/r/socialism mods announce strike, moderation suspended indefinitely

197  2017-01-13 by AgentGotse


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Everybody get your shitpost on 🀘

You can say words like "stupid" as much as you like now, oh wow I'm so edgy.

Me too thank you

Me 2

people are not appreciating how hard it is to moderate this subreddit

Lmao these people are fucking children

From each according to his ability..

Well I guess that's why the mods left.

That whole sub is left

If you don't mind, I'd rather not go into much more right now. Quite frankly I'm exhausted from arguing this with the other mods for the past six hours and would like to speak to her myself before I air out anyone's dirty laundry.

From the other thread. These people are maniacs

If you don't mind, I'd rather not go into much more right now. Quite frankly I'm exhausted from arguing this with the other mods for the past six hours and would like to speak to her myself before I air out anyone's dirty laundry.

From the other thread. These people are maniacs

Six hours?! You dont get paid for this shit!

They have to do it for the revolution! How else will the seize the means of production than by arguing on Reddit about misogynist cat girls?

"I've dedicated my whole life to fighting the injustices woman face."

"Oh that's really nice! What do you do? Protest for womans rights in third world countries? Stop the oppressive middle eastern theocracies?"

"I fight misogynistic trump supporters on reddit."

Stunning and brave.

"um wow that's really islamaphobic of you Islam is a religion of peace okay Grandpa Mohamed was a feminist"

Jesus Christ, six hours arguing about moderation of a sub? I don't think I could go six minutes arguing about the moderation of a sub without questioning my autism level.


Fuck i was already banned this is the worst christmas ever :(

His heart shrank three sizes that day


Can you explain what this was all about? Something to do with misogyny and cat ears? That's all I can figure out at the moment.

The mods of r/socialism banned u/not_safe_for_worf, the artist who did the original subreddit artwork, after they stalked her off site to her personal art page. Apparently, her totally sfw non-sexual drawing of cute catgirls was "misogynist objectification of women." Her banning has now caused the biggest shitstorm ever in that subreddit, due to the fact that everyone there already hates the entire mod team.

That's absolutely ridiculous. I guess you can't draw "attractive" females anymore? At least not without being accused of objectifying women. One wonders if she would've been banned had she made the cat girls morbidly obese. Celebrating those curves, baby!

I hate reddit sometimes.

Their logic is cats = pets, catgirls = cats, therefore by the transitive relation girls = pets. There's no arguing with mathematics!

which as a genuine lefty i find frankly disgusting and insulting to our feline comrades - a cat is not property, a cat does not believe that the right to live is to be begged for, it is to be taken! I made my revolution. Vive l’cat comrades!

As a leftist who cares more about workplace democracy and unions and stuff, I find it kind of disappointing that the best thing online leftists can find to work in is pretend misogyny.

yeah, i actually think that social awareness and ending misogyny both direct and subtle forms is hugely important to humanity, this is why i'm part of various movements and efforts to try and counter this unfortunate trend in human perception... it would be kinda nice if there was maybe one group somewhere though that was working on things like labour rights and helping people out of poverty rather than just obsessing about being the most virtuous...

i actually think that social awareness and ending misogyny both direct and subtle forms is hugely important to humanity

How do you end misogyny? Not systemic misogyny, that's all but dead in the first world (if anything, we're moving towards systemic misandry). What do you think should be done to stop people thinking the wrong things? The best you can do is promote positive images of women and men being equal Just about anything else is immoral and ineffective.

Make it a thoughtcrime/hatecrime to be a misogynist? Not only is that super fucking dystopian, but it's not going to help. All that does is give misogynists martyrdom in their views. Publicly shame and defame them? Ditto above.

You can't fix how other people think. Any time you try, it just emboldens them in their beliefs, and any method used would be authoritarian and would catch too many innocent people in the crossfire.

How do you end misogyny?

same way ended all the other outdated traits of humanity, i mean when did you last squat feed? when did you last smash someones face in with a rock? things change, it's slow and painful and complex and hard but it happens...

that's all but dead in the first world

not quite, but soon, hopefully.

systemic misandry

oh grow up, stop being such a whiny baby - you know the history of the world? all the things men have been though and been involved in, all the wars and famines, all the hardships and long hours -- we're going to start crying now just because we're not allowed to be horrible to women anymore? fuck that, grow a fucking spine.

