Absolute DosChad shitposts irl, gets away free of consequence

1  2020-07-17 by Jannie_Slayer


Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac

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That's because shes fat

can you imagine her 600 pound body trying to perch itself on your Porcelain throne?

Stop posting your kinks here bro lol

Jannies absolutely destroyed

monke form

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Clean it up.

She is happy about it.

Lol clean it up bitch

My black population pooped all over my national crime rate and the government took their side

im not sure if I even believe the article, but that's what you GET when you make money from nothing (renting out your shitty home to shitlords).

next time buy better locks, and keep your guests in a cement cube.