AHScels bully innocent Doschads

1  2020-07-27 by RadTradEkans


Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac

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I just wish we minorities could post in peace in our own subs and not have to deal with these white supremacist AHS users, who always destroy minority owned subs, and get them banned and bully us into submission. I'm dreaming of a world where I'm not judged by the color of my skin or my sexual orientation, but by my character. But alt-righters from that disgusting brigading place come to my small home, and treat me like my bullies did in elementary school.

Alt-Rightists and Crypto-Fash AHS-posters both have one thing in common, a distaste for minorities and their cultures.

r/Tworama exists but there's nothing there. r/Dosrama already exists and appears to be well on the way to becoming a fascist shithole, despite the stickied fig leaf post "denouncing" hate.

u/things_make_me_sad says the crypto-fascist.

130k reddit karma in a year jfl

Wow that's a lot! I wonder how much they're getting paid for all that.

$0.00 I wonder what the benefits are?


It's too bad the fugees don't go shit up AHS to the point that they have to ban themselves.🤔


Why does AHS hate minorities?

Take the letters "AHS". Now, A is the first letter of the alphabet. H is the 8th letter. S is the 19th letter. 1+8+19=28. Add the five sides of the pentagram and you get 33.

Now let's take a look at the KKK. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. KKK=33. Let me repeat: 33!!!!!

AHS=KKK. Kinda makes you think.

This but unironically
