CB2 forgets to have its big boy nap and gets cranky when /r/anarchism can't tell itself from the_donald

47  2017-03-07 by [deleted]



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hey look cb2 is subtly invoking the horseshoe theory again, unironically

Don't worry, /u/prolierthanthou , in reality, Trumpets are actually far more sympathetic than anarchokiddies.

Yeah I mean if you like communism I'm not gonna come and punch your jaw off your face, but I expect the same in return.

I believe in safe, humane Physical Removal.

Sometimes I doubt that that's why Trump won, but then I remember why I started supporting him in the first place. People like them.

Do you think that's the slightest bit stupid or nah

The world must change in the direction of not-them. Inshallah.

"i don't have opinions of my own, i just vote to spite people i see on the internet"

t. mature adult

Yeah well when they take over your entire platform like they did with Bernie, I'm not about to stick around and become some anarcho-retard.

btw I'm honoured that you replied to me bby 😘😘

What do you think about voting for the person whose policies you most agree with and not worry about who else is also doing that?

You can vote for someone without being part of a "movement", just because half of reddit treats politics like it's a fucking religious movement doesn't mean adults need to.

I didn't vote.

Oh good

smartest political decision youve ever made

Well I live in the UK so it's also the only decision I could have made.

aye, i suppose that's the rub when you live in a monarchy

policies you most agree with

My main policy is Physical Removal. Trump is a bit too liberal for me, but he's the closest thing we've got to a real President.

What also helps is going offline for a couple days. Maybe go outside. Puts things in perspective.

But I'm sure the Goldman Sachs cabinet will have your best interests in mind, and this will all blow over. I'm very sure.

When I go outside I see legbeards and the entire campus covered in chalk slogans saying "1 in 4 maybe more"


That's why you drink during your student years. Relativity is the bottom of a bottle of booze.

1 in 4 is pretty harsh. Decimation only requires 1 in 10 be executed for the greater good.

hence deci.

I mean, I am WILLING to execute 25% of whichever group they are on about. But the number seems high.

I'm sure that will be news just like when Pro-Trump chalk writing was national News.

It was so horrible that people did that so surely 1-4 maybe more will be the same.

Not enough if we're talking mayos

What if we agree to Physical Removal of all mayoskin legbeards, all mayoskin cucks and all male jihadis over age 3?

"Everyone else is racist!" has pretty much been the Democrat's rallying cry ever since Reagan.

well you are racist, not sure about everybody else

everyone is definitely racist, like in that avenue Q song.

I don't see what's wrong with that. If we were all more honest about it, we'd live in a less racist world.

I'm not racist.

White genocide is racism

My genocidal tendencies are based entirely around facial and body hair, not race.

Twink genocide?

Nah, they can live.

But they can't vote.


They're racist, too. I never said the left was wrong. Haven't you seen Avenue Q?

user reports:
1: Reeeeeman is mad about trump voters again

sure let's go with that

im ready for the obama coup and the white/trump supporter fema camps tbh

same fam

Is this where I say "Mayocide when?"

that's one of the Moderator Approved Drama Comment Optionstm

Since when did it become r/lsc?


The Restoration is nigh, friends.

It's been a while since you were on Reddit. Still an Obamapartist?

Yes, albeit following Sec. Clinton's example and living in the (metaphorical) woods. Don't feel like I have a lot to say to the old crowd at the moment.


This implies you're ever not mad about trump voters

i'm rarely mad about the poorly educated and poverty stricken, unless i'm forced to take the bus

poverty stricken

Boy you must love being wrong all the time


Looks like a lotta poors to me. $1MM or GTFO.

criticizing people like this is why trump is in office riemann :/. shame on u

i know i'm disgusting :\

Then kys

You fucking casual. I know it's probably hard for you to understand, but for some of us shitposting isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

If your commitment to debilitating sarcasm and your childish unwillingness to take anything seriously ends when you log out, you are at best a tourist.

this but unironically


mature adult




If only leftism existed solely on the internet.

you're right, the denizens of /r/anarchism and anarchism in general are extremely relevant topics when it comes to the modern American political system. in fact, anarchism and political violence were literally planks of the Democratic party platform. these are all true and real things. i agree. Hillary Clinton was known widely for her radical view that property is theft. these are established facts about the mainstream 2016 election discourse

/u/Gigadweeb , don't worry about horseshoetheory. I see you unironically ask questions like this out of fear of committing thoughtcrime:

is it extremely racist for me, as a white dude, to use uncle tom as a term to criticise people like milo and ben carson who more or less speak out against their own identity?

