[shitpost] Avatars are coming. What will your avatar be?

30  2017-03-21 by snallygaster




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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You sure it can be a gif?

As if SnapshillBot is limited by what restrictions humans have.

Is this how flairs die?

Nah not really. Remember when they introduced those stupid snoo things no one gave a fuck about? Pretty sure that's what they're talking about.

As "social media" as Reddit is it'll never be about selfies and photos of your shitty self, it's a text based website and it'll stay that way regardless of how many gross selfies of your ass they let you add to your "profile."

garbage someone spent ten minutes thinking about in the hopes their boss doesn't notice they don't do anything

i never realized reddit hq was so relatable

Wait are you proud of being lazy?

Are you black rie? or brazilian?

i'm proud to not diddle kids

unlike you and /u/spez

wait spez is a diddler now?

always has been, always will be

just look at the snivelling fuck

but like diddler diddler or thicc 16y.o "diddler"?

thicc 16y.o

neck yourself

go to brazil before judging me rie

i don't even want to have sex with full grown brazilians

congratulations, your mentally feeble and impoverished nation is replete with thick asses

i hope that affords you some comfort in your depressed economy and terrible prospects

and sick food!

honestly do you even need anything more out of life than to just be in an brazilian bbq close to the beach with an ass like that in your lap?

brazilian bbq

your country's barbecue is also inferior


eastern NC or bust

I'm sorry, I don't get involved in the spats of incestous mouth breathers fighting over their little pocket's version of gluttony.

sorry i can't hear you over all this sweet, sweet vinegar sauce

He likes pizza doesn't he?

He gives protection to #PizzaGate. Also, just look at his face. He looks like he spent a good portion of his childhood taking some priest's dick.

they deemed him a source of (((extra cheese)))

spez is gonna edit your comment to read "unlike you and I"

/u/spez is scurred

This is where we say "Fuck u/spez" right?

remember redditcoin

or whatever the fuck it was gonna be


i think it was officially called "reddit notes", and it made zero goddamn sense. hilarious idea tho.

Remember when yishan said how he views reddit is as a government in that "every body is responsible for their own soul" bukkshit blog? Reddit notes (bank notes?) was supposed to be the government's currency. Read that blog and then read that bitcoin retard's announcement post in that context.

reddit hiring some ancap weirdo and just letting him work on his dumbass ancap project instead of anything useful pretty much sums up how this site is run

They copied this latest update from digg 2.0

The shitty watercolors guy has a picture of himself as his avatar. His userpage looks a ton like twitter.

Oh shitttt.

Is it at least a (not so) shitty water color of himself?

No, but he did make a shitty watercolor version in the IAMA on his page.

They're legit avatars and a banner, check out /u/kn0thing

Wow that is super poorly optimized for mobile.

They want the menus to be stacked like that. It is artistic and not some mistake a freshman would not make

We need you to post more man, I miss you ;___;

If there was a public picture of what my face looks like I'd never be able to make fun of anybody on the internet again.

Over you're bloated, violated corpse it is.

So graceful. So majestic.

Spent 2 € in an app for this shit?

What I use mostly everywhere. This picture of Bismarck.

I also combine it with my favourite quote of his, but whatever.




What's the quote

"Nicht durch Reden oder Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden, sondern durch Eisen und Blut.“

The English translation is

"Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided, but by iron and blood"

Bismarck was a world class diplomat, but he was almost a Prussian dominionist and pushed for German unification despite being a conservative (at the time, nationalism was a liberal position).

His politics was mostly diplomatic wrangling but he did resort to btfo surrounding countries (most notably Austria and France) in order to succeed.

Bismarck kicked ass no doubt, the when diplomacy fails podcast does a decent side piece on him

Honestly, reading what happened before the 2nd Schleswig war was fucking hilarious.

Basically, Bismarck baited the fuck out of Austria to attack in order to isolate them from the other German states by making them look like aggressors and thus make Prussia the protector of Germany.

He was all around fucking brilliant. I am an unapologetic fanboy of his.

Indeed, i wonder what would have became of Germany if he had a more competent successor

The eventual goal of Bismarck was power balance politics. He also hated to be involved in the Balkans and colonialism (not ethnically, he just believed it a waste of resources and basically a useless dick measuring contest).

While alternative history is pointless, my assumption was that he would work towards abolishing the Austrian empire making the Habsburgs the emperor of a Danubian confederation while the Austrian mainland was absorbed into Germany.

Besides that, I don't know. Even that part is hypothetical extrapolation.

So now you're suddenly a fan of history, but when it concerns Alexander The Great's Slavic origins you're suddenly deaf to historiographical consensus?

Where the fuck were you for this thread.

I am disappointing in you, Belgian.

I was too late for the whole fad tbh, if I saw it earlier I'd have posted a map of the European Union with the title "Belgian Empire at its greatest extent".


Yeah, I hear the nazi mods ban any new shitposts now :^)

You're all a bunch of fucking Dutchmen

Aren't you on the rightfully Dutch side of lamegium


jfc that's bad. take more pride in this, you fucking mongoloid.

try something like felchgium. /u/JebusGobson deserves better

/u/JebusGobson deserves better

Strongly disagree. He should be happy I didn't call it failgium.

JFC I didn't even realise it referred to Belgium. Goddamn that's bad


Oh god, the vicarious shame is killing me

Good, one less Lamegian around.

downvoted for reggo bantz

Shut up Ameribummer.

