The current state of r/drama top posts are a picture showing some guy's wife's goat and the other is some dude's girlfriend's fish. How did they get to this pathetic state?

1  2020-08-10 by Augustus-Romulus


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/u/redtaboo can you please just put down /r/drama? They're very sad in this state, it's like watching and old vegetable on life support that has no brain function and constantly soils themselves.


  1. The current state of r/drama top po... -,

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Se acabó para erre barra drama

By living in constant fear of admins and power jannies.

I've heard it was because Masterlawlz visited Reddit HQ to apply for Alexis Ohanian's position in blackface.

Even still, not being able to get drunk and bully masterl*wlz has left my balls as blue as the beautiful Golfo de México