D o s J a m s for when Drama's banned

1  2020-08-01 by jiatolenjino


Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac

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The plan is to get banned. It'll cause a scattering of basedness throughout plebbit because unlike Mdefugees and Chapofugees we're not braindead.

First track on this album always makes me think of being on the el 100 years into the future, traversing a vertical concrete hellscape.

Looking out the window, the glimpses you catch of what your grandpa still refers to as "the sky" is, for now, an advertisement for NewCorp Equity International. It fades to a spot for Pornhub's In the Flesh (tm) fantasy simulator, available nowat your local plug n play.

To your right, a homeless man lays on his side against the cabin's wall, a pile discarded, deactivated Euphoriana chips growing in front of his chest. You watch as his hand, already shaky from withdrawal, reaches into his pocket for another one. He lifts the chip to his eye. Instantly, his bio optic interfaces with the chip, sending a simulated summation of all humankind's pleasures straight to his brain. You watch with slight bemusement as his eyes roll back and he lets out a deep moan. "Fucking junkies," you think to yourself.

Okay you sold me, this has been sitting in watch later for like 6 months.

What album is this?

I expect compensation for my emotional labor but you can read about it here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birth_of_a_New_Day

Do you accept bussy as payment?