeless people and they’re (literally) begging for soy donations on Twitter. That is not hyperbole. Soy donations specifically were asked for to counteract the devastation of the hobo heist.

I wonder if they tried to fight the hobo's off or if they were all preoccupied smelling their farts to realize what was happening.


Just the finest of air produced by these self-righteous fucks

Can you please elaborate on the if salt is peremptory or not part?

I might've literally translated in my head and fuck up the english there, I meant they don't even know if salt can go bad or not

I believe "perishable" is the word you're looking for.


Oh yes makes more sense. I'm assuming you saw the video of the guy crying that he was going to lose his leg over a scratch? These people are incapable and irrational.

Well, is it peremptory?

what language

Baguette but I think I've even thought of the wrong term in french

Keep an eye out for "actual." That's a common mistake in a larger number of languages, to the extent that many EU documents will have this error.

Another is that English uses a surprising amount of French phrases, like cause celebre or du jour, so throw them around if you want to sound sophisticated.

Also, it's basically 99% white people involved.

Because only white people have time for this bullshit. Everyone else is too busy working and trying to put food on the table.

No its just that there aren't any black people in Seattle

Have you been to Seattle? There's a large thriving community of black homeless.


Because black people who live in affordable housing don’t mind actually living in a house. Middle class whites do apparently.

Implying that gamestops aren’t revolutionary.

What’s this about the leader killing themselves ?

From what I saw a womyn's girlfriend accused her of being abusive and then a lot of other valid people dogpiled her on Twitter. She cried out that she was an abuser and a terrible person and the world would be better without her and that she was going to kill herself. Apparently this girlboss is 18 so it's just all teenage bullshit anyway.

It's a tranoid

I feel like they let Mike Judge write this storyline

Why would I expect anything more

Apparently they have a warlord now.

White anarchists getting their territory conquered by a black Kang who lays down the law. These riots are incredibly retarded, but the drama is unbelievable.

Hello? Mega cringe department?


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Most of them are chapocels that got kicked out of their mom basement probably

Is this like an Indian reservation of the new age?

no because these jokers are all mayos who go home to mom and dad every night. the area is trashed and empty most of the time

I like the white barricade that just says "black" on it.


I'd rather them play Paris Commune in their street box fort, than just mindless looting and sloganeering.

At least these LARPers look like the have a plan of action

Ken griffey Jr's son is based


Black Lives Antimatter

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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