AHA is SHOCKED when they find out a traditional catholic sub is anti-lgtb and anti-abortion.

1  2020-08-07 by Augustus-Romulus


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Trans man Catholic here


Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amén.

Cath*lic 🤢

man 🤢

here 🤢


Bet they really stir up the church on sunday mornings! Gives fred and Margaret something to talk about during their post church meal at village inn!

Trans man Catholic here

Probs just an Episcopalian larping.

Or worse, a J*suit

maybe he meant transcendent

Yikes! Put a trigger warning or something AHS' islamophobia made me tear up. 😞

Weren't this type of people accepting of muslims? Or did the fad die off?

Waiiit a minute these people actually don’t share a single belief with us and in fact, wherever they’re a majority, we are not allowed to exist hmm 🤔

At the end of the day, the people who frequent here might be the only ones doing the important reporting of these sitewide violations.

Surely they get paid for doing this


reporting comments

I didn't believe anyone actually thinks like this.

life's meaning is what you make it

jannies getting paid



Not even jannies. They're just users doing a jannie's work for free. Atleast jannies get paid with internet power.

This is peak reddit

¡Lo hacen gratis!

Why do any of those people use reddit, why waste so much time looking for stuff that makes you mad

We're the pot calling the gay kettle black

They don't seem to enjoy it though. Where as we revel in it

Twitter doe

This sub doesn't really does do a damn thing in the grand scheme of things. It's just more of an awareness. I highly doubt reddit admins actually take this or any similar subs into account when doing policy making, warnings or bans.

"awareness" says AHSoid

Also they should have more respect for their hardwork!

All they do is act as a directory of subs for MDEfugees to browse



Catholics are probably more mellow about LGBT than a lot of Protestent denominations I've gone to over the years, tbqhwufam. But yes, they do not approve of bussy-to-bussy contact.

why would you rub two bussies together?

... Are you telling me I've stuffed condoms up my ass for nothing?

KaaraRaven has that one on lock

American "Catholics" are pro-LGBT due to anglo pervasion. Most Catholics are ambivalent on the Bussy Question.

My grandmother is devoutly Catholic, yet she is very accepting of those that one would think is “not like her”. And she’s in her 80’s no less. Religion gets its fair share of shit, and deservingly so. There are those though that thankfully don’t go along with that shit show, and actually practice in good faith, and are respectful of other people that aren’t like them.

So practicing an anti-gay religion "in good faith" means leaving out the anti-gay and fabric mixing stuff, ok lol - proof that "good faith" really is just a buzzword that they use; I thought it meant intellectual honesty, but guess not lol.

Catholics v LGBT is the only scenario where the 'homophobia = closeted gay' is valid.

It never even begun for the AHScel


We don't hate gays and shit but when they constantly push it with their weird ass parades and then brag about having their 3rd abortion in a year, yea IDK how else to feel.

still out lol

Wtf I love catholic pedos now


  1. AHA is SHOCKED when they find out a... - archive.org, archive.today*

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All Catholics Are Cucks


I have this on clipboard

too many people talk without knowing what they're saying.

The bible doesn't say "kill all gays" but it is certainly "homophobic"

Genesis 9:20–27 Genesis 19:1–11 Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:10 Romans 1:26–27 Genesis 9:20–27, 19:1–11 Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:10 Romans 1:26–27

I'm kind of starting to not get this site any more. It seems like its just a site for the various hobbies of gay people. Seriously, how do you bull a religious sub to going private?

I'm pro-abortion(no choice) after reading based Sanger's thoughts on the matter.

Tfw AHScels are bigger pearl clutchers than Catholics