/r/MarchForScience is having an identity crisis when SJWs hijack it for social justice issues.

195  2017-02-05 by PhysicsIsMyMistress

So the march for science is supposed to take place on Earth Day 2017 to protest the Trump administration's....interpretation of scientific issues. However, the people behind it have started making it about social justice issues.

The Infamous Tweet

I didn't sign up for this

Why this scientist won't be attending

I no longer support this

The subreddit Did a poll


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. The Infamous Tweet - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. I didn't sign up for this - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  4. Why this scientist won't be attendi... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  5. I no longer support this - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  6. The subreddit Did a poll - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.

Ouch . That hurts

Being inclusive means excluding a lot of people.

That is correct, comrade. Now you're thinking with Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism.

Just because we banned r/altright doesn't mean you need to come here - it means you need to leave.

Please keep accusing people who disagree with your insanity of being Nazis, it pushes more peeps to the right :)

So you're saying you think "altright" means "nazi"? Wow, that's a big leap.

Let the record show that cultural Marxist use "alt-right" to mean "nazi", "racist" or "anyone I disagree with" as needed

Let the record show that the illuminati

wow you can basically see the triangles

this is false

you're all of those things

the illuminati



If you point out that when I say that Jews must be gassed and Hitler did nothing wrong, it sounds like Nazism, it means that you're unfairly smearing me and pushing me to the right and it is all your fault!

I don't think you understand.

Just because some SJWs hijacked Wikipedia doesn't mean it's not an actual social theory put forth by a real school for social theories.

literally no part of this sentence is accurate

If you want to debate whether Social Marxism is actually in-use today, go ahead.

If you want to debate whether or not the Frankfurt School's purpose was to subvert Western society so Jewish Communists could take over, you're welcome to debate that.

You could even debate if the tactics commonly being used today even meet the description of Social Marxism. Is it being used as originally intended, or has it been perverted through misunderstandings to mean something new?

Is it fair to keep using it as a term when it originally described a different school of philosophical thought, and not solely as a tactic to divide & conquer people who disagree and control the narrative of certain discussions? Does it matter, as long as people have a common understanding of what an accusation of "Social Marxism" implies?

Regardless, the Frankfurt School did exist, and it did put out a number of social theories. But, they're social theories. It's a field of total conjecture, hoping to strike gold by describing something in a way that feels accurate enough for us to say, "yeah, sure, this describes that behavior". And one of the theories they came up with was, in fact, called "Social Marxism".

I'd like to point out that Wikipedia had a page on the Frankfurt School for 7+ years. And then GamerGate started using the term "Social Marxism", and some administrators decided the page had to be removed so it wouldn't "legitimize" the use of the term. The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales himself, restored the page and demanded "more time for discussion", but the original administrators persisted in not just removing the page, but redirecting it to one on "Right-wing conspiracy theories". Doesn't it seem strange to you that a page would exist, with citations, for nearly a decade, only to be pulled down over a game of politics between Wikipedia administrators?

And what kind of Ministry of Truth crap is that? "Oh, this page on a trusted website could be used to support arguments I disagree with, so I'll redirect it to a page about how it's just a conspiracy theory!". You want subversive? That's subversive. If you disagree with it, just tell everyone it's not true and was made up to discredit you.

I had no idea about that Wikipedia drama, thanks for the heads up. I checked the page and they're so blatant in their propaganda it's hilarious - they're just linking Marxist blogs and essays as "sources" for cultural Marxism being a myth.

And their "Dark Enlightenment" page is pretty sinister, too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment

jesus christ tell me this is pasta

If you want to debate whether Social Marxism is actually in-use today, go ahead.

I expect you to apologize first.

doesn't mean it's not an actual social theory put forth by a real school for social theories.

You sound like a fucking idiot.

Warning to all readers: /u/thefran mods something called /r/SFW_hentai

Lol you seem upset that there are only two genders fam

simply dankster epical


You would probably love Adorno if you say down and read him.

"Gentlemen, we can't have scientists in here. This is the march for science! Sorry, you're just not inclusive enough."

The woman's March also got ignored almost immediately due to the lack of coherent message.

Numbers are important

But a coherent message is more important.

A coherent message that shoehorns LGBBQ issues into it for literally no reason.


Miley Cyrus disgusts every fiber of my being.


I've never been more wrong about how a chick would turn out. Back when she was some jail baity chick my tween cousins worshipped, I thought she'd grow up hot, like a Riley Reid. Instead we got a lesbian furbie.