What do you think should be done to stop people thinking the wrong things?

thinking stupidly is solved by education, it's the main reason that you don't masturbate in public -- not that that's really a genuine problem in my opinion but it's good example, i mean we all like to touch ourselves it feels nice but something stops you doing it on the bus, something helps you see through the confused mess of mistaken ideas and absurd internal ideas we all have - education makes people smarter. i know it's a crazy concept but it's pretty cool.

The best you can do is promote positive images of women and men being equal Just about anything else is immoral and ineffective.

you have a very poor imagination, there are lots of things we can do but this is indeed a great starting point - that's why it's so pathetic when the MRA types cry about women ghost-busters and people who say video games should present women as people rather than objects... yea it's a long path some people still have ahead of them but really i'm most concerned about dealing with my own issues, improving myself and being good to the people around me - hopefully i'll help inspire people to think about things in more modern and sensible terms.

Make it a thoughtcrime/hatecrime to be a misogynist?

ah you use two very different words together there, one is is a fictional concept from an old novel written to warn about authoritarianism while the other is an actual law which exists to help protect people from racially motivated attacks - and yes before you start crying they did charge those black kids from Chicago with it...

Not only is that super fucking dystopian

well yeah obviously, you used a word from the book which the word dystopian was coined for - don't you think a bit cheap?

same way ended all the other outdated traits of humanity, i mean when did you last squat feed? when did you last smash someones face in with a rock? things change, it's slow and painful and complex and hard but it happens...

What a fantastically vague answer

not quite, but soon, hopefully.

Name me a legal right that men have that women do not.

oh grow up, stop being such a whiny baby


oh what's that

whats that button do

I wonder

I'm gonna press it and see what it does :^)

haha classic, you were all ready for an argument but then someone raises some good points and you run crying to the ignore butty. sad.

The problem is that the left instead of emphasizing equality and humanity is too entrenched in the idea of class struggles. Us and them is core to the internet left, and so they basically see the goal as about spiting and harming upper classes or always being on the watch for them / or for sympathizers. Actually starting with an emphasis on empathy and understanding instead would get further. But you can't combine that with actively hating and openly having no sympathy for anyone even slightly different on you based on their relation to a nonexistent statistical average. Its an act that no one is going to buy.


Conveniently leftism online stopped even caring about general social class. It became about identity politics, yet for unexplained reason thinks sexism is a much bigger one sided problem than racism. Which itself is very unambiguously a perspective born from privilege.

But what if I identify as cat-kin or furry? Are they going to kink shame or tell me I'm insane?

That's some r/me_irl level modding.

You made a mistake here but it is easily fixed with a simple formula;

Misogyny = (cat + girl) * (delusion*1000)

The math is solid, just not the way you explained it. Though what can be expected from mayoscum?

I hate people sometimes.


Reddit is people.

I suppose. Except in public, I am not subjected to the inner-most thoughts and opinions of those around me.

I always try to stay away from the "drama" and stick to the things that interest me and keep my thoughts positive... yet here I am for some damned stupid reason.

if you're not standing back watching the drama then there's a good chance you are the drama.

Hopefully this'll make her think twice before helping and enabling a bunch of autistic socialists on reddit.

I.e, their subjective view on the art triggered them. So they went batshit authoritarian crazy

and displayed why Socialism doesn't work. If people like the /r/socialism mods were in charge they'd make Venezuela look good.

These are some batshit crazy mods. An entire ideology isnt represented by some twats on the internet who piss themselves about Chinese cartoons.

Socialism in theory could work - it's the people behind it that fuck it up.

The problem is it can only work in theory. People are always going to fuck it up in some way.

Anything in theory could work. But if we're allowed to use abstract theory practiced perfectly as an example, socialism wouldn't even be needed since everyone would just "work harder" or whatever nonsense the right uses to justify itself. The problem is that socialists have plans that require most people to function more ideally than they realistically do. And if the backup plan to it not working is trying to force a failing plan and hope that makes it a good one, then its going to turn to shit.