Yada yada

Nationalist. Alpha. Perfect.

Portrait of Charles, by the grace of God, Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King of Germany, King of Italy, King of all Spains, of Castile, Aragon, León, of Hungary, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, Navarra, Grenada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Sevilla, Cordova, Murcia, Jaén, Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, King of Two Sicilies, of Sardinia, Corsica, King of Jerusalem, King of the Western and Eastern Indies, of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Lorraine, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Limburg, Luxembourg, Gelderland, Neopatria, Württemberg, Landgrave of Alsace, Prince of Swabia, Asturia and Catalonia, Count of Flanders, Habsburg, Tyrol, Gorizia, Barcelona, Artois, Burgundy Palatine, Hainaut, Holland, Seeland, Ferrette, Kyburg, Namur, Roussillon, Cerdagne, Drenthe, Zutphen, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Oristano and Gociano, Lord of Frisia, the Wendish March, Pordenone, Biscay, Molin, Salins, Tripoli and Mechelen.

What's the deal with the holy Roman empire, it's not holy, it's not Roman, and it's not an empire!

More like holy gaymen Empire...DVVV DVVVV!

Roman what are they travelling or sumptin

Holy because the Pope claimed that Charles Martel was the defender of the faith after he stopped the Moorish invasion from Iberia. Although Martell declined this title Charlemagne, his grandson, would claim that he carried on his grandfather's legacy in an attempt to gain more power. The Papacy fucking hated him for this.

Roman because Charlemagne claimed that his kingdom was the closest to carrying on the legacy of the Roman Empire. This would also be claimed by the Orthodox church in both Byzantium and Kiev. Byzantium obviously has the best claim since they literally are a piece of the Roman Empire that split off.

Empire because it was an empire although not necessarily a very large one for the time period.

I know I was just going for the cheap Seinfeld joke

Still gives a chance for the screaming autists in this sub to learn something for once.

Indeed, Charlemagne was pretty badass too.

Even dropped a rap album.

and well I'm at it, how about that airline food, huh folks?

Charles Martel and John Sobieski are my heros because they saved Western Civilization and fucked Islam right up.

t. Hans

Well, it was a a federation of mostly-Christian lands descended politically from the Romans.

is that ur fursona??

Steve Huffman on his knees next to a big black cock

Lt Uhura's brother offed himself with those folks

no really

Well... shit. TIL unironically.

Apparently the mail-address is still operational, and one cultist voluntarily didn't kill himself to answer questions.


My bitmoji, of course! duh

but WHICH bitmoji?

[Do you really need to ask?](imgur.com/Sbn2lx7)

good choice

The bitmoji thing was oddly prescient I must say. Was there some insider info leaked to the cabal, or worse, the cabal ordered reddit managers to implement this sitewide?

delete this

Mine's gonna be Mad Mod because that's what I already use as my avatar for literally every account I have from Steam to my former High School's online submission program.

Oh shit, is that from Maus?

Yep, read it at 6.

THIS SITE IS OWNED BY THE UNITED-LORDS! FUCK WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST! ----------------------UnItEd LoRdS---------------------- Only through realization, can the world society begin to comprehend what we are. "Hackers" they say. More like kids who got bored with the lame games you come out with so we decided to learn about computers. I am only a kid. Yet I can destroy everything you have. Its not fun. Its life. Until you can begin to rectify what you have done, you will be forsaken with this curse of hatred and destruction. We will not die. It doesnt work that way. We will win. We will always win. -ZeMatrix -----A UnItEd LoRdS ']['3X']['----- We chose to hack this page. We chose how we wanted to do it. We even chose to leave you this message. What ever we chose, is wrong, wrong because the government didn't choose it for us. We are loosing our chance to make a choice. We choose the government hear our voice! - Goliath ----United-Lords---- As it was stated above we we are haveing our rights taken from us slowly but shurely. We are the United Lords a New Breed Of Hackers we stand alone for our rights. We take shit from no one so if you stand on our path you will get stomped. I want to give a shout out to some of our members in the group. Well thats about all i have to say.. And Fux with us We will chop your neck and watch you bleed From the Ninja -GhÖ§T-. ----Message to Webmaster---- Listen up. You know me. You know me well. Its Matrix. The god of this realm. I own you, /u/GetOutOfBox [-1]. We own you. We started out to make the CryptClub. But alas, you didnt listen. You didnt help me. And now Im not helping you. I wanted to be a regular kid. But I'm not. Im a violent 12 year old with no means of restraint. Listen to my words. I will not harm your files. I am merely proving my point to all that oppose the wrath of Matrix, GhO§t, or Goliath. I will not be defeated. And I will poop in your mouth until you cry yourself to death ---PigeonDoubleTake

You ok mate

my avatar is just gonna be an irl pic of me eating ass.

Try harder, loser


/u/Zachums told me to tell you to kill yourself as well. So kill yourself.



but unironically.

John Podesta in hijab being exploded by an AH-64 attack helicopter, on loop

So the other part is basically the same as having your own personal subreddit, but with a more direct link to your profile. Seems like a waste of programming time, but it could result in some humorous garbage from the narcissists.

A photo of my butthole


a smug anime girl

Probably a Bitmoji of myself.

Probably a Noise Marine.

muh dick


Or my nazi edit bitmoji

A facepalm

i knew what that was before i even opened it

My man

