🐕 💊
19th century dogpill
2000 Doschads 😎
2020. I am forgotten
2020: Year of the Simp
2 hot altright catfights hosted by r/GodWeeps (i.e. the not-Consumcel-backup-refugee camp)
45 days until half of the internet userbase commits suicide
Abraham must be allowed back into the Romulan empire. Yall need the jewish voice, of which i can provide. Plus I wont drink as much and threaten you, or get weird.
A breakdown of the whole Chris D'Elia saga
Absolute DosChad shitposts irl, gets away free of consequence
Accept the charges bigot!
A classic
A classic
activate your almonds
[Actual Drama] bonehurtingjuice jannies are back at it again
[Actual Drama][#TBT] A Former Legend has returned 😳😳
Actual footage of the gussy I invited over last night before she climbed out of a bathroom window 7 minutes after arriving
Actual Lesbians
A dating sim where you can date the people that literally no one wants to be sexually involved involved with
afrontamiento terrorista jajajajajajajajajajajaja
After years of being one of Reddit's most disappointing and racist jokes, r/BlackFathers has been banned
A girl.... AND a Dosrama subscriber?
A guide to Happiness
AHA is SHOCKED when they find out a traditional catholic sub is anti-lgtb and anti-abortion.
AHA receives a post about AHA then removes it (of course)
AHScels bully innocent Doschads
AHScels mad 😠
AHScels seethe that dramautists prefer bussy over gussy
AHS consoomcels fighting the good fight!!
A H S is the worst thing to ever happen to this website
Ahs lead me back here.
AHS mods when they see a child in public
AHS unironically support pedophilia
AHS user after a hard day of online janitorial work
AHS users spew WORDSWORDSWORDS after one user corrects another’s spelling
Ain't Jemima
AITA Cazo animales por razones de crueldad animal
Aliens are real. Disclosure is happening [Genuinely not a Schizo post]
A little collage for our hero
A little tip for the DosChads
¡Allah dice no a la bestialidad!
All Cherry had to do was send feet pics
All females born after 1993...
"All software is political, and I think we should acknowledge that"
All subreddits need Blaire posts
aLmOsT RaPeD
Al-Qaeda says BlackLivesMatter 👏
Al-Qaeda says BlackLivesMatter
Altdogelore is a drama goldmine
Always ask Redditors what /s means so they can explain their retardation to you.
A man of truly exquisite taste
America 2020. Based at last
🏀 Americans at the movies 😎 btw good morning
America was created by retards
A mind lost, but a soul found 🕊️
A modless human rights sub infested with arr slash drama users
Amores como el nuestro
Anarcho-Dramautists all around the world have been purged today. Rest in Power. ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
And Fin. Watch Arr Drama cuck themselves fully and whole heartedly to authority
And that’s praxis
animemes bans the dreaded t-word. weeb cope, rightoid seethe and troidgloat for days.
An interesting title
Ann Coulter has given up and taken the accelerationist pill
Ann Coulter has given up and took the accelerationist pill
Anon figures Out why there are no more Tomboys
Another retarded arrslashdrama cope sub
Antifa mark houses with Juden just like their authoritarian idols did
Any one else get this anti China newspaper?
Anyone else remember getting boners as a child and it being annoying as fuck because it didn't even feel good to mess with around with it but it still needed something, you just didn't know what?
Anyone remember a subreddit created by smug redditors to gloat at daddy’s kids lose in the 2016 election. But he actually won so mods let daddy’s kids smug post. It was something like election meltdown. Got a link to it?
Anyone seen a man known by many names? BlasterBallz aka Bill aka Beanerschintizel aka roger aka bend aka slugbulb?
anyone who disagrees that hate speech is bad and should be contained is most likely a bigot
aoc clip with zoomer rap
Apparently Thomas Jefferson not paying child support really upsets this guy.
Archive /r/DosRama, /r/Zweirama, and possibly /r/Drama before they all get y'alled.
A reminder to all the mdefugees in here, centrism will always win, give up.
Are these the hyper-intelligent sentient AIs that are supposed to dominate us? Underwhelming
🤔 Around the world
As Brazil passes 40k dead from Corona, President Bolsonaro urges his supporters to enter hospitals and film them to show the world they are not overwhelmed.
Ascend ‼️ Don’t play into their hand
Ask based deux fugees: Is Joe Flacco A Elite Quarterback?
ASOIAF is oficially CANCELED!!! The ending written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss will now be forever canon!
A subreddit with literal Genocide Deniers takes issue with the worlds second oldest profession (Landlording)
A true American hero.
Attention all Doschads, the chat is open to all now
ATTENTION ALL MEXICANS: This is now an Indian supremacist subreddit 🇮🇳✊🏾
Automod is removed
Average DosChad
Average DosChad
Average Doschad
Average DosChad
Average r/Drama user
A Wild Doschad
AWOOGA *eyes pop out* HUBBA HUBBA
Aznidentity btfo by nyt
Back off admins
Banned from the Mayo Tribe 😥 (seethe in comments)
[Banwave archiving] Does anyone know a web search engine that can find reddit comments via keywords or excerpts? Google and Bing can't.
Bardfinn admits that he likes underaged girls
Bardfinn gets caught blatantly calling for the posting of CP on subreddits he seems hatefull.
Bardfinn gets caught posting CP to subreddits he doesn't like 😮
Based and relatable-pilled
Based as hell
Based DosChads in combat
Based man sick of leftists trashing his neighborhood
Bat eaters hire propaganda firm spawned from Satan's asshole
Beauty... 😍
become mumke
Behold the NEW queen of Dos
Belarusian daddy gets re-elected by gigantic margin 🇧🇾😎 EU-cels seethe 🇪🇺😡
Ben isn't even hiding it anymore
Better not disrespect xe.
Better not disrespect xim.
Beyond parody
Big booty bitch is using masturbation to brainwash simps, it's some next level shit.
Big DosChad Energy
Big think
bizarre schizopost pinned in the mass pooping in jannie territory
Black Lives Matter
Black Twitter responds with GIGACOPE after finding out that not even elite pedos want black gussy
BLM did an oopsie
BLM is a conspiracy to kill black babies!
blonde aoc hits different
Bonnie and Clyde 💯
Boompf is based, it’s over for libcels
Border wall erected is disassembled in minutes
Brainlet gigachad
BREAKING: Exclusive images show that one of the Dos mods is a secret Taliban operative. We are in process of determining who it is...
