Too all the transphobes, racists, and homophobes

3  2020-07-05 by Tzar-Romulo

If you guys speak out of line and harass any of our trans sisters and brothers. Ya done. Look what happened u/Eva_TryNotBeinRacist after he unleashed his transpbobia onto the sub.



  1. Too all the transphobes, racists, a... -,

  2. u/Eva_TryNotBeinRacist -,

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u/Eva_TryNotBeinRacist is donzo. He's gone. Just like any other bigot that is a bully.

We need some FtM in this sub.

Start a GoFundMe so I can foie gras Quad hrt.

You want to force your funnel in quad’s mouth?

Hell yeah brother.

Request denied.

I want to force your titties in my mouth if you know what I mean 😏

Might help them grow if you what I mean

Came back to discord bro

It could be a 3rd time is a charm.

Hey guess what transphobic chuds, we hate you. Go back to voat

Leftoids and Rightoids are in this sub😳? That’s a nice referesher from duexchad’s mdefugee camps and drama’s radical centrist with rightoids sprinkled in.

I’m actually a radical centrist

i appreciate the support, /u/Tzar-Romulo . does this make me a community mainstay


U/tzar-Romulo the guy who uses “gay” as a slur plays here the world saviour. U/tzar-Romulo spreads racism in Turkish subs and claims here to be a open minded lefty. U/tzar-Romulo has literally Turkish nationalists signs in his flair.

If you don't support transrights and the ongoing transification of society, you're literally a homosexual.

MtFs literally give up their position in the sexual market, meaning you'll have to compete less for women.


What the fuck is trans rights anyway, like nigga you can drink water

I mean didn’t Eva post a gif of him with his dick out in a Spider-Man mask. Mans obviously not mentally stable nor is anyone who owns capeshit masks