Banned from the Mayo Tribe 😥 (seethe in comments)

1  2020-06-24 by WreckingYourHome



  1. Banned from the Mayo Tribe 😥 (seeth... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

So this politicel bot shared this copypasta about "Fox News uninformed", and I felt contrarian and decided to look into this study that was supposed to prove this.

It seemed to be about a small percentage of people who only watched a single news source in the past week. Okay, whatever. Not worth the fight. But then I looked at the questions and it showed that Republicans were more likely to give the correct answer than Democrats. So I got a game. 15 minutes of people seething at me later I got banned. 😭 (cry, whyte boy)

Worst thing is I'm just a Europoor and don't even like Republicans.

Here's the entire exchange:

You have responded with your deflecting copypasta a million times now. How do you still not understand the huge difference between "people who only watch Fox News" and "Republicans"?

Republicans watching local TV news in the past week: 73%
Republicans who read the local newspaper in the last week: 70%

So everyone of those (and others) are already discounted. You're talking about the oldest old people who are so brain-damaged they don't even recognize what a TV remote is. No shit they'll score worse.

The questions are literally in the study you link. e.g. 9% of Democrats believed the opposition removed Bashar-al Asad (pbuh, the Lion of Damascus will never be tamed) compared to 1% of Republicans. Stop deflecting.

the huge difference between "people who only watch Fox News" and "Republicans"?

What difference? There is no difference, let alone it being "huge" lol. The desperation behind your excuses are pathetic and only discredit you more.

If you stop dishonestly cherry-picking the questions in the study, you wouldn't have to whine about how often the study's conclusion has to be posted to refute your bad faith misrepresentation of ALL the results:

The study concludes that media sources have a significant impact on the number of questions that people were able to answer correctly. The largest effect is that of Fox News: all else being equal, someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer just 1.04 domestic questions correctly — a figure which is significantly worse than if they had reported watching no media at all. On the other hand, if they listened only to NPR, they would be expected to answer 1.51 questions correctly; viewers of Sunday morning talk shows fare similarly well. And people watching only The Daily Show with Jon Stewart could answer about 1.42 questions correctly.

What difference?

I really don't know if you're actually retarded, a psycho politicel desperate to win arguments, or some paid operative (who posts this frequent and with constant copypastas?).

The study says 73% of Republicans watched local TV news in the past week. So these 73% of Republicans didn't watch only Fox News in the past week, right? This is very basic math.

And how do you explain then why Republicans score better than Democrats?

Q1: Republicans +1 percentage point correct
Q2: Republicans +5pp correct
Q3: Republicans +4pp correct
Q4: Republicans +9pp correct
Q5: Republicans +3pp correct

Republicans scored better on every question. Check your own link. The questions are there if you scroll down.

Here come's the deflecting pasta again:

You still haven't shown how a Republican -> Fox New's watcher. Because that's been proven wrong. When I vote Trump in November, it won't be because I watch boomer news, because I don't.

You still haven't shown how a Republican -> Fox New's watcher.

"You still haven't shown that water is wet"


Thanks for letting everyone know you got what you deserved for breaking reddit's rules by brigading.

Good luck pretending to be a victim for suffering the perfectly deserved consequences of your rule-breaking.


Lmao, this is just a shitpost kid. And if I ever feel desperate to share something else to the Woke Mayo Tribe I'll just use an alt. ("that's illegal, reported!!!")

this is just a shitpost kid.

Everyone totally believes you!

imagine whining about a sub "brigading"

No one's whining more than you after getting absolutely destroyed, you cowardly broke the rules by begging others to brigade, and then cried and played the victim for receiving the perfectly expected consequences of your rule-breaking.

You got me, that was my plan all along. Use this army of 14 people who are in this sub now, to fight the 12,195 cracker stronghold.

How do you take Reddit shit this seriously? You got proven wrong, hey, it happens. You got Asperger's or something?

lol you got proven wrong, tried to cheat because you're a scummy insecure snowflake, got caught, and received the perfectly expected consequences of your rule breaking. Now you're retreating to your safe space, pretending to be a victim because you're so unbelievably desperate, these cucks are the only ones gullible enough to fall for such pathetic attention whoring.

Salty mayo tears, yum yum.

This sub is full of them :D

if you think this sub is mayo tears, check out /r/drama 🤣

if /u/slyweazal thinks this sub is mayo tears, he (xhe?) should check out /r/rsa 🤣

Seethe white boy

Hahaha, right?! Hilarious watching how much he pretends not to care after all his cringy attempts completely fall flat :D

liberal whites are actually smarter than conservative whites, problem is all those n words dragging the stats down for democrats

You didn't copy/paste your points enough times so you lose, sorry