BREAKING: Exclusive photo of Dosrama founder and real "Hispanic" /u/Tzar-Romulo at PornCon 2019
Breaking in the Subreddit
Britbongs arrest a 12-yo for online bullying a millionaire
Broke: Bat Virus? Woke: Demon Virus.
Bros before hoes
Bruh 😳
*brushes off hands* good riddance
¡Buenos días!
Burger culture is threatend when one of their most sacred traditions involving keeping Walmart open on Thanksgiving is cancelled.
Burger Gymnastics™️
Burgers invade r/Europe to lecture them about racism
Busy at the DosRama offices.
"But what exactly is a "child?" When does that end?" Libertarians live up to their name.
Buy my onlyfans
Canadian's smh my head
Can somebody explains me this r*ightoid meme for me please
Can someone explain me this Reddit cryptocurrency?
Can we get Snappy going?
Cat-cels btfo
Catholics getting beat
Cat lady terrorist strikes again
Centrist tries to carefully and politely poke a mass circlejerk and gets axed by the AskReddit jannies for hate speech
Centrist tries to slightly open the circlejerk in /r/AskReddit; gets axed by the jannies for hate speech
Chad at the incel uprising
Chapoids absolutely furious when OP implies problems at home are related to coomunism
Chapoids made their own reddit alternative and it immediately succumbed to infighting. 😂
Chapos and anarkiddies have attempted to invade LoveforLandlords. Seethe and cope everywhere.
Chapos lately
CHAZians want no mo cops and jails, [removed]
CHAZ is finally coming to an end
Chazlarpers defend siding with Adolph to own the libs
Chicken Soup for the Redditor Soul 😩✝️
Chief Ranger Grabs Pistol During Illegal Stop on Wounded Warrior, doesn’t go as planned
Childhood is thinking that Islam will ruin Europe. Adulthood is realizing that only Allah can save Europe from degeneracy.
China comes out in support of BLM
Choose carefully pendejo
Choose the superior sub
Choose your Fighter
Civil war 2
Clean it up Janny
clean up.
CMV: I find it utterly stupid that black folks use the n word so casually but are offended when someone else uses it.
Combat flight sim nerds are mad about a community that does low-effort tutorials for their game
Communist_Egirl is backkk to destroy capitalism by distributing nudes for freee
Communist_Egirl music recomm thread
Con Air 2. or Face Off 2. Whatever. Ware State Prison in Georgia taken over by inmates in a riot. Captain tied up and two guards stabbed.
Confession time
Confronted by tyrants, DosStacy left with no choice left but to awaken her true power.
Constantly evolving to hit harder.
ConsumeProduct will vanish soon, but while it lasted it helped a King towards a great achievement!
Continuing my Deux series - okbr drops character part tres
Control only truly belongs to those who have the least to lose
Conversion therapy is immoral they said
Coom Collection. (imagine explaining this hobby)
Cooming soon to Femboy Hooters
Cope: A thread
Cope – Seethe – Dilate – Coom
Copper drama amongst the Srdines
Corona Doomer drives 1.5 hours to go to a french fry stand in a rural area then cries cause he "should have stayed home"
Coronavirus is a hoax made up by the fats to keep us out of gyms
Cringe beyond measure
Cucked Jannie does it for free!
Cuddling up with zaddy for movie night ;) hope you have a nicr evening
Cult of wokeness
Cómo protegerse contra un AHScel en la naturaleza
daddy DESTROYS british teeth man
daily nasheed #1. recuerdan siempre, islam son la luz
Daily transgender appreciation thread: #1
Daily transgender appreciation thread #2
Daily update of communist_egirl #3 - identity crisis
damn kids
Damn! Lalo is a DosChad?
Danny, that’s a very problematic view to have buddy.
Day 10(?). The jannie at our favorite coronavirus hoax subreddit continues to be missing 😳
D@ddy is about to be majorly cucked by members of his own party
Dedicated to all my fellow DeuxChads
Dementia daddy pulls an absolute chad move and responds to reporter, who asked whether he took a dementia test, whether he took a drug test
Deposition Misconduct by Attorney Witness
Deuxcel COPE
Did it ever even begin for shortcels
Did someone say more?
Disgusting monster dares to upload a video of a dying squid to Reddit dot com. 😡😡
DoC (Doschad of Color) makes an inspirational post on Facebook and goes viral
Does anyone else hate the aspie quiz?
Doing a standalone podcast; what would you like to ask us gay Muslim Pakistani guys?
¿Donde estan los baños?
Don’t forget to vote for me in the upcoming election!
Don’t just focus on Cope/Seethe or else you’ll get hit with a smug attack.
Don't let them break you fellas.
Don’t play into their hand ‼️
Don’t settle for less
Don’t worry about me, get some money 💰
Doscels listen up
Doschad claimed as Zweichad😠. Doschads are the chosen people...
DosChad gets a cat so he can post it on /r/chonkers
DosChad gets a loving cat companion so he can post it on /r/chonkers
doschad in the wild
Doschad or nah?
DosChads are everywhere 💯
Doschads at the gym
DosChad’s floor pattern.
DosChads in history: Sky King Rich
DosChads in Israel be like
DosChad spotted 😳😳😳
Doschad Thoughts
D o s J a m s for when Drama's banned
DosQueen spotted in the wild
DosRama Chad protecting PAWG honor
DosRama > DeuxRama
DosRama has a Super Power
DosRama is a Bundychu board.
DosRama is a Catholic Board
DosRama is a Coca Cola sub.
DosRama supports Reddit's banwave that will happen on Monday. We stand with Spez.
DosRama, we need to have a chat.
Do w*ite foids really
Do you guys like my name?
Do your research.
Dozens of mixer streamers have said that they won't stream on mixer due to racial inequality
Dramacels can't like anymore 😂😂😂
Drama en vivo! Redditors unwillingly endorse papá presidente.
