r/TheLastOfUs2 in a nutshell.

1  2020-06-23 by ILoveYouHunter



  1. r/TheLastOfUs2 in a nutshell. - archive.org, archive.today

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What is this, gaming circle jerk? No drama here. Weak post

Call of Duty has everything in its gameplay (literally everything, from place/weapon/NPC names to maps) run through by the zionist state department yet for some reason no comments from stormcels 🙃

This was also a KIA2 troll bit I was workshopping but deux turned to shit

Anyone else noticed that Redditors always use the strawman of their opponents being fedora wearing neckbeards. On both sides of the aisle. When there’s probably less than a hundred people in the world who actually fit that stereotype, especially in 2020, when it’s been known for years as something to avoid.

It’s the same as ppl pretending nerds still dress like urkel. Slow minds living in the past

it’s so old it’s literally going to become post-ironic cool for irony poisoned neourbanites in a few fashion seasons.

lol thought this was ironic