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1  2020-07-07 by SmoothBeetle


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My father, he was a great man by the way, known across the world as the yellow flash, he was the fastest ninja of his time, my father was Minato Trumpumaki and he had the biggest Rasengans. Yuge rasengans, the other villages feared us! But since Obama became the hokage, bad, NASTY forces are conspiring to BRING us DOWN! Weakest hokage ever! He even let the Hidden Lightning village resume their Tailed Beast energy project! Do you think we should our enemies should have more tailed beasts than us?

Look, I’m going to wipe out those nasty Akatsuki and their women and children with my rasengans. I could even unleash my 4 tails form right in front of Ichiraku Ramen and my supporters would still vote me for hokage.

My name is Dorito J. Trumpumaki, and I’m gonna be the greatest hokage ever, can you believe that folks?