Drama-heathens go full mask off 😤😤😤
Drama is back up fellas
Drama jannies y'all a t-slur drama thread
Drama just went private again - just wanna feel important and a proud functional Parteimitglied Bürger by being the first to notice.
Dramautists cucked for the 109th time. Will they finally take the b& or continue to lick the boot? 👀
Drama when twitter doesn’t believe Chris D’elia’s big tiddy goth gf’s accusations🤭
dude bussy lmao
Dudes really be like only losers subscribe to only fans while donating to twitch streamers
Dude wtf 🤦♂️ So backwards
Early Family Guy was kino
ED Jannie gets woke on the PQ, immediately starts quoting crime statistics and dogwhistling on his YouTube channel. What did Pibbles ever do to deserve this?? 😭😭😭
EDP445 / McAfee 2020
el corona abominacion
Enjoy Yourself
Ergo cogito r/Dramam delendam - Drama muss zerstört werden. Their new.reddit links are a painful plague.
Espereu un segon, parles en castellà? Crec que m'havia enganyat pels "dos" del nom del fòrum 🤢
Ever wondered why A H S is so [wholesome] with those having opiniones diferentes?
Everyone needs a friend
Everyone's favorite film critic stirs up the beyhive
Everything is strange, doschads
Everytime I read r/Drama comments
Facts not feelings
Fake but good drama
Familia traditionala: Mai are sens sa te casatoresti?
Feliz Quattro de Julio Compás | What is your dream job once Aztlàn is established?
Fellow Doschad spotted
Femboy feet 🦶
Femcel burns down Wendy’s in a riot cause BLM
First, AHS came for r/WarThunder....
Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China. Wu Flu 2 on the cards by the BBC.
Forced confession before marching off to the gulag
Former Dosrama mod and former Duexcell goes off when QuadNarca (aka cChadNarca aka pretty feet) bans him from his discord.
Found the covert ch@p0 base
France really do be full of bussy doe 😳
Friendly reminder 💯
Friendly reminder 💯 (Fixed)
Friendly reminder 💯 (reality based)
Friends, comrades, countrymen!(Emphasis on the “men”) Join the revolution!
From a subreddit that's supposedly against hate, idk, this sounds pretty hateful to me
"From each according to his ability to each according to his needs"
From the DosRama animal shelter: Meet Ted! Ted is looking for a new home and he loves children! Please submit inquiries in the comments.
Fuckers beat up the Elote Man
Fuck it, Sumero-Hispanic Pride
Fuck jannies
Fully Automated Queer PoC Sharia NOW!
fun police get mad someone had fun
Further proof that whipping your dick out during a fight, ends the fight.
Game over 💥
Gamer runs for government in Singapore, instantly exposed as pevert, gamer and mios dios, a WoW player. story developing
Genetic recombination and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
get yer calculator out 👑👑👑
Girl Power
Girls night out! Trump wishes you well too.
God bless America 🇺🇸
God damn gringos
God I wish that was me
God i wish that were me
Goku dice: "¡Derechos trans!"
Good morning 🇰🇿
Good morning 🇰🇿
Good Morning DosRama.
Good morning, I hate China.
Good riddance
Good to be back friends. In a way, ahs unites us.
Good to be back, friends. In a way, ahs unites us.
Grill or be grilled homie
grug hat trans!!1
> tfw people still for the trad wife pill
> Using the downvote button
Gussy 😍
Hand over the Karma so I never have to look at this stupid fucking sub ever again
Happens every time
Hard rs all over the anti racism makes fun of mayos sub
Has anyone got the study for the thing that says about how many white women bang dogs or watch bestiality, need the statsic to prove once and for all women are the worst, thanks fellow DosChads
Have a bunny.
Head over heels for my one and only Ted 🥰🥰💞💞
He does it for free 😂😂🤣🤣
"Hello, Soyjak? Sorry it's late, but is *muffled laughter"..sorry, is your refrigerator running? It's a *snicker* serious matter."
"Hello, Soyjak? Yes, do you *snicker*...sorry, do you have Prince Charles in a can? *giggles*"
Hell yeah
“he posts on dosrama”
Here's why your "stand on racial equality" is going to blow up in your face.
He's literally me
He's literally me
Hey Doscels, show us your country’s COVID-19 death statistics. I’ll start
hey doschads, pic of me with my son, enjoying this fine morning
Hey guys there's this cool video in my backyard I wanna show you
Hi if you have any TGIF memes, post em mañana.
"Hi is this Soyjak? Is... *snicker* . Sorry sorry... is your refrigerator running? Pffftt"
"Hi, Soyjak? Is your *muffled laughter*...sorry, is your refrigerator running *snickers*?"
Hispanichads: remember, if we ever get banned by Reddit’s usual anti-Latino brigade, we have a similar home at Ruqqus
Hola? Departmento basado? Tenemos una mujer blanca que quiere hablar contigo
Hop in, retard : we're getting some bussy tonight
horse in the bedroom!!! 🐴💊
How about FedDit and it’s only glowposting allowed
How can one man get cucked this much? Smh
How could this happen to me!? I was an approvedcel! An approvedcel!!!
How do I add Automod/totesmessenger
How each quadrant reacts to someone coming out as trans
How many more black babies do we have to lose 😣
How Reddit can improve in simple easy steps
How to use DosRama correctly
Human bean
huWhitemart Canada falls under the Eye of Woke-ron for selling naughty shirts
I broke up with Kaiser, so he removed me as moderator, I must speak out
💋 i can be your angle or 😉 yuor devil 😈
I Can Feel The Ban Coming Tonight (feat. MONKE)
"I can't breathe!"
I conveniently found this by the path the park early morning...there must be a higher purpose or meaning
I don’t feel bad
i don’t know if it’s the right sub to post this but what’s your favourite DOS?
I don't trust femboy fans
I don’t want to see any of these on Dos 👌
If America is so racist and terrible why does everyone want to come here? I don’t get it.
if I can’t have a relationship like this I will k*** myself
I finally talked to this hot chick at my new job earlier today because we were the only smokers that were retarded enough to go on break at the same wrong time
If it’s past 1 her panties are undone 🤷♂️
If only you knew how bad things really are
I found a doschad in the wild!
