Alex "Gay Frogs" Jones does an AMA in /r/the_donald, featuring: Vampires, Satan, Interdimensional creatures, and the Clintons.

173  2017-02-23 by IAmAN00bie


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

The bot knows too much

Snapshillbot on fire.


Oh shit lmao

Bill Gates did all that anti-trust stuff on purpose, they invented very basic computer systems in the 1850s, they had systems engineered for the purpose of controlling humans through their predictable behaviors. Anti-trust laws have existed since the 1960s, which the operating system schematics were given to Microsoft through DARPA, who also Bill Gate's father was actually the head of Planned Parenthood, the head guy who funded the satanic eugenics programs. Google was set up as a search engine to transcript all phone calls for searchablity, and apply this to the Internet and telecom hub, that's how they ran this through and set all this up. But at the top, they admit that the public just wants to eat food and not work, so they are aware that vaccines have cancer causing chemicals. I believe in humanity, Trump was supposed to lose the election and free press was supposed to be destroyed; but now they have to intimidate Trump and try to shut the whole thing down. All we can do is defend Internet freedom and free speech.

The elite believe that they are communicating with interdemensional creatures and they believe that they have to kill everyone to get to the super-technology. The psychopath cosmology is not to have kids and live on through them but that you must kill and enslave people to get ahead. Prove you're evil, prove you're hateful - you're just this God killing everyone.

How big is a globalist? I would rather wake up humanity. I'll fight both, bring them all on! The globalist sized lizard is not that big.

I think Trump will roll over and die, that's his big mission that he will complete, his purpose in life. He'll let his kids have the big golden arch, that's a great opportunity to pass on. Trump wants the average person to succeed, as a super alpha male he wants to take on the oppression head on, that's why his enemies are consistently trying to bring him down. Trump cannot lose at this point, you can tell he's in a lot of pain spiritually. Trump doesn't feel good when people fail. Trump is on his knees before God, when the whole world is being offered to him he wants everyone to succeed. Trump loves God, humanity, and beauty; he loves the true beauty that God gives us.

This AMA is fucking gold.

The elite believe that they are communicating with interdemensional creatures and they believe that they have to kill everyone to get to the super-technology. The psychopath cosmology is not to have kids and live on through them but that you must kill and enslave people to get ahead. Prove you're evil, prove you're hateful - you're just this God killing everyone.

this one was my fave

Okay so kind of like me. I am the poor of the earth. I believe I am communicating with Jesus and His angels etc. I believe I have to be holy and brave and be always ready for self-sacrifical love and then I get the super technology when I die of sitting with Jesus and playing with all His toys. I have lots of kids because the bigger the family in heaven the better the fun!!!! MORE PEOPLE TO LOVE FOREVER. Jesus says to get ahead do not kill or enslave people and if you have slaves better want to think about making them brothers. If you prove you are good and loving then you will finally be like little gods and incapable of evil. Okay so what they think sounds a bit like exactly the opposite of the real plan. Who could have come up with that I wonder?

So satanic panic round 50?

you must kill and enslave people to get ahead. Prove you're evil, prove you're hateful - you're just this God killing everyone.

TIL elites are metal as fuck.

Suddenly being in the 1% sounds a lot more fun.

Being a death god has its perks.

Suddenly being in the 1% sounds a lot more fun.

It was always more fun

stop being poor tbqh

I'm probably,closer to the 1% than not, tbh.

But like the pathetic old dude who plays in a metal cover band sort of metal.

Bald on top, long hair in back. I know who you mean.

Well most people into black metal are elitist and satanic, so it makes sense.

This sounds like something a really stoned teenager would say and think was insightful.

Where is that one, I couldn't find it and its gold.

Jumbledfun quoted Alex's rambling here, I quoted the delusion person here who was responding to Alex's ramblings above.

It's in the history books apparently.

It's like Jose Canseco except some people honestly believe this guy

Some people, including the current POTUS.


Literally all of that is correct. Alex is a good man.

This is what retards actually believe.

..... the raging lunatic typed into his keyboard, without even a hint of irony.


oh my, what a reply

This guy regularly advises Trump via phone. I'm jealous.

Is Alex Jones some kinda of christian?

Jesus fuck, this guy cucks

He's a fundamentalist nutbag.

i dont think the other fundies accept him tho, except for some serious cherries

He's got the "David Koresh" seal of approval

All Westerners are Christians, regardless of their religious beliefs.

tfw your shitpost actually has a precedent in modern Lacanian Marxist critique

Where do you think I get this shit


Is Alex Jones some kinda of fucking retard?


A popular running theory is that he's Bill Hicks really committed to method acting.

Alex Jones is a fucking crazy person

Don't you dare slander the GOD-EMPEROR top advisor!

