Please, don’t let us stop you

1  2020-07-30 by Future401


Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area!

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Should have done it long ago and reached Kurt Kobain-tier legendary status in the rap world, instead of turning into the embarrassment he is now. Droomph bad, whitey bad! So brave and edgy Em

man, imagine how shitty Kurt Cobain would be today if he didn't take the buckshotpill

he can't rap anymore to save his life

he said he'd quit when he got bad

but now he mad

Do it pussy

Do you guys hear hands rubbing in the distance?

Solidarity self-mayocide

So he's back on drugs? Just look at that face. That ain't old-age.

Definitely fake

It’s not

“No, don’t. Stop.”

Is this real? post link

Probably just tabloids making things up

Makeup courtesy of Bisquick.