
1  2020-07-09 by MikeStoklasa-cel


Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area!

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What sort of empty faggot owns the latest iPhone?

Cope consoomer

not owning both the latest Android and IPhone just to flex

I forgot that poor-cels were in this sub 🤭🤭🤭

I honor my ancestors, reject modernity and embrace tradition with a Nokia 3310

Not a poorcel just a seattlecel🙁

You’re the poorcel if u think an iPhone is a flex, real Gs own a platinum plated chocolate slider

not paying a team of illegal immigrants to carry around a server loaded with all the latest communications technologies and a satellite uplink so you can send 🍆 emoji to hoes from anywhere

I’m so glad that r/ConsumeProduct was banned. I masturbated furiously when I heard the news.

I only wish I could relive the seething and coping every day. That sub was filled to the brim with those fags on the right.

I only wish I could relive the seething and coping every day. That sub was filled to the brim with those fags on the right

they should have left the most pathetic rightoid subs like consoom and coomer unbanned. it was pure comedy and for none of the reasons their users think

They're still like "it was only a self-improvement sub against consumerism! proof the admins want you addicted fat and lonely" lmfao

According to some threads about r/ConsumeProduct that I found on reddit search, it started out as what its name suggests, a sub making fun of dumb consumerist stuff (prob in the spirit of the RLM origin), but then got overrun by rapefugees and transformed into what it's been for last several months or idk how long.

That makes the rapefugees even more of a menace than I had previously assumed lol - hijacking some "centrist anti-left" place with rightoidism is one thing, but taking a sub about mocking hackfraud product hype etc. and then getting it banned as the no 1 neonazi sub on reddit, that's sth else entirelymao.

If anyone still needed convincing to keep the cockroaches out, hopefully not anymore!

The truth is somewhere in the middle.