Attention seeking blue-haired tranny got almost every one of "her" Nintendo Switch "leaks" wrong, is desperately trying to save face while getting e-raped on twitter. For bonus cancer click on his pinned tweet.

13  2017-01-13 by LSU_Coonass


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


  1. This Post -,,*

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It's one thing thing to mock commies or SJWs as they're advocating anti-liberal policy and behavior, this just seems like spitting on a homeless person



So her response should be 'Yes, rape me please!'? Stay classy.

(Nevermind the fact that most of her leaks were right.)

50 bucks says those rape threats never happened.

is it rape to stick your penis into a literal wound?

Did something wrong and need to hide for a while? Visit and our team of trained internet professionals will send you a tweet tailored to your triggering needs

January is PTSD month, sign up for our weekly harassment tweets and get self diagnosis of PTSD at no extra charge

Act now, twitter eggs are standing by

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

How can taunting this blatant be tolerated by the /r/Drama mods?!?!

Wait, the overreaction is her asking for people to stop harassing her? I think people threatening her with rape for getting predictions about a video game console wrong is the overreaction LOL

No, no, no you don't get it. Every rape and death threat sent on the internet is false and made up by attention seeking victim. Did I already tell you how unethical gaming journalism is?

if your reaction to a "rape threat" is to cry on twitter and beg for pity instead of taking it to the appropriate authorities then im inclined to believe youre making it up, it is what it is

this shit is credentials to these people

OP is trying too hard.

Her and buzzfeed must use the same sources.

You should delete this account too you edgy tryhard cunt

make me, bitch

Here's the thing you're too thick to realise.

When you or any of your like-minded little mouthbreathers flex what passes for a brain in your retarded little world and come up with unimaginative, unfunny shit like your title there's only two possible reasons behind it that anyone not in your little grouping thinks of.


The first, not being quite as bad as the second but no less pathetic is that you're the adult version of a primary school kid who has just decided "fart" is a very naughty word. You're going to try to use it as much as possible now because you desperately want to impress your buddies with how you're rebelling against the people who told you it was a big no-no to say fart.

Doesn't matter where you use it, doesn't matter how. You don't even have to put any tiny shred of thought into it. It's enough just to drop fart in randomly. Even better if you can use it to attack someone. Yeah, you'll be totally cool for telling someone they smell like farts.

The second, and worse, is that you're genuinely a hateful little piece of shit that not only knows the words they're using are considered hurtful and derogatory and have been used in the past and are still used to cause people actual pain and misery - people you know absolutely nothing about - but you actively enjoy doing this. Relish causing pain to people that don't fit in your narrow little worldview.

You know what that makes you right? To care enough about people you will probably never meet to actively try to hurt them for nothing other than a different way of thinking? It makes you a cowardly insecure little fuck. You grapple with insults because you can't string together a reasonable discussion point otherwise. You're a simpleton.

That's the two options people not in the grouping see when they read your drivel.

Maybe you'll impress some people by being edgy, but they'll be the same shitty little husks of human beings that you are, too scared to say what they do online in real life unless they outnumber the other.

It's the ultimate pursuit of being as pathetic as possible and you smile and cackle all the while. There is a lot of shit that I and others do here in /r/Drama that is so lame and stupid but it will never in a million years reach the level of utter retardation you achieve with your masterworks of insecurity put to text.

But hey, keep being an e-thug. Most people will keep thinking you're a worthless waste of space.

didnt read lol

Good job reinforcing my point you sad waste of life

you sad waste of life

i didnt need you to tell me that, i foudn that out on my own thanks

Where did all these crybaby faggots come from?

You want /r/subredditdrama, not /r/drama

/r/drama's readership swings back and forth between oppressed dangerhairs and murderous nazi rape gangs on a semi-regular basis. Just roll with it -- outrage junkies get bored quickly enough when the people they "challenge" just laugh and carry on.

every now and then the sjw types get all confident, doesnt usually last long for obvious reasons

> thinking I'm anything close to an SJW type

You're retarded

fucking lol i wasnt actually talking about you but ok

theres always a few people in this sub that lean a bit sjw but most of the time their real opinions dont get traction so they rely on ironic anti white people stuff

every now and then though they get all cocky and shit the place up for a while until reality beats them back into submission

dont tell me you havent seen it happen, right now most of them are angry about trump but trying to hide it

Wow how fucking bizarre of me to think you were talking about me when it's in a chain directly related to me wew goddamn how did I ever come to that conclusion.

That aside you're an idiot.

Keep jacking off inside your little bubble of insecurity

Wow how fucking bizarre of me to think you were talking about me when it's in a chain directly related to me wew goddamn how did I ever come to that conclusion.

yeah man everything is about you



I N S E C U R E. B A B B Y.


why are you so insecure?

is this real

is this real

no but your learning difficulties are

lol what did i say exactly that pissed you off so badly

take some time to chill out youre way too invested

I didn't realise /r/Drama was for boring uncreative shit

Protip: it isn't

Kill yourself, leftist faggot.

Is this pasta or autism?

you really dont like people saying tranny huh

No I don't like boring unimaginative edge.

If the title had even the slightest hint of creativity or imagination behind it and included offensive words I wouldn't have reacted the same.

what if we call them chicks with dicks that was popular in the 90s

also it rhymes and thats always a plus for brand recognition

Another loser proving my point

im a winner, thats why i dont feel the need to reinvent myself constantly or try being the other sex as though thatd somehow fix a problem

trans people are basically failures at life grasping at straws

Only a loser would be this insecure champ

dude is it really boasting to say youre better than a tranny



im just seeing how low effort a post will still trigger the fuck out of you

youre smashing my expectations btw

> implying every post you do isn't as low effort as possible

Melt Bitch.

opens link

Here's a mirror'd version of our VERY NSFW Video Game Character Vaginas article

closes link

Had a look at the article, you made the right choice. How anyone could be proud of that piece of shit I do not know...

"As drawn by someone who has never seen a vagina".

Because seriously, just look at those.

Prime edge in the title

op still posts on /b/ how ebin

Khalessi of Butts.

No no no no my eyes.

attention seeking blue haired

no need to be redundant
