Deuxcel COPE

9  2020-06-13 by oldboyshaw

As you all know the most recent degenerate shithole, r/DeuxRama, has been b&. Most of the deuxcels with two brain cells to rub together don’t give a fuck, because Deux stopped being a drama sub about 5 months ago. But just like when any sub is banned there’s a whole lot of cope.

Yes. Deux got shoah’d over one mod messaging the admanlets, not the hundreds of joggerposts 🤣

Le classic “free speech 😭”

The only right wing in it were SOME jokes about trans people. Otherwise there was nothing bad in it, it was as centrist as it gets.

😂😂🤣🤣 just like Landlord George I cant breathe 😂 Don’t tell me a galaxy brain take like this surprised you coming out of the deuxcels. Sorry to say the brain rot even got all the way to the jannies too.

Looterposters mad. I think the former head Jan forgot the hard on Deuxincelibates had over the riots and Ahmaud Arbys.

we actually have a theory (half joke but wouldn't be surprised) that the final straw might've been something one of our mods did

a lot of admin removals now are done through 'Anti-Evil Operations' which is how it shows in the modlog. an admin removed a post through AEO but then re-approved it. when they re-approve it actually shows the admin account not AEO. so one of our mods sent them a direct message and had a short exchange about the removal asking them for clarification about the content policy because we wanted to follow it. polite and nothing bad, but think it might've spooked him because the sub was banned like less than 2 hours later lmao

More rsrfy/the_marx cope

You can tell Deux devolved into a rightoid hellhole by the way they cope. Could’ve replaced Deux with r/coomer in all of this and you couldn’t tell the difference.

Marxist death cult

Ok KIA2. Why do they care anyways, I only see them simp when MDE adjacent subs get the ban hammer 🤷‍♂️

Finally a level headed take. Sad day when it takes a stupidpoler to make sense of the facts.

Yes Deux deserved the b&. See you around Dosrama or some shit.


It was definitely infested with mdefugees and the quality dropped recently as a result, but there were still others who disagreed with them. It was more of a melting pot. I will miss it

Might be true but there were only like 4K Deuxcels when the infestation began. Anyone who said anything about them got btfo with downvotes. I’ll miss it too but 🤷‍♂️

This safe place is free of subversive (((Mdefugees))).

yes Deux deserve the b&

Based effortpost

Sad day when it takes a stupidpoler to make sense of the facts.

Careful shaw, let's not get carried away.

Hopefully the next ban

Fugees killed that sub, and now fugees are whining about it. Classic.

Lmfao seen that groyper duplicate thread?

"Oh no deux is gone and Drama's got closed borders - where do we go to hang out now? And lord knows we've sure hung around on deux a lot, haven't we! Oh well, guess it's back to /pol/ now, our reddit invasion seems to be failing :((" lolol

Lmao goddamn, fugees are like cockroaches.

Well yeah, they're called that for a reason after all.

It lost its fun when rightoid posts stopped being considered just as retarded as the other posts

It was so depressing watching deux slowly die 😔

God damn fugees getting my ted posts banned with all their jogger posting

You can tell Deux devolved into a rightoid hellhole by the way they cope. Could’ve replaced Deux with r/coomer in all of this and you couldn’t tell the difference.

Should've built the wall when r/Coomer got banned, but our beloved jans don't get financially compensated enough. It's 110 subs now and the MDEgenerates still didn't learn.


Lmfao the top comment on ConsumeProduct "aww. I liked that place" lol they sure did

Hapless admissions like this one and those on the r/Groyper_Movement thread can be used in the future as proof that the whole "rightoid invasion/infestation" thing isn't a myth, and remove them swiftly next time.