Corona Doomer drives 1.5 hours to go to a french fry stand in a rural area then cries cause he "should have stayed home"

1  2020-07-29 by Augustus-Romulus


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MFW an insufferable schizophrenic can attract a fiancé but I can’t

She drove 1.5 hours to a french fry stand because she was too scared to go in her city. She is probably fat if she has that dedication to onion rings and fries.

A meal consisting of two side dishes and a what is essentially a milkshake.

Even the fat lady from the macaroni salad video is like “hey man, that’s not a very balanced diet.”

Lol, u/rsgnl

If discussing my anxiety disorder makes me a doomer, then so be it!

just don't have anxiety lol

And that’s the tea sweaty 😤💅


How was the root beer float tho


Did they use real rootbeer or some shit like Mug?

corona has clearly already decimated your taste buds

It never even started for tastecels

Blech. Commoners root beer

Maybe take some time away from the internet

Imagine being afraid of a wittle beer sniffle 🤧🤧😂😂🤣🤣 like lmaaaaooo duuuude just eat your leafy greens 🥦🥬🥬and it will all be fine dude👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣

Corooners lmao