
1  2020-08-08 by CRYSTAL_HYPOTHESIS


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  1. Pathetic -,

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Everyone in the original thread is calling it out for being a shitty Facebook meme, but it has 700 upvotes. Another AHS plant?

I thought it was funny. Imma share it to my boomer family on Facebook 👌

You can click their profiles. All the whiners in there are /r/Anarchy101, /r/Libertarian, AHS, and r/FragileWhiteRedditor/.

Reminder that dramatards got cucked for "brigading" lmaoo.

imagine thinking you're a libertarian and trying to limit other people's speech

How else are you going to diddle kids without a lynch mob forming?

Do what Islam did and make it part of your religion

This is wildly racist for 3 reasons y’all. Tired black bodies y’all. 57 mile wide arguments all weekend during an escalating bender y’all. 🥱🥱🥱

Wow. Powerful stuff, really makes you reflect on the white nationalist Trump loving we live in.

Omfg. Imagine getting this worked by a boomer tier Facebook meme.

Debates about racist crayons and whether going poo poo all by yourself is ablist.

Boomer memes go both ways, it seems