I fucked a shoe
I fucked a shoe
I fucking hate how anytime anyone hunts or fishes a particularly large specimen they always take a photo with it from a perspective that tries to make it look like two or three times bigger. You aren't fooling anyone, either take an honest picture or k-word yourself, faggot
I fucking hate top Letterboxd reviewers so much it's unreal.
If you don’t support our greatest ally you don’t belong here 🤷♂️
If you're not willing to put out, get out.
I gave a hitchhiker control of the music and she put on some emo shit. After dropping her off I saw it was five finger death punch. Wtf I knew they get shit on for being mainstream and shit but people think that's actually metal?
I got an idea for reparations that doesn't involve spending a shit load of money: aka give like 50 bucks to every black person
I have nipples Greg, can you milk me? 🥛🍼
I have no idea what the fuck this sub is.
I hope you didn't forget him
I join a subreddit about radical centrism and am immediately bombarded with some retarded long post that I didn’t read. Immediately unsubscribed
I just found some diamond, /r/dosrama! It must be my lucky day!
I know the show
I left my debit card at wendy's yesterday right before a 12 hour shift, I didn't notice until I went to buy food at work. The wendy's doesn't open for twenty minutes and I've been home for two hours. I still haven't eaten. I have crossed over to the other side and no longer require food
I like how I'm just active enough in the retarded subculture or clique or whatever you call people in drama subs that I get invited to super special secret discords but not so active that most people recognize me or that I understand basically anything meta that's going on
I like juice 🥤
I’ll grill by any means
I love it
I love this new feature
I'm afraid I broke a politicel copypasta bot 🤖
Imagine growing up wanting to save the president but then you end up a glorified taxi driver
Imagine waking up looking outside your cave and seeing a family of other people in the distance.
im coming out.. please be nice
I'm drunk and I'm high and I have to go to work in half an hour and I unironically wish I was a monke
I miss my Jew Chad flair so much 😔😔😔😔😔
I miss the incels. I miss the Chapos. I miss the radfems. I miss the DeuxChads. I miss the hog farmers. I miss the homofascists. 😢
I miss The Onion
I'm looking at you Doscels
I'm okay it's okay
Important message to all self-proclaimed "witches"
I'm seething rn 😢
I’m sorry sir, he’s gone.
I’m still getting money 🤷♂️
I'm very excited for the future of this relationship
Industrialphobia is valid
Inkwell sues 🕹🤢gamergirls🕹🤢 for suggestive streamer names 🤭
In minecraft
inspirational 😪
Intellectual discourse? Ha, try again
Inter-racial gang of nu-males rob a man for his phone in CHAZ
In the early days of the internet, people thought that it become a great network, unifying the world. With lighting fast access to information, everyone would become great scholars. A great cultural exchange would unite the world. Humanity would finally be able to step forward into a new utopia.
I only coom to whores that share the same views as me 😤
I rewatched Breaking Bad in 2020 and honestly, it didn’t hold up
I saw you liked the original WW2 Allied poster so I figured you might like the leftist&LGBTQ+ edit I made for propaganda (the comments will be great)
I set up Automoderator to combat hate, and promote love.
Is it bad if I have a callous on my thumb from opening beer bottles? I switched from cans like three weeks ago
Is it racist that I'm reporting this subreddit to the admins?
Islam is right about women
Islam is right about women
Is MikeStoklasa a bong?
Is the CHAZ / Losertown still going?
Is there a way to recover / find an archive of my comment on a banned alt on a now banned sub (GenderCritical)?
I support Bubba Wallace 1000%
It Do Be Dat Wey Doe
I think I have autism and am not sure what to do or
I thought this was a Deuxrama replacement, guess not.
I tricked a bunch of retard redditors into exposing themselves as fat retards using my own shitpost
It's 2023 and CHAZ tolerance troops have liberated Saudi Arabi from homophobic oppressive rule
It's ACKSHUALLY about ethics in games journalism
"It's called BEING. A. GOOD. PERSON."
It's confirmed that this person is responsible for the Beirut explosion
It's fucking OVER for Dcels
it's only a matter of time before it happens again
It's over 😭
It's over for femalecharactercels. You're literally trans if you do this.
It's over for Lawlzcels
It's over for wife-beater-cels
it's real
Its time for Change. 1 day cut-free! Thanks to everyone for the inspiration
Its unfortunate, I got an immediate upvote from a likely doomer before the mods stepped in... could have been a good thread
It's what we all secretly want
I've Cheated on Every Boyfriend - Why I Don't Regret Cheating
I've lost myself
I wanna bully r/MGTOW a bit, does anyone know how much karma/etc. I need to (visibly) post there?
I wanna suck the milk from Cherries titties so bad. Who else lactation fetish gang?
I was cashing my check at this 24 hour cash checking/bitcoin buying machine at a gas station and the tweaker behind me in line was ranting to me about how he's gonna buy a kilo of coke with his bitcoin and how he's gonna invest his profits once he's done selling it all
I was just beating up my nephew and it made me realize I need to take fitness more seriously
I was repeatedly abused by a prominent Twitch.tv streamer. Here is my story.
Janitor STILL missing. Nasty people keep insulting a particular user. Calls for nuking of the sub!
Jannie forcibly takes over based sub to post anti-police propaganda
Jannie here continues to be missing. I’m starting to worry about them.
Janny are you okay
Just a few of us at the DosRama meetup 🥰
Just a little candid from the doschad meet up ln
Just banned a facist sympathizer for threatening to me. Felt good banning him, who will be the next? 😎
Just cute stuff.
Just do whatever you want lmao
Just move to a farm man
Just to clear up any misconceptions, the sub denounces hate in all its forms and yes, Black lives do matter
Just your average DosChad
Kaczynski/West 2020
KANYE 2020
Kanye tweets he's running for president
Karen Liberia
kill me ffs AAAAAAAAAGG
Kim Kardashian allegedly had an affair with Meek Mill. Yeezus in free fall.
KING 👑🙏🏽☪️🕋
King shit
King shit
Las mujeres nacidas después de 1993 no saben cocinar
Last week /u/AugustinesBitchBoy claimed dos "wouldnt last until the end of the week." We still here, what now pendejo?
Latest episode of Re:Zero looking really good!