Actual fascists would never be as pathetic as you

/u/gigadweeb Yes it's fucking racist for you to try to deny someone's identity because they don't fit your idea of what they should be you fucking cunt and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you're white.

Also don't be such a weasel and say what you mean; call them a house nigger.

What if that's his identity, though? We got to listen. And believe.

Is it really racism? Dont get me wrong, its incredibly shitty to call someone names because they dont fit into the little box you want them to fit in, but I think think its racism. Purity testing, ass holery, etc etc for sure though.

if that little box is based on their race then i think it's pretty textbook fam

Wow, Id never thought of it that way. /u/gigadweeb is indeed a total racist.

It's racism to (1) assume that a person, by virtue of their race, essentially belongs to a specific "identity group", and to (2) demand that a person, by virtue of their race, act in accordance with your own conception of how members of that race ought to act.

It is racist because it is premised on a certain notion of racial authenticity, whereby there is some essential mode of being for any given racial category (i.e., the poster is claiming that Carson is not authentically black since he doesn't fit this essential mode of being black). It's basically way of conceiving of racial categories as if they marked real, metaphysical differences between people, when in actuality they only mark historical and contingent differences.

Oh man, when you put it that way how could anyone deny /u/gigadweeb's racism?

You are using a historically racist perjorative to call somebody a traitor to their own kind. I don't understand how u/gigadweeb is able to function at a sufficient level to operate a keyboard. I mean, that's a seriously high level of retardation.

Holy shit, normally I'd expect bitches like /u/gigadweeb to ask if it's racist to sip a black man's drink but THAT is actually fucking racist. Imagine this mayo actually telling a black man he's a fucking uncle Tom because his politics don't align? That would get this white boy killed.

is it extremely racist for me, as a white dude, to use uncle tom as a term to criticise people like milo and ben carson who more or less speak out against their own identity?

/u/Gigadweeb you dumb cumskin, of course that's racist. Not only are you implying some sort of essentialism by assuming milo or carson do indeed belong to these idealized "identity groups" of yours -- or rather, by demanding that they identify with those groups -- but you're also trying to dictate to those same groups what their politics should be.

When even known /r/drama posters (i.e., bigots) are calling you a racist, you might want consider reevaluating some of your beliefs. Not that I'd expect anything more from a dirty mayo.

Hello there, on an alt so I don't have to go through the process of getting myself unbanned from a multitude of metasubs.

Yes, I asked the question because I'm a sheltered white teen from Australia who has literally no idea of the context of the phrase except from a few people using it to refer to Milo as more or less a sexuality traitor. That's it. Pretty well the only thing I know, apart from seeing it used for Carson as well. Forgive me for asking whether it's bigoted or not.

Now that I know I'm sure as shit going to be using it in the future

Anyway, fuck you lot. Cheers

Wow rude!

Also, why bother posting on subs that auto-ban you for posting here? Why would you want to share the company of people who are so insecure that they need a thought police?

Also Milo isn't a traitor; whoring yourself out for cash is perfectly normal homosexual behaviour.

I like this kid

hey look cb2 is subtly invoking the horseshoe theory again, unironically

This is SRD's territory. What are we doing stealing their tone??

SRD? SRD! This must be how Timothy McVeigh felt when they credited his work to Muslims.

Ron Paul 2023

Stop saying fam

Clearly they don't understand who they're up against





Stop saying woke


/r/ShitLiberalsSay calling paradox players fascist.

If you play a historically based game your as bad as Hitler.

So I know that the mods of the Circle🅱roke subs are left over from when the place used to be a pro-Romney, anti-"faces of atheism," pro-shitposting counterjerk to the more liberal reddit userbase before things changed drastically, but I have to ask: If the new userbase so clearly hates their modteam, why don't they just leave and find somewhere else to be smug circlejerking lefties? I don't get it.

They're legitimately irked not so much at their own up/downvotes, but that the people calling them out aren't under the filter by now. And instead are at like +10.


Horseshoe theory should be renamed boomerang theory.