I love how half the responses are like "YEAHHH you tell 'em Alex!" and the other half are

starting to think this guy might be a little off..

Wait... what?

what the fuck.

Well, I certainly wouldn't have guessed this answer... can any centipede provide more details on this?

starting to think this guy might be a little off..

After loosely knowing who Alex Jones is and what he's been screeching for many years now, it's nice to hear that even somebody from t_d might pick up on that. I would have never expected it.

Being Alex Jones without the crippling mental issues that would cause you to actually believe what he says sounds quite fun. How long do you have to do message board shilling before you can apply for that sort of gig?

Spend some time at and and then go from there.

Best conspiracy is that Alex is actually an acid house DJ and drops mad beats on the side.

I wonder if he ever bothers with his Bush Jr era narrative anymore. Back then, he asserted every American would have a chip implanted in our arms and there would soon be one global currency of the new world order called the "Amero" I think (I dunno, been a while since I saw Zietgeist: verbal diarrhea").

You can't make this shit up though (well, wait, you can). Gay amphibians, zombified Nazi satan-worshippers, inter-dimensional beings, super computers that control your brain? Sounds like my next furry fiction.

Wasn't Sandy Hook supposed to be a false flag for Obama to take out guns? It's been like four years since then and no guns have been taken, I don't think he's gone back on those statements though.

It's because Alex Jones is a human who fought back. Get with the times shill.

supposed to be a false flag

I forget, isn't he one of the 9/11 false flag people, too?

I don't know for sure but I'd be shocked if he wasn't.

This is fucking amazing. Chris Carter could mine this for a new full length season of the xfiles that would be better than anything done before!

If you haven't listened to his Bill Gates chicken-neck bastard rant, its an amazing piece of performance art.

Somebody needs to cook some copy pasta out of this.

This is like Time Cube guy level knowledge, except he gets to talk to the President.

Alex Jones will be soon found to be a robot running Subreddit Simulator scripts.


The elite believe that they are communicating with interdemensional creatures and they believe that they have to kill everyone to get to the super-technology. The psychopath cosmology is not to have kids and live on through them but that you must kill and enslave people to get ahead. Prove you're evil, prove you're hateful - you're just this God killing everyone.

Even interdemensional aliens want the mayocide

They are highly evolved super-intelligent lifeforms after all.

Looks like /pol/ was right once again.

Stupid (((ayyliens))) wink

Fluoride Satan wants you to rape children.

Fight back by buying filters at the ALEX JONES INFOWARS STOREtm.

And don't forget to keep your breath fresh and skin blue with Superblue Fluoride-Free Toothpaste™ by Infowars Life™, containing actual colloidal nano silver.


First, Super Blue uses absolutely no fluoride! At its core, fluoride is a chemical poison put in the water system by globalists to weaken the people.

Mmk, done reading that.

Dude it uses nano-silver.

Probably because they couldn't afford nano-gold or nano-platinum.

Username does not check out.

Fluoride Satan

Their first album was pretty good.

But what if it turned out there was an issue he disagreed with Trump on? Would the mods end this AMA prematurely to ban this beta cuck?

McCain is a fixture of the globalists, total terrible person constantly trying to start wars. His shelf life has basically ended. He's a complete demon.

Well by his own logic he'd be infected by a demon and should just shut up. Duh.

Standard behavior tbqh

Standard demon behavior: using abbreviations

Standard demon behavior: calling out demon behavior.

When the srdinocide comes, agenda posters like iamanoobie will be the first against the wall

I'll take all white people with me. Nothing will stop the Mayocide.

It's not the same when you say it.

Fuck u, all are welcome to participate in the Cleansing.

You are on my list noobie

You haven't got enough Valyrian steel.

Is this before or after the lunatic fringe of this site (The_Donald) go so insane they become a suicide cult and self genocide themselves?

I will weep tears of genuine joy.

but then you'll just make him a martyr

Excited was I to see

/u/AlexJonesInfoWarrior plea

Expertise retardedly

To the peanut gallery

Who asked him questions one, two, three

But alas! Autist OP

Prefaced their link with "np"

So all I can do is sperg. Reeeeeeeeeeee!


Golf Clap.

oh shit wuddup

What genuinely baffles me about Alex Jones is that he somehow reconciles his conspiracies about the federal government with his support for Trump. Isn't Trump hiding all of these false flag attacks true perpetrators from the people? Did the FEMA deathcamps just stop with a change of administration? Why hasn't he outed any lizard people? If anyone has access to this information, it's Trump, and if any president was stupid enough to blow the lid on the whole operation, it's also Trump.

My fav conspiracy is that Alex Jones worked for the CIA or NSA whoever and is just out to discredit legit ones.