Latinas these days 😔
Latinas these days 😔
Leafs name the burger when their beloved leader survives assassination attempt
Le escribí una carta al tío Ted, ¡espero que le guste!
Le escribí una carta al tío Ted, ¡espero que le guste!
Leftoids mad x20
Legbeard gets mad after her bf says he prefers less pubes, r/r_a gets her to break up. Sort by controversial for fat harpies vs. inkwells
Lesbians who aren't inclusive enough of who they love get dogpiled
Lesbians who don't want to date bisexual women get dogpiled
"Let's stand in the middle of a highway! Nothing can go wrong!"
Libertarians live up to their name.
Libtards last ride.
👈 Like if you're on the left comment if you're on the right 👉
Link to album of quadnarca's feet inside
Literally harvey dent lmao
Literally me
Literally me
Literal who star says the bazillion sequel to a dead franchise won't be possible, r/movies mad.
[LIVE] Paki's and Poo's are fighting it out in /r/pics
[LIVE] Paki's and Poo's are fighting it out in /r/pics
lolcow debates copypastas to prove he is an intellectual.
Lol, these two going at it for a million comments, both are retarded
Look at me, This sub is r/drama now
Look at me, we're the MDEfugees now
LOOKING FOR MODS. This sub has been growing exponentially and as the new face of anti-racism and anti-hate on Reddit we are gonna need a new mod. APPLY WITHIN.
Looool you like bussy? What are you, gay?
Los chicanos no tienen cultu....
los comunistas están absolutamente furiosos por recibir un trato igualitario
Lots of oofs and yikeserinos in r/relationship_advice when someone says that maybe a homeless bum wouldn't be the best romantic partner
LoveForLandlords goes viral on twitter. When are we going to do something about this blatant hate against PoL?
<--------- Number of times r/drama mods tried to suck admin cock to prevent this
Makes you think, doesn't it DosRama?
Manchildren SEETHE about people getting banned for hacking in a children's game
Manlets btfo once again.
Manlets rose up
Man uses tan injections to change his race
Many such cases
Massive cyber attack on Reddit jannies, the sad state of r/drama means they cant link anything. Put links to drama in here plz.
Massive m*yo spergout, getting upset over a simple joke.
Mature adults of /r/politics discuss trump's pee-pee and poo-poo
Maybe modern memes aren't so bad
Mayo Bait
Mayo moids discuss how scared they are of mayo moids
Mayos 🙄
Mayos being destroyed from the inside.
Me and my girlfriend, say something nice about her!
Me and the boys when we defeat Zionism
¡Me encanta la coca mexicana!
¡Me fui de vacaciones a Hungría y me alegré de ver que también les encantan las chicas lindas del anime!
Mega based except the first sentence
Me gusta las amigas trans
Me irl
MensLib copes after finding out that women only want to see attractive men build PCs.
Me on judgement day as the communists beg for mercy
Me on the right with a drama/deux foid on the left
Me pretending to be a woman so I can bully transbians in lesbian subs
met an old acquaintance
Me when a Dosrama dame does anything
Me when agendaposters
Me when the banwave starts
mi hija ama a su abeja gigante
Millenial Kramer looking mad fresh ngl
*mi reaccion cuando veo una racista*
Mods in /r/askmen support incel behavior
Mods in /r/AskMen support incel behavior
"Mom, its my 30th birthday and since I didn't decide to born, I have decided that you will continue to financially support me for the foreseeable future. Oh, and don't forget, you choose to do it for free."
MRW I see a transphobe walking past my house
My dad is a lawyer and he is gonna sue you!
My face when a sub I like gets banned
My favorite English-Spanish language song that celebrates both cultures 😇
My girlfriend spent the last few weeks creating these for my birthday. I'm 30. Love it
My hair does these cool corkscrew things when I don't brush it
My neighborhood has a free range pibble
My pibble ran off into the woods after a cat when I took her out to pee yesterday and by the time I caught up to her there was a dead cat hanging off her by the claws
My plan to deal with the refugee problem when in office
my strange addiction: redpill suppositories
Nada tolerance
natives are related to hispanics yes
Nazis are so retarded, they fetishize Vikings but they were literally raping and slaughtering people because they thought Marvel characters were real 😂😂😂
Neo-goebbels explains hitler's godhood (looks the part), twittercels take the bait
Nestor speaks out!
never forget how tough a jannies job is
Never forget that
Never heard of it 😴
New Covid strain up to 9 times more infectious!
New rule. Do 👏better 👏 everyone👏
Nick "The Kang" Cannon gets fired for calling whit*s Rapists and saying the Jews control the world. Black Twitter explodes in support of The Kang
Nicotine-addicted asshole tries to edumacate literal nazi that thinks "just doing their job" is a valid excuse
No lie detected
Nooo you can't make me do my job noooo give me tax dollars
Nothing is sacred
Not knowing is frustrating
Not new but still good. Teacher sues 13 year old kid for online bullying.
No worry troubles.....just de peaceful erb
Now THIS is a hot take!
No you’re hitler
Obama provided landmark TANGIBLES specifically for the LGBT groups, specifically for Immigrants, specifically for Hispanic community and others. He did not do one single solitary thing for Foundational Black Americans who were the main people being negatively targeted
Obama’s vision realized
Oi, you gotta loiscence fo dat racism guvna
Oi you gotta loiscence fo dat tan?
OKBR completely drops character
OKBR completely drops character part 2: the most [[[swede]]] is named
Ok, I'll post my feet there you go, might delete it later
Ok now this is epic
One the first dreams I remember having, like kindergarten at the latest, was of a goth chick being mean to me and I was disappointed when I woke up because I liked that dream. I didn't even know if I knew goth chicks were a thing yet. What does this mean
online pedophile community grows distressed when they see how normal folx view them
“only by apologizing for their skin color can white people begin to combat racism. Only by agreeing that trans women are women in every meaningful interpretation of that term can cisgender women understand what ‘womanhood’ truly is”.
Only for 300 IQ Ziggurat-going literate Soomers: Opening lines of Epics of Gilgamesh in musical form
Only the watchful eye of an ape can keep dosrama safe! Vote for me!
