
1  2020-07-10 by CultistHeadpiece


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This really shows that women are just fucking brainlets. Let's look at our two players one is a white dude parroting basic we wuz kangs points and probably ruining his future in the process. The other is attractive women who is able to maintain a calm attitude and could likely form a host of simps around her. Yet still this bottom 1% male can come on top of every verbal exchange with her. Its mind boggling

Whenever a man engages in any form of absurdist or offensive humor, women can only respond with "wooooooow" or gasps to signify how wrong the other person is. That's why twitterbrain women love TYpIng LiKE ThIs when dealing with concepts that offend them. Women don't engage with ideas, they strengthen consensus and seethe.

Humor is deeply problematic. Maybe you'd know that if you had a degree in sociology like me.

Wth stop downbussying my correct comment you ShvoolWichser


Laughs at the right spots but still holding on to wokecel morals as of now - there is some hope there yet.

What do people like him even do in a couple years when they need to get an actual job in the future?

Change their name. Problem solved

Even if he gets a job there’s no way he doesn’t do something retarded again

Change the name again



  1. Hmmm -,*

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Transnigga is not a thing?? How dare you say something so oppressive!

What's his username