Anti natalists Talk about subreddits they hate.

12  2017-03-15 by Washington_vape


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Most default, gendered and political subs. I especially hate /r/subredditdrama

/u/Washington_vape is a good egg.


Today I learned about anti-natalism

Leftists smh

/r/GetMotivated is disgustingly positive and cliche.

"I'm miserable and hate my life."

I went from PUA -> TRP -> MGTOW -> MensLib -> Antinatalism/Efilism. Looking back it's a pretty logical progression of my worldview.

I looked to the NEETS of the internet for advice on getting laid and now I wish I was never born.

Just looked at the sidebar, and apparently there's a subreddit for misanthropy? Why? If you hate humanity, why would you gather around with other humans to discuss those views?

I personally vent my misanthropy through posting on /r/drama. Nothing better to validate my disdain for others than looking at the worst they have to offer.

Heh. That's actually pretty good

Thats pretty damn funny.

So weird to base your identity on and obsess over not having kids. I enjoy the life of not having a kid by not worrying about kids, isn't that kind of the point?

/r/antinatalism It's full of edgelords, drama queens and moody shitheads. I wish this philosophy wouldn't attract so many disfunctional people.

What /u/LongtimeRPLurker doesn't seem to understand is that the philosophy itself is retarded.

did these guys just watch too much true detective or what