Our lord and savior St. Tarrant
Our stand on racial equality - Discord Blog
Over 55,000 🇱🇧cels sign petition for France to recolonize their country. 🌙crescentcels on Twitter and Facebook MAD
papi DESTROYED by alphabet people
Parents now asking their children if they want to get blacked.
Parents who force their kids to eat food they don't like are low key bad parents.
Pay up white boy 🤷♂️
Peak clown world
Peak mayo
Peep me at the women’s march next year with this sign
pensando en esos frijoles,,
people of size angered by fitness personalities
Pepe Movie | Official Trailer (legit real guys)
Personal Reddit Content Distribution Cache
pew pew pew
phrenology is back on the menu boys (as long as you use it own drumpf!)
pick it up ☎️
Pics that make you precum fast
Piracy is cool now
Please don't forget to vote for Bernie this November, fellow Doschads.
Please, don’t let us stop you
Please share this with 10 white liberals.
Plebittors rise up when a parent won't let their son wear a dress
Plz tell me this is CIA psyops
Pobre Fry 😞
Pobre mono 👸🏽🙈
/pol/ Cracks Reality: Algorithms control a market that doesn't sell anything, except narratives.
Poo knockoff of arr slash drama 🤓 uses np link! 👈😂 point and laugh 😂👉. Totes, do your thang😪
Portland Based Department dunks on tranny protesters. Major foid seethe
Portlanders are too easy
Positive vibes only
Posting a picture from the first DosRama meet up! It was so much fun hanging with you guys.
POV: AHS mods 4.27 seconds before they brigade a subreddit with pizza 🤮
POV: DosChad
POV: You just said something anti-semitic/racist/sexist/homophobic in front of a Doschad
POV you're trapped in a Reddit moderator meetup
POV: You’ve stumbled upon some DosChads in the wild
Pozzitive Vibes only (better cut) AOC PBUH(or H)
Praise supreme leader Xi
Put your family in danger you bigot!
Qanon predicted this
Quad had stolen my meme
QuadNarca feet (100% real, save before it gets deleted)
Quite the show at Beirut today
Qué pensáis sobre esto 😂
/r/4chan invades Prequel memes
/r/4chan user xposts a "liturally yikes" meme to /r/prequelmemes
🦀🦀🦀 Racism is no more 🦀🦀🦀
Racist Karen POS makes a complaint to the manager about a Black King being on her porno scene.
Rapper is revealed to be 5'3 in a police report. His entire fanbase loses respect for him.
Rapper says gay pejoratively. Redditors debate the ethics of the situation.
Rate my bussy, Doschads
/r/dosrama hit 1k subscribers yesterday
/r/dosrama janny gives a lesson to a bad user who said the n-word (2020)
r/Drama and their tranny jannie cartel has declared war on r/Dosrama
r/drama is not taking their neutering well.
r/Drama jannie pewkiemuffinboo banned me
/r/drama mods in a nutshell
r/drama will finally end in drama
👏 Read 👏 another 👏 book 👏
reading an srdine thread or ahscel thread about any Drama related subreddits lowers your IQ by 20 points
Real drama or debunked conspiracy?
Really activates your almonds
Really makes ya think
Real Sumero-Hispanic hours
r/Economics becomes Blackpilled to the Jogger Menace
Recordadtorio ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼
Reddit 2020
Redditcells can't handle entry level banter.
Reddit fangirls over a fat Karen that's crying because meanies won't let her and her kids bomb the courthouse
Reddit moment perfect storm involving fantasies of witty retorts, killing Karen, and lifting heavy at Planet Fitness
regresar al mono
r/egypt user spits straight 🖨🖨🖨. Kangz BTFO
Remember compás, los Anglos will always try to use lies to undermine us. El pueblo unido nunca será vencido 😤 🇲🇽 🇸🇾 🇻🇪
Remember the far-right supporter that got saved by le based black man in London? This is him. No, I'm not joking.
Remember when leftoids said “b-b-but we all wear masks!!!”
Reminder this sub is pro-ALEB
Report: Kanye West Could Face Election Fraud Investigation
Resist the temptatio fellow Doschads
[ 🚨 RETARDED SUBREDDIT ALERT 🚨] I found a subreddit for southerners that larp as confederates
Return to monke 😭
Return to outdoorsmanship 🌳
Return to rage comics (We don’t endorse misogyny, it’s just an example)
Return to squirrel
Return to the ziggurats white man
r/femboyhooters rise
Ricecels, not even for a second.
Ricecels, not even for a second.
Rightoids on r/GodWeeps, which I must stress is a transphobic r/ConsumeProduct evasion sub, fume and cry about some gay Brazilian Jesus skit - are we still to believe that their ((founder)) is a ""gay man""??
RIP Herman Cain
r/Ireland is getting too "racist" for the Jannies
“Rise and Shine Doctor Kaczynski. Rise and Shine.”
/r/standardcels is a gold mine of autism.
r/stupidpol debates whether small family-owned businesses are problematic and if big corporations like Amazon are actually better for the leftist movement
r/teslore discusses the race question
r/TheLastOfUs2 in a nutshell.
r/trump has quality discussion about a video of a pregnant white woman (🤢🤮🤮) being beaten by a group of black teenagers. No need to sort by controversial
Sassy gang rise up
Saudis seethe over the hate they get on the internet 🤣
Scattered Deuxcels knocking on all the doors
Scuse me, outta the way, DosChad coming through
Seattlecels get woke on the Chapo question
Sex addict claims hot female gamers caused him to injure his penis
Sex change surgery actually doesn't improve mental health. Major research study retracts its previously positive conclusions, which were based solely on 19 patients out of over 500 in the study who had received surgery.
She’s a product of her environment
shocking scenes from yesterday's AHS meeting
Should I nuke Megaton?
Show me those Khazar milkers, Abbey
Simple way to find the bad people trying to infiltrate us doschads. Be wary of the chuds using this secret word.
Single redditors always take easy bait
Slapfight between retard and fellow Uncle Ted supporter
Smart me posing as a woman so I can bully transbians in lesbian subs
Snap chat goes away right?
Soft cute
Some of you are still waiting for this woman smh
Some political extremists that reddit hosts decide to bite the hand that feeds.