Riley Reid isn't even that hot, she's like a six or a seven.

She's got a good personality. I find her charming.

"Lesbian furbie"

A more perfect description does not exist

lesbian furbie.


Christ, I fucking hate literally everyone cares about that shit.


What has science ever done for us?

In 2016 this is true tbh at least in most of physics, especially particle physics and gravitational waves i.e. the two areas that get the most money...

CERN brought us the Web. Particle physics may bring us quantum computers which will have huge impacts. You can't tell what this type of science will give before it happens.,

CERN brought us the Web.

TIL CERN, not the Pentagon, started Arpanet

I thought it was John Kerry?

HTTP was developed by CERN. Granted, the Internet existed before then, and obviously wasn't created by them, but you can at least let them have the Web.

Web != Internet


Tim Berners-Lee came up with HTTP while working at CERN.

I alays like getting accused of being an ignoramus who would deny gravity when it's one of the more interesting and active areas of modern research. I'm supposed to believe climate science with its fifty or so year history is settled science but it's fine to question what gravity is.

Tons. But these people don't care about science as anything but another moral club with which to bludgeon Republicans. They all regularly dismiss anything they don't want to be true.

This is one of those things that happens because all the people who care the most about science are busy doing science leaving the protest to be organized by the people who don't so much care about science but do care a lot about LGBTOMGWTFBBQ

Yet ironically those people usually aren't LGBTOMGWTFBBQ themselves.

But it gives such a pure smug feeling to look down on other immoral people.

"I care about the poor minorities who are too stupid to defend themselves. What have you done to combat hate, you bigot?"

The soft racism of low expectations.

The soft bigotry of gender-confused bigots with soft hands and fat bellies.

A nice quote from one of the articles: "It's curious that a website that seeks to include everybody conspicuously left men, whites, and Christians off the diversity list."

Non-white diversity, feminism and Islam are the cornerstones of science.

Yeah, but they subscribe to "I Fucking Love Science", so that makes them honorary members and super knowledgeable about what makes science go.

IFLS has nothing to do with science. It's about pretty pictures of lizards and space nebulae, but that isn't science. Those are merely the objects of science.

I hate IFLS so much.

IFLS has nothing to do with science. It's about pretty pictures of lizards and space nebulae, but that isn't science.

That's the joke.

oh fuck

Don't feel bad, your people are notoriously bad at humor.

I agree completely, but I think it does do some good in the sense that it creates an enthusiasm for science among the general population, which is good for funding/support of said science. Not so great when it gets co-opted and politicized, but, that's the world we live in.

it creates an enthusiasm for science

Does it really, though? Or just idiots who give lip-service to science?

You are absolutely right, please enjoy this article I share whenever people bring up Neil DeGrasse Tyson (close enought o IFLS)


I subscribed to "i fucking hate pseudoscience" its one of the many hate groups i'm involved in

The only hate group i'm involved in are my local neo-nazi chapter.


Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters.

You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death.

I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

As a fellow member of the exclusive STEM club (I watched Planet Earth and played Steins;Gate), I concur.

"Science enthusiasts "

It would be fine if they displayed even a curious person's understanding when it came to the branches of science they claim to care about. You can't expect anyone to be an expert in their mere hobbies, but most of these people don't even remember the stuff they went over 3-5 times in school.

They seem to me the type that reads a headline, or a yahoo news style science post, the ones where you look at the original study and find it doesn't come close to saying what the story was. They then say "Science, fuck ya!"

Rebecca Watson

For sure having a B.S. in communications makes you qualified for being a scientist, or representing anyone above a undergraduate science fair champion.

and all the people that don't care about either are on their computers making up bullshit to make themselves feel better

How on earth does 2% of the population have a voice that fucking loud?

"Sjws are not real"

I said, while sipping a chai soy latte and writing my thesis on why communism is good. Later, I would be micro-dicked by my life partner, Julian in our luxury loft in the city. Despite not working and living off of trust money, life was great.

Hipsters will never acknowledge that they are, in many cases, the new nobility, and that their insistence of clinging to identity issues in a time of rising inequality and cratering economic prospects is an actual 'Let them eat cake' moment.

People in the rust belt didn't vote for Trump because they hate America. They did it because they are desperate and convinced (probably correctly) that much of the rest of the country has already written them off.

And let's be honest: even most liberals understand on a gut level that they can't be written off anymore, because if they start voting regularly for Republicans, the Democratic party is locked out of power in perpetuity.

