Is there a way to recover / find an archive of my comment on a banned alt on a now banned sub (GenderCritical)?

1  2020-06-29 by AdmisSindSchwuchteln

So this is my problem, one of my permabanned alts had a comment on the freshly shoah'd r/GenderCritical that I'd like to recover - pasted some info links in there that would be a pain in the ass to go find again, was gonna go back there and read some of it etc.

I can see my comments if I log into that alt, however not the /GC ones which have obviously disappeared - Reveddit has my profile behind a login wall, and Wayback doesn't seem to have my user profile at all; searching a sub doesn't seem to work either.

So anyone here know how I could potentially find a mirror of my comment via

1) viewing a mirror of my profile that has circumvented the Login wall, or where I can log in, or

2) a searchable GC mirror where I can recover it by searching for key words?

Or alternatively if you know where or whom I can ask such a question?

This is the single most obnoxious things about sub bans for me, even my own comments and posts there disappearing from my profile - prob more people other than myself would like to know ways to recover stuff as well, so help would be appreciated!



  1. Is there a way to recover / find an... -,

  2. r/GenderCritical -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

what kind of disgusting person are you to compare a subreddit getting banned to millions of jews being murdered. choke terf

I was arguing against them, the rest is accurate though.