Sometimes Reddit threads really age horribly
Sometimes we have the take the mask off and reveal our true identities
Sometimes you have to improvise 🤷♂️
Sorry Doscels this is just the way the world works
So shooter (negative xp) has chosen Wu Ping Cough research or relief or something as his official charity case to be linked on his spotify. Like it's an actual part of the app and shit for artists to plug a charity on their page. I clicked it and it went to his personal cash app. I love this dude
So uhhhhh, I made a thing uhhhhh
So with all the recent events I've been starting to think "maybe I should be more rightoid?" Then I then remember the right and how they behaved at points in history they were allowed to be this retarded and I'm just like, Uncle Ted was right about everything
Soy Peruano de corazon pero...
"spanish shower"
Speedrunner gets raped, redditors have quality discussion. Sort by controversial
Spez balancing the rope
Spirit of Ubuntu and Pan-Africanism sweeps Wakanda
Spreading love and positivity
Srdine mad that not everbody loves pibbie kisses
SRDines absolutely seething over a boomer tier meme
Srdines argue over Whitoid Fragility
Srdines argue whether or not its ok admanlets coup'd a subbreddit they don't like
SRDines discuss which video game character they want to bonk
Srdines surprised mod of a sub about rape porn was a weirdo
Started smoking weed again because I had three different bags thrust upon me by chance. This shit's gay it mostly just makes me lazy
Starting up my radical centrist t-shirt shop in Leafland
State of discourse 2020
Sumero-Hispanics are the best Hispanics
Sup Losers 😏, guess who's not cucked by the chadmins, overrun by MDE, and gets to say the n-slur.
Support our new sponsor
Tag yourself
tag yourself
Tag yourself mi amigos
take a shower
Take me on
Take the Quran-pill, kings
TalcumX cancels Jesus
Tard in r/Catholicism argues on whether or not hating the atheist Soviets is bad or not
[#TBT] Girls cope about their massive penises
ted approved
Terfcels have lost the war to control the dictionary
Testing testing 123!
tfw no hot dog engorging gf 😔
tfw no more trans cutie threads
Tfw your dealer is your roommate but you work opposite schedules so you have to wait hours for him to wake up
Thank me later.
Thanks Mommy for the algorithm tips! My feed is looking high, tight, and fully TikTok'd.
Thank you for inundating me with this r-slurred slang so that I can't ever reintegrate
That one time Fartfinn was interviewed about internet spying in Fast Company
That’s right. Cry third world boy.
That’s why we love him
The %1 is being harassed.
The 2020 DosRama Jannie elections is here!
The absolute state of r/gamingcirclejerk
The absolute state of the mayo family unit. Swift and forced conversions to Islam are the only cure.
The anti science secular humanism religion wants to silence
the blm Instagram account just posted crime statistics
The casual racism on this sub needs to stop.
The chick I dated for most of high school got pregnant and is excited to keep it. I no longer feel youthful
The chosen one has fallen.
The coloreds leaving the democratic plantation are just opsecing mayos
The current state of r/drama 😂😂😂😂
The current state of r/drama top posts are a picture showing some guy's wife's goat and the other is some dude's girlfriend's fish. How did they get to this pathetic state?
The Daddy Defense Force (DDF) suffers extreme C O P E
The End of An Empire
The filters eat the virus - simple enough ?
The fucking UN is now openly defending Antifa — a literal terrorist organization.
The Future of Bussy has Arrived
the future of every doschad
The game of whack-a-mole continues
The hands of the oppressor are tight
The juice put addictive drugs in pron to get me hooked up!
The king hath returned
The Left got the idea of Fragility from the Right calling them snowflakes all the time
The pot calls the kettle black
There's no such thing as forced diversity. Most people on planet earth are not white, straight, and male.
There’s requirements for being a DosChad 🤷♂️
There’s requirements to being a DosChad 🤷♂️
These fokken darkies are a bunch of racists fucks
"The smaller the chest the closer I can get to her heart"
The south shall rise again!!!!!!
The thinking man's fetish.
The truth about Tiananmem square
The Virgin Chad Vs. The Chad Virgin
The weak should fear the strong
They hate me because I speak the truth
(((They))) have done it again
They need to make an action movie with a radical Islamic protagonist on jihad that at some point says "see you later, Allah-hater" before killing the antagonist
They’re just not her
They’re just not her
They Targeted Dosrama
They targeted GAMERS 🥺🥺🥺
Things ain’t what they seem
Third worldcels mad
This, but also show me your butthole
This but completely seriously.
This could be us but you playin 😔
This could be us but you playin 😔
This hot take is simultaneously based and cringe at the same time.
This is for /u/Tayssecondgussy LIVE UNDERSEA CAM
This is not a goofball post. A rage grows within me that I cannot continue to suppress. I must simp harder than ever.
This is the future of Reddit and it's beautiful
This is us kings 👑
This one is for all the Super Sm*shc*ls of ar dosrama
This pibble I met is so playful. I think you guys might be wrong on this one
this real?
This says a lot about the society
This shit just writes itself. I don't even need to add anything to onto this image
This sub isn't for escaping Mdefugees and Deuxcels
This suspicious account is spamming anti- Justin Bieber propaganda on 2 week old posts... 🤔🤔 FUCK SELENA GOMEZ
"tik tok bad" ugh -_-
TIL I'm a king
TIL KaiserRomulus has a woke sister
TLoU2 haters be like
To all the newcomers it'd be best if you ditch your old accounts.
Todos Somos DosRama
¡Tonto contra los subreddits de odio piensa que somos un sub de evasión!
Too all the incomming dramamigrants
Too all the transphobes, racists, and homophobes
Totally-not-gay-pedophiles of animemes ban the use of the t-slur, totally-not-pedophiles react in shock 😨
Trans blacks are blacks. Trans lives matter. End transphobia NOW!
Trans cutie calls out transmisgyony in r/AskTeenGirls
transphobes BTFO
True wisdom
Trump is the candidate of peace 🕋
Trump is the candidate of peace 🕋
Tulsa Oklahoma? More like Tulsi Gabbard, amirite guys?
twas nice of yall to come 2 my carne asadas gals!