And unlike other issues, 'You ruined our entire way of life and called us racists to justify it' isn't something a population is easily distracted from. Something real will have to be done or the Democratic party risks turning a temporary problem into a permanent minority status.

Honestly, this should have been obvious when Scott Walker was reelected in Wisconsin, but upper-class twits are going to twit.

Shut up, poor.

And let's be honest: even most liberals understand on a gut level that they can't be written off anymore, because if they start voting regularly for Republicans, the Democratic party is locked out of power in perpetuity.

This is the one thing you're wrong about: Democrats are going to look at the numbers, say, "The problem was that the minorities didn't come out in force to vote for us", and they're going to double-down on the fear-mongering and "won't anyone think of the poor ghetto-dwellers who just need welfare?!" rhetoric.

It's easier to disregard the "backwards" States. "They vote Republican anyways". It's easier to focus on the top job, President, than it is to win a bunch of local elections. But skimming money off the top of local elections to throw at one big one is exactly how Hillary managed to shoot the party in the foot for eight years straight and then blow over a billion dollars on a failed campaign.

The strategy doesn't work, but the response will be "let's get the people who didn't vote to panic until they do vote". And so far, it just hasn't worked. The only thing that seemingly got them out to vote was Obama.

It was Obama's doing from 08 to 14, Hillary wasn't involved.

The Democrats were skimming money from local elections and funneling it into her 2016 run.

This means that, during his entire administrations, the Democrats let local elections be poorly funded, banking on a Presidential win in 2016. It's been the goal for 10-15 years now, every since people realized half the Supreme Court would be ready to die or retire by then. Perhaps that's how she framed it: "you're not buying just the Presidency, but the Supreme Court".

Except it meant Obama lost hundreds of seats during his two terms, and allowed Trump to enter the White House with a majority in both houses of Congress and an absence in the Supreme Court.

Hillary was most certainly involved behind-the-scenes, and was preparing for her run when Obama's second term ended. Notice that Tim Kaine was the previous head of the DNC, and he dropped out for Wasserman-Schultz to take the position, likely to take the fall for the primaries being stacked in her favor. Tim Kaine, of course, gets the Vice-Presidency.

This is what happens when you underfund local elections. Every effort to back Hillary has just shot them in the foot.

Fuck you, you uneducated redneck, you deserve to die of an oxycontin overdose.

This, but unironically


  1. 2020. America is ours forever.

Have nobility ever been eager to admit there was a problem until they were being hauled off to the guillotine?

Trust me, things are going to get worse before they get better.

I logged in on all my alts to multi-uptrump this post.

That's all they do all day because they have no job.

Hey pursuing an art degree is a serious job!

Don't forget Trans which is like 0.04% but gotta act like every other person wants to chop off their dick and make it a crime to not want to fuck a chick with a dick.

Well color me surprised, wgo could have predicted this turn of events? Certainly not Nate Silver

Podcast Reference? I haven't tuned in to 538 for a couple months.

Ah Ive never listened to his podcast, I just like making fun of Nate Silver

Wow, I've never seen broader scope creep in a fucking protest, I thought that was only something that happened in our labs and research projects.

Maybe my dream of running my own scientist-ruling utopia was doomed to fail after all. Ah well.

It's more mission creep disguised as scope creep and It's an issue for almost every protest. Someone always tries to take advantage of a large crowd and shove their pet cause into the limelight.

See: Occupy Wallstreet

Liberals need to get this "party of tolerance and diversity" crap out of their system and learn that there is such a thing as a bad ally that causes more trouble than they are worth.

Republicans learned this the hard way with the tea party. It took half a decade and hundreds of millions of dollare to put that movement down. But Democrats haven't had a similar reformation and it's why they're running behind.

The Tea Party movement was by no means brought down...it's one of the reasons why we're where we are today.

You are into something. The tea party movent (TPM) was started as a fiscal conservative response to the 2007/2008 financial crisis that was co-opted by the Christian right, in a similar manner to how OWS and other leftist movements were/are being co-opted by diversity messages. Christian conservative TPMers managed to win a few congressional seats but then the movement fizzled. Many of the people behind the original incarnation of the TPM were behind Trump. He says some things that a lot of people are thinking, and even if they think he's a idiot, at least he's different.

I disagree. Tea partiers are staunch conservatives who embrace religion in politics. Trump was criticized for being too moderate and apathetic about religion. That's one of the reasons he brought Pence on board - gotta appease whatever's left of the religious right.

That's the Tea Party after Palin, Bachman and co. took over. Read up on the history.

