Sex addict claims hot female gamers caused him to injure his penis

1  2020-08-07 by MayonaiseRemover


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To cure the “Twitch” in his pants


Imagine beating your 🅱️enis so hard that it breaks just because some egirl played vidya with her milkers out. Inshallah I hope he wins

Astaghfirullah brozzer.

Tie me to a missile and fire it at Twitch HQ. I am ready!

Hi ready!, I'm dad.

I will beat you with 30 shoes for your insolence. Tfu tfu!

You can sue anyone for anything. The matter of it holding up in a courtroom is a whole different story. I’ve heard of people being fined/cited for wasting the court’s time as well if they can’t present an actual case.....which I can see happening here.


  1. Sex addict claims hot female gamers... -,*

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Is that Blaire White?



Beautiful pinging, I no longer remembered how it used to be

Remover the boomer that blamed his porn addiction on accidentally typing fuckbook instead of Facebook? This is the 100x more r-slurred zoomed edition.