Ethics in Hacking: Facebook Argument about the Concept of "Ethical Hacking" Causes Pretentious Douche to Break Down! Walls of Text (in a FUCKHUGE image) Abound!

11  2017-01-29 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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In 4K! More pixels than your screen can handle!

Some additional context, my friend sent me this and he said it was from some advertisement for college courses teaching "Ethical Hacking", with a picture of a dude in a Guy Fawkes mask in a dark room.

Also, the solid red block guy is an Aussie (the country's national sport is shitposting). It's why he's attacking the Green Block, Blue outline guy for being American at the end.

I only skimmed it, because, like the rest of Reddit, I have the attention span of a coke addled rhesus monkeys, but I feel like r/iamverysmart would love this post.

You're a smart guy, I'm gonna follow that advice and cross-post it over. Thanks.