Okay fair enough.

makes as much sense as "atheism plus"

Hopefully science+ suffers the same fate as atheism+ and dies shortly after creation.

All the pushers of A+ ended up on history's junkyard. As they should.

At this point I half suspect that most SJW big-whigs are CIA plants meant to keep lefties from actually accomplishing anything.

A few years back, we were very quickly approaching a national consensus to finally do something about police brutality. White people were, for the first time, more scared of the cops than crime. Even many conservatives were acknowledging the need for reform.

Then came BLM, with massively divisive rhetoric and a psychotic insistence that no white person anywhere has ever suffered from police brutality. They started rioting, blocking streets. And they were clearly organized by someone with a shit ton of money, because BLM popped up in too many different places at once for there to be no coordination or planning.

And just like that, white people got their backs up. They were more afraid of riotous minorities than the cops again. They were also becoming convinced that the left, and the Democratic party, would carve out a special kind of police reform--reform in the cities, reform in the black communities, but nothing at all in the whites ones.

And just like that, all momentum for reform fizzled. Something very similar happened in with OWS and the 'progressive stack'. It's starting to look very suspicious, tbh. Maybe not the CIA, maybe Soros or some other private actor, but someone is clearly up to something here using the same tactics (rile up idiot leftists to scare everyone else), so it's more likely to be a single actor than many.

That's all there is to it. Sorry, I don't have a more elaborate conspiracy theory, it's just a general thought that is more likely than not wrong. Shit, I don't even have an actual villain, it may as well be moon people or molemen for all I know.

At this point, it wouldn't shock me to learn we've been secretly ruled by a race of Oil-eating goblins from the planet Fendatu IV who control Donald Trump through a series of pulleys and valves. That is how little faith I have in our current political establishment. It wouldn't even surprise me to learn that we're living in some idiot liberals god-awful unedited an self-published sci-fi novel.

Counterpoint: BLM, OWS, black bloc kids, and other extreme-left groups are perfectly capable of being retarded all on their own. They don't need a CIA psyop to rile them up.

Lead paint is enough. The CIA guys are just here to take notes and find ways to unleash the same bullshit in enemy countries.

Oh, sure they are. I only half-suspect it, which basically means I wouldn't think other people were crazy for the suspicion or be surprised if it was honestly true. It's an interesting idea.

But there is at least as strong a possibility that this is simply the kind of idiocy people overly invested in their ideology get up to. If you're convinced that the answer to all of life's problems is interectionality, you will likely make most problems worse or derail every conversation among otherwise like-minded people. After all, problems frequently have differing answers, and only simplistic people demand a worldview that neatly ties together all of the disparate of fate into plot lines that read like hack novels. But inside each of us a simpler mind that craves simpler solutions.

Still, sometimes creepy people who are used to exerting social control do creepy things, so it's honestly hard to see if this is just the tendency to make patterns rather than see them.

I feel like we could use a little Occams razor here. What's more likely?

  • That most leftists are leftists for selfish reasons (attention, economic interests, opportunity to break stuff)
  • That BLM rioting is a CIA plot

I could by that maybe the initial guy who set the first fire at the Ferguson riots was a planted agitator. But the hundreds of thousands of editorials, tweets, and comments defending the arson and looting was not a CIA plot.

If leftists don't want this sort of thing to be divisive, maybe they should screw their heads on a bit straighter and be able to say "no, looting is bad, arson is bad, I do not condone."

I don't have an opinion on this issue, but Occam's Razor shouldn't be applied to human behavior.


Why not? It's just a guideline saying simple explanations are preferable. I think applying it to hypothetical logistics is fine.

It's a general guideline that works for scientific endeavors because for nature or for some model you're building, the easier explanation is closer to reality, since reality behaves according to well defined rules. The simpler thing is also generally easier to test so it all works out.

But when it comes to human behavior, especially behavior that involves incentives on all sides as well as deception, it makes no sense to assume that the simplest explanation is the real one, because it usually isn't, since humans will go through great lengths to achieve whatever they want to achieve.

I understand, but the point that the CIA would need ridiculous resources for that theory to be correct makes the obvious less resource intensive option preferable.

You don't need lots of resources to kickstart movements like those I think. You need the initial people to get it started but then network effects take over and it grows on its own.

Sure, it's possible. Then again, anybody could fill that role, there is no reason at all to choose the CIA. Also if you have 99% of people acting under their own volition, it's not unreasonable to theorise 100%.

Also the CIA doesn't operate domestically.

