Two retards get in a three day argument about Jeff Bezos. Pizza would be proud

1  2020-08-08 by reptilia987


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Another day, another reminder that you are a worthless individual who is so fucking stupid you can't even understand basic concepts. This is why you don't have a good job. No one wants to pay someone as stupid as you are.

The way this dude talks reminds me of what one of those negative schizophrenic internal voices are supposed to sounds like. It cannot be healthy to sit and type all of that out for days on end.


  1. Two retards get in a three day argu... -,

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The retarded commie doesn't even understand that Jeff Bezos's parents didn't just give him hundreds of thousands of dollars. They invested $250k into Amazon. Now they're worth billions (unless Jeff bought them out at some point)

It was a good investment whether or not Jeff Bezos was their son

Almost all small businesses need hundreds of thousands of dollars to start up. Bezos could have easily gotten the money from banks or VCs instead of his parents and nothing would have changed amazon’s success

I love people who disregard how much some billionaire made because they were given money at some point. Give any of these people twice the amount any billionaire was given and they would just try to retire early and live a cozy life at best.