When you're a women but you're also straight and white, a trick to get a liiitle higher on the oppression totem pole is to just say you're also non-binary. Many such cases
What a fucking moron. She clearly was asking for it in the pooper. Now this guy is going to have to serve 5-10 in state because he can't read basic social signals.
1 AutoModerator 2020-08-06
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9 InterestingAddendum 2020-08-06
8 Augustus-Romulus 2020-08-06
These stories are so hard to follow when they go woke and call everyone "they" and "my partner" then slip up and say "her" and they go back to they.
5 InterestingAddendum 2020-08-06
Tell me about it. Having to read them misgender their partner multiple times was nerve-racking. 😞
13 Typo_Knig 2020-08-06
Should we be surprised? He is a rapist after all
7 GourmetImp 2020-08-06
You don't slip if you love tolerance 🌈
1 Str8blkIsnewYT 2020-08-06
She's gender fluid, bigot. It's you that is out of line here.
5 tacosferbreakfast 2020-08-06
Imagine not being able to realize you’re being emotionally manipulated by a them
3 SaveUsUncleTed 2020-08-06
Imagine interacting with a "they".
1 tacosferbreakfast 2020-08-06
I try to avoid them
4 pepintehhunchback 2020-08-06
Wtf does nb/f mean?
You’re non binary but also a woman?
2 TheSelfImprooover 2020-08-06
1 MountainDewCodeBlue 2020-08-06
It's a big old red flag is what it is.
1 Arbys_Official 2020-08-06
When you're a women but you're also straight and white, a trick to get a liiitle higher on the oppression totem pole is to just say you're also non-binary. Many such cases
1 SaveUsUncleTed 2020-08-06
2 agrees2retardsFan 2020-08-06
They Louis CKed him!
2 his_purple_majesty 2020-08-06
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-06
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 kratoswithcappuccino 2020-08-06
I raped her!!! I raaaapppeeeddd hhheeeerrr haha
1 Str8blkIsnewYT 2020-08-06
What a fucking moron. She clearly was asking for it in the pooper. Now this guy is going to have to serve 5-10 in state because he can't read basic social signals.
This is why bullying needs to start earlier.
1 Kinkywatermelon 2020-08-06
Gulag for everyone involved in the post, including the people commenting 🤢
1 forseti911 2020-08-06
The solution is having both xirs yell "DO I HAVE YOUR ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT" every 5 seconds of le epic sexytimes.
0 grogocean 2020-08-06
frágil bongo