That's what they said about things like Manson and the symbionese liberation army back in the day

That's what they said about things like Manson and the symbionese liberation army back in the day

That's what they said about things like Manson and the symbionese liberation army back in the day

That's what they said about things like Manson and the symbionese liberation army back in the day

Wait, what do you mean? I've seen on here the Manson was a "mk ultra" agent or whatever but never heard such claims about Patty Hearst.

But that's true

Trump did let us all know about the Swedish thing.

Oh yeah i forgot how his uncle invented the time machine lmao

Tesla invented it. The Trump family became caretakers of it. Trump is from the future.

At least that's believable.

Looking for consistency or rationality from a literal crazy person and/or trump supporters (never mind 2 in 1) is mistake numero uno my friend

They'll just move the goal posts away from him.

Trump isn't covering the conspiracy up guys, but (((The Clintons))) are trying to stage a coup, and this cover-up is just step 12 of there 30 step plan to world domination.

Because retards love retarded shit.

Is there somewhere I can read more about Job's death?

I don't know, I was told by a source that foul play was suspected in his death and never researched it further.

Not a single word of this exchange is surprising tbh

Job is still alive.

Now you have a source to convince The_Donald a d Infowars.

Job is actually a double agent who confers with Elvis "The King" Presley, who has mastered an anti-aging process through music which allows him to change places and remain alive, so he has also granted this power to Jobs and together they will compose a dual album to stop the even Bill Gates machine of super computer control.

How's that one sound?

Wow this sounds interesting. I haven't heard of this before. Have any further reading on this? Thanks.

Definitely, you can

Jobs is taking us to the 7 planets.

But the Bible is quite clear on the subject: he was swallowed by a whale and stuff.

That's Jonah Hill.

Yeah he's on the same beach with Tupac gettin blazed

Say what you will about Alex. He is a man who understands his market.

I just ordered a supply of Super Male Vitality and some water filters to keep the lizard people from reading my mind!


brought to you by Super Male Vitality TM

Jesus, every one of his comments has a link to his store.

try out the BASED water filters

Lil B died for this shit.

Lol, America is fucked.

I mean look at that frothing mass of retards in there. It's scary and sad that there are people still so unbelievably stupid they believe shit like that.

Yeah, every time I see threads like this I think about the morons telling me that "Trump supporters aren't stupid, they just disagree with you" and laugh hysterically.

There is absolutely no way these people aren't borderline retarded.

something something dunning kruger


fucking lol this gets upvoted in here now

you could always go to the burning pile of trash where you dont have to get triggered by other opinions

tries to use "triggered" without knowing what it means

boy you just tick all the boxes dont you

you obviously know a whole lot more than me about being triggered, that much is crystal clear

what im saying is you couldnt be more of a stereotype if you tried

did you just get triggered again ?


aww, how cute

are you secretly that 2x poster too

yes, definitely

wew lad the irony

I generally think of myself as an open minded, reasonable person who tries to see both sides to every story. Well, let's just say those people do everything in their power to make it as hard as possible. I can count on one hand the number of reasonable ones I've met and it's not for lack of trying.

Yeah that's my point. I've come at this from every angle, I'm an anti-SJW, I have no bias towards the democrats or liberals, but there is no way to not consider these people just.. stupid.

It's scary and sad that there are still people in /r/drama so unbelievably stupid that they believe anyone believes shit like that.

What's your point?

tfw /r/drama can't recognize irony

Is it really though? I didn't know r/drama was the president.

I think you are all degenerate mongoloids and I would choose not to visit any fast-food restaurant you chucklefucks worked in, but I would trust /r/drama as President before Trump.

you legitimately dodged a bullet by getting trump tbh

Thanks for proving my theory that only crazy foreigners are glad Trump won

Can confirm. I see a lot of insane fellow Norwegians being happy that this is happening. They've even adopted "fake news" and use it in every article about him.

Perfect example of globalism ironically.

The greatest part of the history of TD, to me at least, was when a top mod at one point was doxxed (viking83 I think) and it turned out that he was a gay Dane. The sub was elated to have a token gay on their modlist, while totally missing the irony that a sub dedicated to an anti-globalist American presidential candidate was run by a yuropoorean foreigner from 6,000 miles away

havent a lot of td mods been non american? like duk was african or st

More than there should be for a sub that's supposedly anti-globalist

It is hilarious that the people who apparently wanted Donald in charge the most are from countries that stand to benefit if the US is weaker :^)

awwww! kiwi thinks he's people! how cute!!!

All true Americans support God-Emperor Trump. Only nation-less leftists oppose the American spirit.

Seriously, his victory is so retarded that there will be 4 years (maybe 8) stream of popcorn with extra salt.

I'm just happy that I don't live in USA atm. I can just laugh at how retarded you are for electing an inbred monkey, who wants to fuck his own daughter.

