Massive m*yo spergout, getting upset over a simple joke.

19  2020-07-20 by Hell0Everyone


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Imagine paying money to play Ultimate Renthog: The Game. Smh at these fucking rentoids

So much landphobia. Renthogs should be paying off rent irl, not spending it all on animal crossing and funko pops.

Calm down bitch, some people don’t take kindly to genocide nor find it funny..maybe go cry somewhere else. Nazi punks fuck off :) people who attempt to normalize this or say ~it’s dark humor~ need to get a better sense of humor..because..jokes are supposed to be funny. What’s funny about genocide or the symbolism of these uniforms that represent such a tragedy? Absolutely nothing :)

I will say it’s been cathartic blocking every idiot who defends this or tries to downplay the fucked up shit behind this. May your turnip prices be garbage forever :)

Words words words


I'm so sorry to hear that!!! :((( if you like princess dresses I have a few pro designs from other people that are Disney princess ones. I'm really sorry about that :(

EDIT: I see lots are liking my comment! I already DM'ed them the links but here if you'd like them as well!!! It's 2 YouTube videos

Hello I hate white people.

That sucks, unfortunately turnip selling seems to bring out the younger and less mature of the community. I had one brat take 4 journeys to sell turnips at my place on a Saturday, instead of thanking me he proceeded to run through all my plants. 99% of people visiting have been lovely though.

Sorry I dont play that garbage for children. I play what real chads play: Halo.

So you're part of the problem. Hope you don't have any children you set an example for, asshole.

Too late there bucko.

Screw you! You’re the worst and you’ve been reported both here and to Nintendo.

Thanks for the entertaining larp pal

"seeing as I don’t know this guy, he left Nazi shit, and his island name is just the n-word. That is all. "


A kitten did not die but 11 million Jews did. 11 million Jews were tortured and murdered just bc of their beliefs! Another 70-85 million people died fighting so that this wouldn’t happen again. Supporting Nazis or condoning the use of their symbol is killing the legacy of the people. It’s showing that you are okay with murdering 11 million people just bc of what they belief. It shows that you are a psychotic white supremest who believes in the nazi message. Do you really want to support all of that bloody history? Acknowledging this history is one thing, glorifying or praising it is a whole other thing. Please think before you post next time.

I agree. Think about a people persecuted for absolutely no reason whatsoever at all and hating them for no reason as well.