Why add more jannies?
1 2020-08-10 by Gfuel_Sam
Instead every month there should be an election where the top voted janny gets removed until one remains (ideally a bot).
1 2020-08-10 by Gfuel_Sam
Instead every month there should be an election where the top voted janny gets removed until one remains (ideally a bot).
1 AutoModerator 2020-08-10
Horny ? Chat with fellow doschads in your area! https://www.reddit.com/chat/r/dosrama/channel/169896778_98cd3e6a4e10ac41e2317b7fd2e5466fe28084ac
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1 Gfuel_Sam 2020-08-10
1 SnapshillBot 2020-08-10
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 forseti911 2020-08-10
Because reddit jannies use the position as a friend simulator because irl they would be beaten on sight if they exited their goon caves.
1 bloupp 2020-08-10
Reddit Janny survivor actually sounds fun. What would the strategy be? Stay in the shadows so people don't vote for you or throw another janny under the bus? Any jannies in this thread make your life useful and set this up 💅
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-08-10
Kaiser has been talking a lot lately. Talking and scheming.
1 Moist__nuggets 2020-08-10
The t-slurs 20% instead of 40% when there is fun to be stopped by yikesing and y'alling threads.