Oh my goodness, were they ok? I'm going to pray with my Evangelical congregation to make sure that our Greatest Ally remains safe during these dark times.
Leftoids will say the United States is built upon land stolen from Native Americans because they were there first, but then call Israel an illegitimate state even though Jews were there 3000 years ago. Antisemitic much?
1 AutoModerator 2020-08-09
Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac
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6 cumgangster69 2020-08-09
You threw a grenade at your senior officer, shattering him into pieces?
1 PapaTachancla 2020-08-09
2 SirCheekus 2020-08-09
Based and genocidepilled
2 chodemessiah 2020-08-09
ayyy white phosphorus gang rise up
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-09
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 DayOfTheCanNOW 2020-08-09
Das rite Goycel, now bow down Hans and pay for dat new submarine KKKracKKKa 🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
2 AnotherLibtardRekt 2020-08-09
1 OrtizSardinas 2020-08-09
1 AnotherLibtardRekt 2020-08-09
Damn I think it's private
1 Bummunism 2020-08-09
Nah, it wasnt
1 AnotherLibtardRekt 2020-08-09
Based. Hope it doesn't get banned
1 OrtizSardinas 2020-08-09
Pictured: assault on Israeli citizens with a deadly weapon
2 forseti911 2020-08-09
Oh my goodness, were they ok? I'm going to pray with my Evangelical congregation to make sure that our Greatest Ally remains safe during these dark times.
1 BRAAAAAAAAPFT 2020-08-09
1 teryn2012 2020-08-09
Hello based department, I think I found your missing member
1 ThrowawayFurryVore 2020-08-09
Every time
1 user_joined_just_now 2020-08-09
Leftoids will say the United States is built upon land stolen from Native Americans because they were there first, but then call Israel an illegitimate state even though Jews were there 3000 years ago. Antisemitic much?