Manlets btfo once again.

10  2020-07-05 by Polynesianjuche



  1. Manlets btfo once again. -,

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"He randomly mentioned he was an inch shorter than me and it shook my perception of him."

"Im 5'8 and don't have racial/ body type preferences but when it comes to height, I would like a guy to be at least 6ft or taller. And yes I do ask them how tall they are within the first few conversations."

lmao. Just give up if ur under 6'2.

Just give up if ur under 6'2.

This but unironically. t. 6'2"Chad.

True manlets are 5’4 and under. The 5’5 and above are kings. Gods if they’re blessed with a slightly boyish/fem look 🤤

You mean 5'6.5 and under right babe?

5’6 is perfect. The .5 is a bonus to my 5’5.5



Guarantee you OP is a 400 lbs landwhale. Those are the only people who care about something as irrelevant as height.


Big cope.

manlets mad x24


Guys, it’s time to stop hating on manlets. They’re the ones who raise our children once we move on to greener pastures. They deserve a pat on the head for all they do

Foolish of you to expect we won't have an heroed till the.

Is this w*man fucking dumb? Of you dont want to date one of us, just say it without being rude.

I love how they take a male "issue" and make it about themselves

I thought I was 6'1 most my life. Turns out 185 cm is just under. I still cry about it, sometimes.

Real manlet moments