Like they give a shit about that. That's the last reason I'd disbelieve it.

But is there any evidence they have ever operated in the US?

Is this a troll



It's a term designed to differentiate between classical and Neo liberals, American liberals (traditionally, labor Dems, but not actual socialists), and the 'fringe' ideologies like genuine socialism, anarchism and communism.

I didn't invent. Brietbart did no invent it. It's been the accepted vernacular for around 100 years no.

Common usage is often the more important part of word choice than original usage. These days it's a word used by the alt-right to talk about people the left in a disparaging way. But of course you knew that, that's why you use it.

Just like alt-right is a word used by leftists to talk about people in the right in a disparaging way?

Not really, it's actually a nice way of saying it to be honest. You even called your (former)subreddit that.

I am not alt right, I am what the alt right calls a (((globalist neoliberal))), but I can see how the alt-right term has expanded to include everyone who is to the right of center.

Also, I fail to see how leftist is a worse term than communist, tankie or socialist.

It hasn't really expanded to mean traditional conservative, which are still just the right. I don't think neo-liberals are even considered when you usually speak about the right. Regardless, it certainly comes off more hostile than just saying left or liberal, if not as bad as saying outright communist.

I can see how the alt-right term has expanded to include everyone who is to the right of center.

I bloody well hope not. Who is doing this idiocy?

I mean if we're going by common usage then "leftist" would still mean "person with left wing political views" rather than "normie sjw cuck" or whatever. While the alt-right have clearly made an impact on the political scene, their specific blend of memes and jargon is not exactly as common as you're suggesting.


You really wanna use Occam's razor to guide your life? People tend to use it in the way of "its more likely/simple" therefore "it is" without considering it in any real way. Its a convenient way to not think.

Okay, you're right. It's the CIA, they're out to get you. Happy now?

Yes, that's exactly what I said. I want to use Occam's razor to guide my life, and I hate thinking.

I'm glad that you're so concerned that I live a considered life. Thanks, friend!

And it doesn't account for delusions. You're not going by what is most likely, you're going by what you think is most likely. We're all delusional to an extent, conditioned to think something is normal that to other people is madness. Occam's razor tells a religious person that god saved their lives instead of luck or medicine. It's the most likely reason, if you believe that it is.

Probability doesn't real as a useful analytical tool because people will have differing opinions of what is probable. Okay.

Probability is a useless concept, and it is stupid to say what you think is more probable, because people will have differing opinions of what is probable. Okay.

I don't know which is more likely. And Occam's Razor is not a scientifically valid concept. Sometimes obvious answers are the wrong one--I'm not even sure of any study that's attempted to get to the bottom of whether or not they are actually even more likely.

The same tendency that leads people to seek conspiracy theories, also leads them to accept precepts that sound good, but have no evidence of validity or are even outright wrong, such as Occam's Razor, what is sometimes called Napoleon's Maxim ('Never attribute to malice...').

There is no evidence of my half-baked theory, and that matters, but that's all that matters, not which appears to be more likely. What's real, is real, regardless of individual perceptions. We may not be able to be confident that our perception of that reality is entirely accurate (that is obviously another, most often pointless, discussion), but reality is. And Occam's Razor usually relies on rhetorical simplicity (further confounded by the cleverness of the speaker and the gullibility of the audience) rather than any real logic.

And really, we're a bunch of trolls rambling on the internet, not revolutionaries or government operatives. Our shit-talk hardly matters enough to worry about general 'what ifs'.

You use probability in your everyday life all the time when making judgments. Don't come at me with this "considering probability is not scientifically valid because probability isn't 100% certain."

At this point I half suspect that most SJW big-whigs are CIA plants meant to keep lefties from actually accomplishing anything... Maybe not the CIA, maybe Soros or some other private actor

So, what I'm getting out of all this is... thank mr soros?

Soros confirmed right wing fascist plant.

TBH he did help the Nazis that one time.

Not sure if you knew this, but George Soros was actually the ghostwriter for "Mein Kampf".

Username checks out. I think.

White people were, for the first time, more scared of the cops than crime.

Which alternate time line was that? The Feds sure, but not cops.

I think that's a Doctor Who episode

/u/TheScruffleShuffle mentioned Occam's Razor, and /u/Lesmothian hinted at a different one - Hanlon's Razor:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

COINTELPRO has moved into the internet age.

getting scientists/engineers to run for office.

