/r/drama is a shitshow of austistics thinking anything not right leaning is postable "drama" where users jerk each other off and ping the people in the linked threads in the attempts to get a rise out of them which somehow validates their opinions

6  2017-03-22 by [deleted]



I bet /u/SnapshillBot could past a Turing test faster than you.

/> past

Nice try /u/MyrLeaf you're clearly robot

That needs to be a snapshillbot quote.

/u/aonome is gay

That's why I'm here

/u/aonome im sorry i didn't mean it work has been stressful

tfw you think SRD talking about how punching Nazis should be okay, or ghazi or LSC talking about anything is just "not right leaning"

Whenever anyone talks about mansplaining, remember they're just "not right leaning". It's not that they're hilarious caricatures further left than 90% of the country, no, /u/aonome knows they're not not right leaning.

What's wrong with being more left than 90% of the country? This country is garbage full of garbage people. It's incredibly trashy, and hardly anything worth having or knowing about comes from here. It's a country of hicks and yokels, even our supposedly cultured coastal libs are just a bunch of inward gazing, limp, incredibly backwards thinking, authority-worshipping pieces of shit. There's barely any culture or anything worth caring about or celebrating in the US. It's mostly garbage and crumbling infrastructure and corruption.

We've basically turned this nation into a new Slav ghetto. We used to be the jewel in the crown of the world, our coastal metropolises bastions of cosmopolitanism, like Budapest used to be. Now it's just a nation of retard trash. Only a few more years until the prototypical American selfie is a crouching, tatted-up cumskin in a red-white-and-blue track suit holding a bottle of Stoli throwing a fake gang sign surrounded by the crumbling ruins of what used to be a cool place to live.

So yeah, fuck 90% of the country.

C'mon the UK isn't that bad

It kinda is.

I agree with you. Even Canada is going into that direction.


Came here to say this.


It's copypasta from a comment someone made in againsthatesubreddits, so you're basically one of them now

Hey, he may be basically one of them, but at least he's not a drama regular.

Its too late for you and I.

who even are you

wow. im so upset right now.

Idk I'm a relatively new user who's been posting here a lot lately. I think Rie might recognise me if you asked him, but yeah relatively unknown so far. But you'll know me one day, mark my words.

banned for talking too much about yourself

oh sorry. Would you rather I talk about you?

praising me will get you permabanned

Is there anyone I can talk about without getting banned?

idk go away you're creeping me out


WTF you are not supposed to reply to the "banned" comments. At least pretend for a little while that they actually banned you.

Oops sorry.

Well I was about to go to sleep anyway, so I can pretend I was banned like that I guess.

Close enough. Good night bb.

nighty night!

Fuck you

noone cares


He's a uggo who is bitter about not being as autistic as everyone else.

Noodles Delenda Est.

Search my name on the search bar for drama

Sure, why not?