Childhood is thinking that Islam will ruin Europe. Adulthood is realizing that only Allah can save Europe from degeneracy.

1  2020-08-07 by juliakeiroz


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Giving a shit about europoors🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

We spent half of our time reading articles on the US and trying to help them by explaining that you need free health care and to imprison all the white racists with their guns, and this is how you repay us? 🙄

Giving a shit about technological society 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Not even joking, I was shocked when I found out the """"""""""""number 1 nation"""""""""""" does not have free college and free healthcare

I finally understood, back in 2011, why Reddit wouldn't. shut. the. fuck. up. about student loans. It's because the so-called Land of the Free does not have free college.

  1. Racists are based
  2. If all the poor people die, there are no poor people

You're in a 🇪🇸Spanish🇪🇸 sub, amigo.

What's Spain? Mexico junior? American Spanish speakers > sPain

I want me some tradpilled muslim femboy bf I can fuck in the ass.


  1. Childhood is thinking that Islam wi... -,

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Where is the white European genocide I was promised several years ago?

My Islamic brothers are slacking SMH!