Why do people think we'd be good at being in public office? It's probably better you get people that studied history and law in there tbh. Keep us in stuff like EPA and NASA, national labs, environmental policy advisory, etc. but I wouldn't know what the shit I was doing if I was governor of New Hampshire or whatever.

People romanticize scientists, really.

Just because you studied X field doesn't qualify you do govern everything else.

Cause oil fat cats and rich fucks have so much more experience for way of life than scientists? You people are retarded.

Found the art major.

Wtf does that have to with hating big business fucking up my air and polluting the water?

In all fairness, it does seem that most of the problems in this country began with MBA culture.

It used to be that running a company meant that you understood that business. Now, it means that you think you understand business period, but likely have no real understanding of the product. This causes a severe disconnect where these people see themselves as real experts of scientists of business, with no real connection or loyalty to the specific business in question. This in turn leads to a tendency to maximize immediate profit in the short term by sacrificing long term assets and investments. This is justified by maximizing returns to the shareholders, but mostly it just serves to reinforce the 'business wizard' self-conception of these types, though in reality their conduct is just an intellecualization of mob 'Break down' strategy. They sell everything off to make themselves look good and leave a worthless shell behind.

Business majors are, on the individual corporate level, what bankers and financiers are to countries: locusts who extract all value before moving on to the next field. I fear that in 100 years, America will be what Britain is now: a shadow helmed by traitors and pedos (because sickos are easy to control) that clings to the smugness like a corpse-raft of what was once true glory.

Dam son.

I hate this bullshit! I worked with a guy last week to show him the ropes. I thought he was just a new hire, but it turns out it's part of his training before he moves up the ladder. He will work that position until June, and by September he will be a regional manager.

I've only been with the company 3 years, but several guys in my area have been working at least 15 years, and two more have over 20 years of experience. And with 6-8 months of experience he will rank above people like those guys. It really opened my eyes and I understand now why people in my position face so many problems.

I can see why a degree is useful, but if they don't have much experience in the job of people they're managing they should at least take the problems employees voice concern about seriously.

Oil "fat cats" know how to make deals which is what will make America great again duh

Money > air


CO2 = Life.

Cause oil fat cats

...speaking of a field full of scientists.

I guess my point was that if you think Ben Carson is a good example of scientists then I got news for ya. Also if we had scientists actually helping run the country, maybe climate change denial from These Christian fundamentalists wouldn't garner uneducated attention.

I guess my point was that if you think Ben Carson is a good example of scientists then I got news for ya.

Who said that?

Also if we had scientists actually helping run the country, maybe climate change denial from These Christian fundamentalists wouldn't garner uneducated attention.

I mean that's why I said "head of the EPA and NASA" and other things like those. I know how to do Hamiltonian mechanics and electrodynamics, but I don't know how to do shit like figure out which piece of long-ass worded legislation leads to which tax reform and how it will effect my constituents. That shit is really different from what I do and takes years of experience and training to do well.

Not that I disagree with you about the ties the US has to oil industries though. That is legitimately garbage I'd like changed. Hence the point of this march should be focusing on how these fools distort and lobby for lies despite the science disagreeing with what is convenient for them.

I know how to do Hamiltonian mechanics and electrodynamics,

Do those make pretty pictures I can oogle over and share on Facebook? That's all that matters to me.

Ben Carson

How do you feel about Elizabeth Warren?

I guess my point was that if you think Ben Carson is a good example of scientists then I got news for ya.

How is he not?

Does neurosurgeon = scientist? I really don't know

MDs are normally considered scientists, in the case of Ben Carson he definitely qualifies since he was a head neurosurgeon and iirc was research active at one point in his career.

Fukkkin owned then /u/thegroundedsirloin

More like an engineer.

If they publish original research, yes, absolutely.

TIL brain surgery is not science.

Well it's not exactly rocket science, is it?

Cue Mitchell & Webb

Ben Carson

Well, that kind of proves his point, doesn't it? Carson is a top neurosurgeon, but he also thinks the pyramids were for storing grain.

Just putting doctors, engineers and scientists in charge doesn't mean everything would be good all of a sudden. Scientists aren't all knowing.

I'm a chemical engineer and I shudder at the thought.

I guess my point was that if you think Ben Carson is a good example of scientists then I got news for ya.

Yep tbh at least they've spoken to more people than just their phd supervisor lol

Like Ben Carson?

I am sure they were happy about a renowned neurosurgeon running for office

In theory, having someone good at doing research and using logic would probably make for a better legislature.

Not necessarily so for executive positions.