The fact that nobody seems able to decide where the thin line between women being able to express themself sexually or selling out to the male gaze is drawn is pretty humorous. Doubly so since a lot of them legitimately don't seem to realize that those aren't totally distinct things. People expressing themself sexually aren't more or less ever doing it in some kind of a vacuum where its not done with an expectation somewhat of a positive external response, and based on the societal standards they exist in. Even if at that particular time they don't expect or want one, its implicitly part of the system of doing so that expects identification with the value from doing so. The former necessarily blurs with the latter, and for some reason their way to distinguish these is pretending it doesn't and then trying to intuitively decide which any given thing counts as based on their arbitrary standards of not liking it.

tl;dr post n00dz

The person who drew the banner for r/socialism and has been a member for 3 years was banned for drawing non-pornographic cat girls on her website because according to the mods catgirls = sexism

That'll teach women to think they can express themself sexually in ways that male /r/socialism mods disapprove of. Including ways that aren't even sexual but involve said mods projecting sexuality onto non sexual things. The left is entirely about getting those sluts to get off the cock carousel and to not tempt male eyes. Because guys can't be accountable for whether they masturbate to non sexual comics because the comics have a girl in them.

Strike is already over

Like much of their activism, it ended in time for mom to make them dinner.

Commies, natures quitters.

Can someone paste the original post? OOTL

/r/socialism front page is in *COMPLETE ANARCHY!*

It's descending into chaos. This is glorious.

The final stage of socialism. Now it is complete.

Was hoping for pictures of dumpster fires.

I want that to be more of a thing. That sub needs to grow.

Isn't the concept of "moderation" antithetical to socialism itself? Mod every subscriber!

Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

You mean like how r/anarchism is one of the moth ruthlessly moderated subreddits?

That is the funniest part of this. The socialist subreddit had more anarchy than the anarchist subreddit.


Hey /u/afferik I'm banned on your sub, but could you be a friend and point out that the socialism mods are basically pulling a Galt's Glutch maneuver?

Thanks a bunch fam

lol rude tbh


absolute madman

What's it like being even less funny than pol invictus?

Feels good

What happened to that guy?

he killed himself after posting about it on /r/incels

God bless.

I kind of miss him. At least he had a sense of humor.

He had a funny name.

He's still around as /u/pol__invictus__risen

Pretty underrated poster imo tbh fam

He's the best poster this sub has

I wouldn't feel too guilty if I were him pol invictus was funny as hell.

Well fuck. I was gonna clean the house but I guess I'll spend the next hour upvoting all of your comments.

They've come back

They never left. I was having stuff pulled down left and right

Reminder: These people are literally mostly children, free older than college

Reminder: These people are literally mostly children, few older than college

Literally 90% of roddit

Reminder: These people are literally mostly children, few older than college



What a bunch of children.


Ageism* plz don't ban me for pointing out you were wrong with your -ism, there are so many nowadays.

Its the solidarity movement except instead of overthrowing communism they're being edgy spergs

lol I posted this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1NWFDMW8AAZZd7.jpg and got instabanned

Link is fucked. What is it?

R socialism is a sane subs and autobans broken links.

Am I crazy for not wanting to dehumanize anyone or think they're scum?

just a meme bro

I know and I actually encourage this kind of thing. I wasn't trying to disparage the person who linked it or even the person that made it.

It was more rhetorical. Are so many people willing to dehumanize others?

I develop stereotypes in my mind, sure. A little bit of prejudice here and there maybe. But hate? Foaming seething hate? I don't know that I've ever really felt that way about anything, much less towards a specific person or group.

Even people that have horribly wronged me I am not sure that I hate them. I do believe in justice and rules and laws, but that's basically what society is. That's why it's the "state vs. defendant" not "blood fued vs. generational grudge".

Golden opportunity here for those who like to stir the shit in the barrel

Hey I mean failing and reverting back to the old ways is pretty much the history of communism, so I'm glad they're staying true to what they are.

But seriously the mods are retarded, even more so than the average /r/socialism user, and thats quite an accomplishment.

I'm pissed that a week away from a fascist going into office this what they chose to do instead of organizing and welcoming. Can they put off their little tantrum for a week?

