r/Anarchism ramps up the edge for the riots at Trumps Inauguration

38  2017-01-21 by Sardonic_Deity


Surburban rebels playing at reds

You would be urban terrorists

You don't scare us with your badges and banners

You know fuck all about heavy manners

Edgy. It's nice seeing edgy teenage anarchists repulsing people with their irrational violence. If Trump becoming President trigger's them so much, they couldn't handle a real fascist gaining power. Crying "fascist" get's old real fast.

Wait do you think I'm an anarchist because my post is supposed to be mocking college commies.

I know you aren't an anarchist.

Nah, they're just agenda commenting to match their agenda post.

πŸ”‚ agenda agenda agenda πŸ”‚


♻️ I can enjoy agenda posts and complain and at the same time. ♻️

The redditor in me is triggered by your inappropriate use of apostrophe.

I love that whole album

The bonus one is a real "DUH!" moment. Crazy that a new administration would change the website posting the positions of the previous administration...

Positions? Trump actually eliminated climate change within hours of becoming the president.

Please try to keep up with our agenda posting policy in the future.

I thought he made it worse by releasing a lot of hot air?

Gawd that's bs. Even snopes managed to tell the truth that all that garbage got moved by the Obama administration to the Obama Whitehouse side because that shit belonged to his administration you dipshit.

Oh NOW snopes is a reliable source. Trumpsters always grasping at straws when it is convenient for them.

Obamas own fucking blog posts. Now so kindly preserved on his site said he would do exactly this at the end of last October:

The incoming White House will gain access to the White House username, URL, and retain the followers, but will start with no content on the timeline.


You are a fucking pearl clutching piece of shit liberal wannebe.


Pls stop jerking it to your Trump waifu pillow and lern 2 spell

Did you see the part where literally every other time the team transitioned the site kept the same headings?

Even on the very first day?

This isn’t β€œoh it usually takes a couple days” this is β€œfor the first time since the internet, Trump and his team have radically changed the site layout and made it an unreliable source of info.”

Wait... you viewed the Obama whitehouse website as a reliable source of information? That's hysterical. Fort Hood shooter being classified as "workplace violence" and all.


I'm saying the excitement over the white house website is stupid. Full stop.

They think we've been "SJWs" lately? They have no idea what their in for now. We need to double down on all of that stuff, we need to become the leftist version of the tea party, get straight up belligerent. For every example of bigotry they try to make socially acceptable, push back 10 times harder if you can. Let them know they kicked a hornets nest.

I got the impression that this is how we ended up in this mess in the first place?

we need to become the leftist version of the tea party

So they need to organise, consolidate support and build rapport with the lawmakers while they petition for change from within their own party?

get straight up belligerent


It's funny how they think attacking a bin has done anything. They complain about law cracking down on violent protestors yet they want to roll bins over and attack cars. Cavemen lol.

I love this video. http://www.tmz.com/2017/01/20/trump-protesters-street-fight/?adid=hero3

Why aren't you arresting people? THIS IS WHAT A POLICE STATE LOOKS LIKE!

This line from the article brought me all sorts of joy:

Radio host Alex Jones was nearby and shouted for cops as one of the men hit a female protester.

We are more concerned about BASH vs PuTTY for programming efficiency and wondering if the hot girls at the gym are single

What the fuck are you talking about? Bash is a shell and PuTTY is a SSH client, and the girls won't fuck you because you don't know the difference.

Yeah, that sounds like something someone who has had to use a couple of tools in windows would say.



I hope someone smashes something that belongs to you so you get inconvenienced like the dumb little edgelord cunt you are.

lol, thanks.

yer welcome