Actually, considering the code I've seen some people write, and the emphasis on "type-safe" hand-holding languages, perhaps the bulk of humanity is just too stupid to double-check their work and make sure it meets demands without any major flaws.

Scientists can be incredibly stupid and incredibly dangerous. They would probably destroy the planet trying to save it from illusionary models.

You know those scientists you see in movies are fictional representations, right?

They would be preferable. You know what else was scientific consensus? Eugenics.

Wow, you checkmated me pretty hard with that. I bet you're feeling pretty euphoric.

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony atheists blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my creator.

In theory, having someone good at doing research and using logic would probably make for a better legislature.

Oh so lawyers

Lawyers are a lot better at deciding how to argue an interpretation. They're bug-testers, not developers.

Why do people think we'd be good at doing jobs in public office?

No one thinks this. Only STEMfags themselves think this. Now go make me a shitty app I won't need.

China is leveraging technocracy to great success.


I hear it's a great place to live.

Pollution masks are so in this season. Such the runway rage.

Bitch, make your own damn app. I work with hardware so I can instead make you another useless keyboard for you to make another useless post on this useless-ass sub on this useless-ass website in the useless-ass world wide Web.

I work with hardware so I can instead make you another useless keyboard for you to make another useless post on this useless-ass sub on this useless-ass website in the useless-ass world wide Web.

Chinese child labor make keyboards for me. You pretend like you're important to the world while jerking off to lolis on 4chan. Science projects like this doesn't quite cut it for NASA buddy.

The hell is that thing?

Also, I like my hentai to be of-age, you degenerate. Stop thinking everyone likes lolis because you do.

Also didn't you hear that that kid got a bunch of NASA scholarships?

Wasn't that because he was of an, ehum, brown persuasion?

Kind of. He was wearing a NASA shirt when he got arrested though so that might have helped.

I know you were mostly trolling, but you can actually build your own keyboard pretty easily without the need for Chinese child labor... well except I guess the factories that manufacture those components are also Chinese child labor.

Dude, the fact it's built by little Asian hands is a plus to me.

If it floats your boat, more power to you.

t. Artfag

environmental policy advisory

I think that should be the realm of economists seeing as every proposed solution seems to be a tax of one form or another.

Economists are in favour of cap and trade / carbon taxes. Despite your libertarian tears.

The last engineer president we had was Herbert Hoover.

You know you're bad when people name slums after you

Fuck I want Antifa to get into this shit so hard.

They'll practice applied physics by knocking over trash cans and chemistry by burning their contents. Now that's science.

Breaking news: after the climate change riot, trump bans global warming research.

SJWs destroy everything they touch.

"March 4 Science 2017: REEEEEEE2

Polls won't be accurate until people stop hanging up the phone, or lying. I got one of those calls, and lied and said I was voting for Clinton. I don't want people to know I voted for Trump and know my address at the same time, people are fucking crazy these days.

So not only is /u/AliveByLovesGlory too big of a pussy to tell a pollster they were voting for Trump, they were such a colossal pussy that they couldn't tell the pollster they didn't want to take part in the poll.

I wasn't aware it was possible to be that spineless of a human and still have a nervous system.

Pffft. Thanks for the laugh!

I'm pretty sure that Trump is genuinely unpopular, but I'm not convinced it matters.

Trump's protetionism and browbeating will likely cause a minor uptick in the economies of the rust belt states--and in a way that impacts jobs and wages. And when that happens, he will be popular enough for reelection.

Presidential politics isn't about being liked by everyone. President's never manage consistent popularity, and the last two spent large chunks of their presidencies with underwater approvals. Obama was not popular until the lame duck period and anti-Trump sentiment among Republicans allowed him to recover at levels he hadn't reached since the first few months of his Presidency.

But Trump is an ass and people may look to replace him if the Democrats nominate a credible challenger. He will have to genuinely deliver for the people who elected him, or he may be vulnerable even with the typically overwhelming advantage of already being President (nothing seems Presidential like already doing the job). That means nominating someone credible in the rust belt, though, and that won't be any of the current likely nominees. Cory Booker isn't taking Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. He'll be like Romney--a candidate that blew an extremely winnable election by being unacceptable in the places his party needed to win.

People just don't talk to anyone they think will be hostile. Most people avoid conflict unless necessary, because the actual repercussions for violence as an adult are incredibly harsh, and because people have always avoided conflict (society doesn't work if we're all aggressive red-pillers to each other; Shit, even red-pillers only justify behaving that way by writing our society off altogether as hopeless).Even most cave-men or Roman citizens never actually murdered anyone.