Well /u/ElectricAccordian how are you enjoying your taste of the way socialists work? Do you understand the issues with ideological purity yet?

Also lmao at coopting the word "strike" and applying it to a hissy fit you're throwing over people disagreeing with your banning of a valued member of the community just 'cause you're mad online. Refusing to work because capitalists are destroying your lives is totally the same thing as not going on reddit because people don't like you.

To be fair /u/ev149 the vast majority of strikes in the first world in the last 50 years have been nothing but grownup tantrums.

Just so everyone knows, this isnt Real Socialismtm , because a true socialist subreddit has never been tried.

And in twenty years, none of this will have happened and you'll be called a reactionary if you say it did and banned from their sub-hologram.

Yea cause it have to be ran by everyone rather than some punk clicks.

And the fact that this has never successfully happened tells you what exactly?

I wasn't disagreeing with you if that's what you took from it...

Oh sorry, im an idiot, my bad.

You're right. No sub has actually been communist in the sense that it has been ruled through agreement from the users. All the "communist" subs are ruled by bourgeoisie mayoscum, but I have a solution for that...

I made a sub; /r/SuperLegitCommunism, literally anyone can be a mod with full permissions and the users can decide what the sub is. The sub is entirely publicly owned and permissions can be adjusted according to abilities and needs.

Here, the users can really seize the means of shitposting and since everyone starts with full permissions, the ownership of the sub is in the communities hands.

This sub will be legit communism, and let's see what happens when the community really runs the sub. Incidentally we'll also see how well anarchy works in the real world.

This is actually just mod state capitalism.

Irony: Striking workers in actual socialist countries were typically sent to the gulags.

Free for all!

Going on strike when an action of yours is criticized is certainly the least childish response and not at all immature.

People are not seriously taking part in political self-reflection over important issues


What type of self-reflection is banning a part of

These retards can't even manage a subreddit and think they know what good governance is.

On that note though I want a mod free /r/drama weekend.


they can't even strike right lmao

Shame I'm already banned.

the biggest problem with socialism/communism continues to be socialists and communists

reddit would be better without mods anyway

it really wouldn't though, if you really believed that you'd be on 8chan or if that's too horrible then at least living in Somalia

no, really. moderators doing anything other than removing blatantly illegal material are overstepping their station.

The downvote system does the job the mods do.

oh sweet summer child...

Finally, someone who gets it.

Strikes over!. Now just make sure to give them ice cream when they ask or they'll throw another tantrum.

Two things communist regimes can't handle: polish trade unions and catgirls. Who knew.

Are you a huge sociopath? Too weak and stupid to manipulate people IRL? Join the /r/socialism moderation team: all the heady intoxication of power but without any of the actual power!

They broke their "strike" a few hours ago. Now they will pretend that they will "listen" to the proles.

The proles should pursue their socialist dreams by rising up and seizing the means of moderation.

Good, fuck them. Better there's no moderation than running the sub on their shitty personal agenda.

What a shocker, a communist regime failing. Who would've thought this could happen?


Marxists purging someone after digging through their personal life? Shocking!

What would happen here if /r/drama mods went on strike?

in the long run, it would get banned because no one was removing sitewide violations

We'd have to chain riemann outside for that to happen

And within 10 minutes of that announcement they were raided by 8chan. LOL.


Where's the "anime is misogynistic in general anyway" shitgibbering coming to the defense of le fash mods?

Reddit is serious business

Also lmao at coopting the word "strike" and applying it to a hissy fit you're throwing over people disagreeing with your banning of a valued member of the community just 'cause you're mad online. Refusing to work because capitalists are destroying your lives is totally the same thing as not going on reddit because people don't like you.

This really is maximum LARPing. What a joke.

What does LARPing mean in this context?


we have been brigaded heavily by leftypol and other reactionaries, 'concerned users' that have not participated in /r/socialism are making a mockery of this subreddit.


A common sentiment is that the moderators are being "authoritarian", well we are interested to see how community self-moderation goes.

If you believe all criticism levied against you is from brigading concern trolls or whatever, why would you then leave your "real" userbase to the wolves with no moderators?