The business partner of dotcom-era has-been drops the N-word on a podcast and cries "it was just a joke!" when called out.

46  2017-01-06 by SithisTheDreadFather

George "Maddox" Ouzounian (/u/MaddoxReddit), of late 90s e-fame, torpedoed the only good thing he's done in years this summer. As part of the falling out, he posted a video claiming that his former business partner, Dax "Dick Masterson" Herrera (of Dr Phil fame / /u/DickMasterson), stole money from their show and "maintains a 'rape list'" due to an anonymous 8chan post. He also accused Dick of being a "rape apologist" because Dick suggested that women are capable of making themselves safer. Dick posted the financials (which someone broke down line by line) that prove that Maddox was full of shit.

Maddox blew up his old, successful podcast because his ex-cohost Dick "allegedly" slept with woman Maddox dated 4 years previously. He then lied about the reasoning by claiming fraud and embezzlement and claiming his ex-cohost condones rape. Maddox then allegedly spends $30,000 on a website and launches a "network" of 2 podcasts: The Best Debate in the Universe (he redirected the old feed to this podcast in order to deceive advertisers by inflating his listeners) and Pod Awful. Pod Awful is run by a guy named Jesse "P-S" Smith and has been around for a while. Despite the fact that Jesse has been doing "comedy" since 2009, he has no real fanbase given that prior to joining the "MadCast Media Network" he had fewer than 30 Patrons on Patreon. That number has skyrocketed to 75 since September of this year.

Jesse keeps trying to stir up shit. He set up a fake Patreon to steal money from actual content creators (there's a lot of untapped drama here). He's kind of a homophobe. But don't worry you guys, he was hacked! Here's a 300 comment post about him talking about Dick's show.

The Drama:
One of Dick's friends is a black man named Denzel Walkes (host of new podcast Real Nerd Hours). Recently Jesse was talking about him for seemingly no reason. Here's a copy of the audio (in video form). Here's the transcript:

Jesse: “You know that guy Denzel who’s on their show?”
Caller?: “Uh, yeah. He's one of the black guys?”
Jesse: “Yeah, that fuckin nigger.”
Caller?: “Yeah”

Well, this has set off a firestorm. It's easier if I just give the links:

Jesse is doing damage control on his account /u/DoctorPooPoo. Many suspect that /u/ateasegirl is Jesse's alt, but this is still unknown (a play on words for "80's Girl," Dick's on-air nickname for his girlfriend).

Maddox, in a hilarious about-face when it affects him, posted a tweet condemning The Dick Show fans (and trying to get them booted off Patreon) for using Maddox's own tactics to try and shame Jesse's racism (Reddit link). He immediately deleted this tweet, but not after getting called out on it and screencapped.

That's mostly it. I skipped over some stuff like the hateful things he said to /u/asterioskokkinos, but that's mostly it.


Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.

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Good job buddy. Happy Birthday too!

I always wondered what Maddox had gotten into

I'm kinda disappointed tbh

His old podcast was actually really funny and enjoyable. It's too bad he nuked it because he was still in love with a 4 year old ex (and then slandered his partner).

Well news to me! What was it called? I'll download the old ones

Ty bb 🙌🏽👌🏿🍆💦💦

Be sure to check out The Dick Show afterwards. All the best parts of the former podcast.

I think skip the first few episodes. They find their feet with the new show after a month or two.

True, but if you listen to the Biggest Problem and are like WTF happened after the last episode, it is still decent content.

It reminded me of Game Grumps. Came for egoraptor, stayed for Jon. Came for Maddox stayed for dick

he was still in love with a 4 year old ex

Yeah yeah. I mean an ex from 4 years ago.

This is way too much information about some people nobody has heard of

That's fair. The Dick Show is, however, one of the most popular and highest earning Patreons right now at #46.

Wow, Chapo is really up there.

Maddox's downward spiral into SJWism has been pretty amazing to watch

Especially since he used to condone molesting people at concerts

Uh, excuse me but he disavowed all that stuff. This is a new Maddox for 2017.

Yep. Even the Man-purse sponsor dropped him.

It's really too bad. I loved TBPitU. I actually liked Maddox's character. I don't want him to struggle, but he became an actual asshole instead of a pretend one and dug this hole himself. So fuck him.

You have to suck pretty hard to get dropped by a scam company

This is one of those things that seems dramatic to people involved in these communities but is otherwise fairly trivial/petty to outsiders.

It is petty, yes.

oops, no one cares. lol

Fuck off, Jesse.

I'm involved with the communities and I don't care. Its petty tit for tat bitching.

What's up buddy?

Uuuu, a niche drama I already know about! Nice job, OP!

I liked /u/MaddoxReddit when he wasn't an SJW.


lol no one cares