Twatter Engineering posts NO NO words
Tweetcels get mad at interracial relationships
Twitch thots seethe and dilate when a 10/10 azn GODESS says maybe they shouldn't ruin their exes lives for profit
Twitch zoomers break down when some fat streamer says their favorite e-girl has a retarded take
Two retards get in a three day argument about Jeff Bezos. Pizza would be proud
Type based in the comments
Typical teen commie life
/u/Babinx has some words of wisdom for us on the fight against transphobia
/u/Bardfinn gets caught posting/encouraging posting CP to subreddits he doesn't like.
u/Mikestoklasa-cel 🙏🏿👑 Gone but not forgotten
Uncle ted fanfest
un corto de pelo para un monke jajaja
Unpopular opinion: I shouldn’t be (and won’t ever be) guilt tripped into being sexually attracted to someone, whether they’re a minority or they’re trans or some other whack fake gender bs
Update: dramautists are coping by spamming memes and other shit
Uploader pulls a little SNEAKY SNEAKY and renames one of my fav songs to "BLACK LIVES MATTER". Very supportive YouTube comments follow & worldwide racism is destroyed 4eva
Upvote Caster Semenya to make any stray MDEgenerates instantly explode
Very cool, thanks Greta!
Vete a la mierda refugiados!!!
volcel if u wouldn't
Vote for me and I will post the 3 numbers on the back
Wakanda "protestors" (lol) set fire to COVID-19 treatment facilites
Wake up my fellow DosChads
Was pretty honored to see us listed here. We're in good company folks! keep it up
we are all one race, the monke race
We can't trust the moderation here. Quadnarca promised me nudes in a dream like two weeks ago and he still hasn't sent them
We choose to bully people not because it is easy, but because it is also funny
We did it lads, were finally pregnant! Can't wait to see what color the baby is
We have fallen kangs
We have pinging!
We know the percentage of dogpilled foids but in honor of inclusivity and equality what percentage of moids are dogpilled??
We lived bitch
Well DosRama?
We must always remain Radical Centrists.
"We see that you're using an ad blocker. Ads allow us to feed your daily addiction for the world's greatest news, sport and gossip. If your favorite price for MailOnline is free, please allow ads on this site. Need help disabling your ad blocker? View our guide"
We should talk more about this
We still miss you, Uncle Ted ♥
We've hit peak insanity
What Causes DosRama to Occur?
What does DosRama believe in?
What does MDE stand for?
What do you identify as politically?
What if instead of Tomboy Hooters we leveled up...
What I imagine you guys look like irl
What now doscels, really in a pickle huh?
What should I do fellow doschads?
What’s that? I can’t hear out of my left ear 😏
What’s the Spanish word for pussy whipped?
What the frick
What the fuck
What? You’re against pedophilia? Fuck you fascist.
When Dramautists comes to arrr DosRama
When Dramautists come to arrr DosRama
Whenever a group tries to enforce a bunch of rules and language prescriptions on the populace, they usually are faced with the need to enforce it within themselves as well - here an example from the {{{{fellow women}}}} sphere :o
When someone from r/drama tells us about what u/masterlawlz is up too
When you do fent and meth epic style
When you see a monolingualcel making a Spanish mistake on /r/dosrama
Where do people buy pants? These are my last pair. Cash only
where's my racist femboy uwu
Which alt-righter wants to see my feet? 😍
Which way, white men?
Whip your dick out and the fight is over.
white bitches be stealing our mans
White people can't da-
White people can't da-
White people in a nutshell
White people love me
White people were a mistake
White woman makes Saturday plans with bf
Who else loves sexually playful characters?
Who else remembers this gem from 97?
Who is John Mayo?
Wholesome Beirut
Why add more jannies?
Why can't people understand that this is subreddit of LOVE, not hate?!?!?!
Why explaining racism to white Australians can be 'exhausting'
why im #ridin with joe
Why the admins did nothing [VISUALIZED]
Why the admins did nothing wrong
"Why yes I'm Iraqi, how in the world could you tell?"
Winnie the Pooh's army of shills on the defensive as China forces muslims to take birth control
"Wojak...I'm dying. I only have a few months to live and body is already failing. It's from a disease called...Ligma"
Woke Cult of Narcissism
Woman says she can't breathe because she's in a car while tripping balls so other woman further limits her ability to breathe. But both of them are heckin' valid.
Women shouldn't be leaders because they lack common sense
Words Words Words 😭
Words Words Words 😭
Would you help him❓❓ 🤔 ngl he’s kinda cute doe 😳😳😍
WRD user goes full "i know a guy who knows a guy who knows the CEO of reddit" people somehow believe him.
Wtf I love communism now
Wtf I love journalism now
wyd after smoking this
“Yeah thats right Karen!!! Boomer rekt again!! I’m scared guys my dad is mean”
Years back, "You're a faggot, but a cool faggot like Freddy Mercury" was a common normie reddit cliche. And I hated them for their normieness. I miss those normies. Comparatively speaking, I'd only bully them a little bit if they returned
Yeet baby x yeet baby
Yes, having kids, loving them and taking care of them today so that they take care of you tomorrow is in fact a very valid reason to have kids.
“Yes I’m Nordic how could you tell”
Yes please.
Yikes, freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences 🤭
Yikes mayos. Explain yourselves.
Yikes! Sexism in Hip Hop
Yo mama joke guy gets cancelled for stealing fanart of his own character
You can ride wit Biden but we have the lord on our side ✝️
You dumb fucks, I said speak Spanglish not Spanish
You got a War Face, DosRama?
You gotta wake up
You know it never occurred to me that they won't let you into a chuckecheese if you dont bring a kid with you until I tried it
You know what must be done
You love to see it.
You love to see it.
Young men are sexless because they're inferior to women their age
Your melanin ain't safe anywhere
Your melanin ain’t safe this November
Youtube takes down a chess podcast and strikes owner for saying white was doing better than black. I'm not joking.
Zoomer complains about cancel culture, proceeds to get canceled by fragile jannie
Zoomers have a such a beautiful "culture"
Zoomers out
Zoom says China asked it to censor pro-democracy activists in US and it obeyed
Би амьсгалж чадахгүй байна
we are wariors 引グィ