We dodged a bullet to stand in the way of a mortar shell of retardation.

whats he done thats even really that bad though

He gave people like you a reason to live, for starters.

fucking lol imagine legit having feelings toward people in the sub

sucked in i exist youll just have to seethe and grind your teeth about it

pretty good post also in that you spazzed and didnt really give an answer, ill just assume youre as gullible as most of the other anti trumpers and think he sexually assaults people or whatever lol

Fucking savage.

America is saved, friendo. Soros was defeated.

Soros > Alex Jones

Pretty strong feelings for a Marxist pedophile. Is there something you aren't telling us?

Real question. Were you a catamite? I always see you talking about pedophilia, seems to be an important part of your life.

I am not a Marxist, jihadzi, catamite, transexual or any other flavor of leftist degeneracy.

I thought the American right was all about church? Nah, the right is the catamite side. It rhymes so it is doubly true.

I thought the American right was all about church?

The American right is all about America, Western civilization and GOD-EMPEROR TRUMP!

Now you're just lying.

You have no idea what you are up against.

Oh shit, he feels confident. Did youre dose of SUPER MALE VITALITY tm arrive on the mail? Maybe you can finally get that grow spurth your mom has been praying for. Maybe even a girl. Exciting times!!!

Lefties are often gender-confused.

Okay, you've stopped making sense for a couple comments now. You should work on your banter game. It is lazy, boring and cliche. I like a little challenge, and this just feels like beating up a blind retard.

this just feels like beating up a blind retard.

Proper challenge for a leftist.


The American right is about God Emperors? Hmm, interesting turnaround.

Everything is different now.

Is it

Islam is feminist, illegal immigrant is a race, free speech is evil, women have penises. Get with the times, man.

Things evolve I guess.

Ideology is passe. Nationalism is the safeguard of democracy. Globalism is rootlessness and slavery.

Nationalism like tribalism is regressive and always loses in the end. It's anti liberty.

Only nations can safeguard liberty. There is no global vote. There is no global constitution. There is no global nation.

Nationalism is not the same thing as a nation state.




Extreme retards on both sides of the political spectrum. Trumpets and sjws act like think they're on teams and individual thoughts are discouraged.

Yet with all this fighting about racism, Muslims and shit, they forget the real issue is the class divide.

Americans are retarded.

You might think it is on purpose

the real issue is the class divide.

No, that is your issue, commie. Americans don't piss themselves over some people getting rich.

Why all the George Soros hate, then?


This guy is advising the president of the united states, who refuses to read intelligence briefs because they have too many bullet points.

Delete The_Donald when? It literally makes humanity significantly worse off.

I am a Conservative and would not give a rat's ass if T_D gets banned.

at least conservatives pretend to have principles unlike the donnie scum

Memes are Principles you dumb cuck

The aliens from the 7 planets will just look down and think "nope, those people are not worth contact".

My god this is fantastic. Someone needs to link this shit in some of the more normal conservative subs.

This was weird and hilarious:

I think Trump will roll over and die, that's his big mission that he will complete, his purpose in life. He'll let his kids have the big golden arch, that's a great opportunity to pass on. Trump wants the average person to succeed, as a super alpha male he wants to take on the oppression head on, that's why his enemies are consistently trying to bring him down. Trump cannot lose at this point, you can tell he's in a lot of pain spiritually. Trump doesn't feel good when people fail. Trump is on his knees before God, when the whole world is being offered to him he wants everyone to succeed. Trump loves God, humanity, and beauty; he loves the true beauty that God gives us.

So Alex's Jesus?

This is... genuinely insane.

I'm liberal now.

Welcome. We have cheese pizza and Obamaphones.


By the way have you guys noticed that /u/captainpriapism has "np" in his username?

im posting from nepal

I wonder if Adult Protective Services would take him in for all the crazy shit he spouts.


still more realistic than russia conspiracies

this is your brain on burger king

its called hungry jacks here m8

Yall still get chicken fries though right?

you better believe it

white people smh

Still not getting my monthly check for vampirism

Alex Jones is just the best

I feel like even the most right wing person would realize that he's fucking insane, and not in the "he's crazy cause he disagrees with me" kind of way but literally out of his goddamn mind

assuming that it isn't just an act in which case he's a master shitposter

I'd like to nominate /u/AlexJonesInfowarrior for a mod position, thanks

alex jones rabble

keep texas strange

alex jones rabble

keep texas strange

I try my best to understand all sides, I really think I do, but this guy is unhinged. How am I supposed to believe his website and his "news" would be anything less?

God help me not to roll my eyes even harder when I hear the name "InfoWar" coming unironically out of someone's mouth next time.



We are reaching levels of butthurt previously thought to be impossible. TRUMP 2020! MAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA