Remember last week when Zoe Quinn had PTSD, this week she is claiming to be genderless. Drama from others not included, she produces it in spades.

10  2017-01-13 by lvl99SkrubRekker


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,,*

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Her patreon must be drying up.

I would, however, like to start working toward capturing a fraction of the magic of David Bowie or Prince or any of the number of the queer genderfucking icons we lost last year. There are some extremely stylish shoes that need filling.

Jesus christ.

I wish she followed in their footsteps, their last footsteps.

That was the first thing I tough of when I saw this post.

Is there any way to see the history of montly donation? I would be currious to see how much more support she got!

among other things

Prince wasn't queer, you dumb broad.

I dont understand why trannies love prince, prince proved you could act however the fuck you want without being mentally ill or mutilating yourself.

You need a talent to back up your acting out. :3

"but but but... I had thirsty nerds make depression quest for me..."

Really breaking news here on her part.

Is this real life?

Its real as real can be. This is what 2800 dollars a month in patreon dollars gets you.

Who is this?

A anti gamergate nerd who is currently making 2800 dollars a month being a twitter victim.

Can I be a victim too?

Hey I want to be a cyborg but we can't all be artificial constructs of posthumanism can we

same and true

Maybe you can't

This is one of my actual dreams so please don't crush it

Why are you naysaying it then? You should be pushing for cyborg bodies for all!

Unless you're some kind of bourgie only the elite can have mechanical dildo arms snob

It can't be done with a tumblr post all willy nilly

I have fond dreams of becoming an assassin in Africa and crushing skulls with my robot hand is part of that

I still don't know if you want it for all or just your bourgie friends

Will you be first against the holowall??

I'm fine with for all as long as I can achieve my dreams

You have escaped the holowall.

For now.

Y u want kill blk ppl?


You knew Zoe is a cyborg before making this analogy, right?

installing an NFC whatever isn't really cyborg-ism...

She also has a magnet in a finger that lets her not only pick up small metallic things but also literally feel nearby magnetic fields.

i got one of those circle magnets and put it on my finger like a ring, and then tied a laptop over my shoulder like a backpack

im also a cyborg

Drama: any incident, scene, gaffe, rumor, opinion, or disagreement that is blown entirely out of proportion.


The only out of proportion reaction is making a thread about her tumblr post.

But gooblygabbly mate


The Sauron of our time

A bit odd to drop this now (I mean, she believes Trump/Pence are going to make moves to restrict LGBT rights right?) Wouldn't that put her more at risk?

Now she gets to be even more of a victim

How come all these special snowflakes are all unique in exactly the same ways?


Christ on a cross, do you not get enough attention? You're an attention whoring narcissist with Borderline. You've also been under a microscope for going on 3 years now. You pulled all of this shit right out of your ass, just as you have with every other personal development of yours.

And how do I know this? Because a narcissistic Borderline like yourself would be sounding this off as loud as you could to everyone in your SJW circle from day one, which in this case is yesterday.

Fuck me sideways. Is there anything real about you at all? Do you even exist, or are you some kind of social experiment?

I don't get it she's literally just posting on her own blog that you have to seek out to find. How is that asking for attention???

600 or so notes in less than a day says this blog was advertised to her sjw clique, ie the people she seeks validation from. She's getting attention from the people she wants it from for sure. Dunno how much you know about Valkenburgers, but she has a long and storied history of attention whoring.

She's getting attention from the people she wants it from for sure.

I still don't understand how that's a problem. The only way you saw this her tumblr post was because it was posted here for no reason. That's like the opposite of attention whoring, people like the OP are going out of their way to follow her Twitter/Tumblr/etc to see what they can get angry about.

shes a lolcow and is 100% making it up for attention because nobody is paying her any anymore

Your Dickbutt flair is a bit ironic here, considering KC Green is a huge fan and personal friend of Quinns.

Hey, fancy seeing you here.

I lurk all kinds of weird boards I never really post on.

Stick around. It's a fun place, especially compared to GGFFA

After all the drama she's started she can call herself whatever the fuck she wants. She's done her duty to civilization by producing KIA and Ghazi.

I am trans Irish on uneven rainy days and transscottish on even days.


Given that the hostility xi had to face was deeply gendered, how does coming out as other than cis change how we view the history of that gendered hostility?

I find myself constantly feeling like I live in a satire these days. I'm starting to disassociate and literally shake.

my gender is the roman numeral for 11 respect that shit

The only thing I care about her is what new Hepatitis strain is growing in her rotten vagina.

Holy victim complex. She really is a piece of filth.

still minute 16

b O R D E R L I N E P E R S O N A L I T Y D I S O R D E R





























told you it wasnt about hating women


No no, this means that not only has gamergate driven a woman out of making video games, *dramatic music* they've driven her out of being a womyn!