Stop fucking effort posting.

I'm not convinced the tweet wasn't made by a plant. Seriously, "immigration is a science issue" you need to be something else to write that.

I'll be playing a double's advocate here, but aren't there a ton of scientists and engineers in the research community who immigrated to the US?

yeah tbh immigration really is a science issue since science involves many different people of many ethnicities travelling among the world and learning from each other. There are other things on that list that are much less issues for science. I read about a PhD student who had his visa to the US cancelled because of Trump

Not to get too serious in /r/drama, but I think the objection would be that although immigration policy can have a real impact on science in this country, you don't want to assume all scientists have a uniform stance on specific immigration issues. "Science" isn't necessarily against building a wall, nor is it necessarily in favor of "sanctuary cities".

That's true, I understand this is the basis of all the issues with the march i.e. people will shy away if you force political positions on their marches. I was just pointing out that immigration does matter a lot more to science than something like LGBT rights

Unless you want your career destroyed though, there is definitely a "right" answer.

Which is why you don't let people who want to implement purity tests to start tweeting on behalf of the Science March.

This, America has a storied history of importing the best STEM professionals and continues to do so today. If importing skilled people is made difficult then America will lose its competitive disadvantage to a huge degree. Especially given that that doing so means that it'll allow enemy countries to retain their best and brightest.

I believe it was called Project Paperclip.

double's advocate

Being this retarded

Just correct him and move on.

How will that make me feel superior though?

A much-discussed "Science March," which germinated on the social news site Reddit

"Social news site" is a very diplomatic description.

Holy shit I think I'm actually getting tired of this somehow.

Too bad / me too.

I think at some point, you could outsource the postings of this account to a bot and take a well needed vacation.

This was more on point than most of the other recent appearances though.

is marching for things the new zumba?

It'll never die because there will always be a fresh supply of year 1 college students who are too stupid and/or naive to know how the world works. Not to mention it's more like "get an excuse to not go to school for science".

So I'm hoping to move to America in a few years with a master's in physics, this is depressing. Why can't SJWs fuck off? I just want to live my life. I'm not oppressing anyone by existing.

I spent the last year or so laughing at this retardation and expressing that through shitposting but it's really just starting to fuck me off now.

Try Canada instead. Even with an advanced degree, AND an company willing to support you, and anything else going for you, it's an incredibly difficult process, and extremely valuable people usually can't make it through. It's ridiculous how hard it is to get a US visa. Which is what makes the hysteria over immigration all the more puzzling.

I knew this shit would happen. Reddit is so predictable.

Whyyyyyy just let it be about fucking science goddamn

What's unscientific about denying biological gender? Oh wait.

But FTM trans individuals have male neural patterns at the same time

Keyword male. I'm not denying there are two genders.

However, the people behind it have started making it about social justice issues.

Failing to expect this is like failing to expect the sun to rise.

"Conservatives don't even believe in basic biology! REEEEEEEEEE!"

"There are 72 genders! REEEEEEEEEEE!"

There's scientific evidence to show transgenderism is a mental illness and that race has an impact on intelligence. Will these moves be welcomed there, after all it's been through the scientific method.

social "science"

(((social))) """"""""""""""""""""science""""""""""""""""""""

Gender dysphoria causes global warming


Biological denialism is "science".

This is exactly what I knew would happen, as I've said before. If you look at the website half of the text was dedicated to the importance of "diversity" in the march. Not even in government or science, they were just talking about diversity in leading a science march. Doomed from the beginning.


I made a comment in another thread and I'm surprised at how I don't need to edit it at all and it still be relevant here

With all the impotent screeching, cheering on violence against anyone remotely pro-trump, endless Godwin's law invocation, comparisons to fascist regimes...

We're looking 7 more years minimum. Depending on if the left can finally stop trying their failing tactics or not, we'll get a trump recommended replacement after the end of his 2 terms. I've lost all faith in the democratic platform and their supporters to form any functioning union, considering they're just as busy in-fighting over not being a pure enough feminist or whatever bullshit.

Hey, imagine if in that march, instead of the SJW bullshit, someone went "Actually, pro-life and anti-marxism are scientific issues too" and they put a big ol' "Abortion is murder" banner on top of the science march page.

Wouldn't that be just outrageous? Filthy funDIES shoving their religion down my throat?


I'm torn because on one hand that makes a good movement more likely to succeed but on the other hand if it kept that way occupy V2 would supply us drama for the upcoming weeks.