drama mods exposed

36  2017-03-22 by GodInASimulation


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Trump supporters should be put to death imho


I was gonna correct that to "whites" but then I remembered what a synonym is

i was gonna say "nah just nazis" but then i remembered that aryans are white and white people voted for trump


man, i gotta be honest...this is pretty humiliating for all parties involved.

especially /u/phedre

You shut your whore mouth.

What did I do? :(

nothing, i love you serialflamingo. you're the best drama mod imo.

Awwww :)

:) <3

not enough

Ummm excuse you, I am the best drama mod. GodInASimulation approved.

High praise indeed 😏

That is my favourite emoji, I wish I got to play that emoji in the upcoming emoji movie.

🤗 this is my favourite emoji. 🤗🤗🤗

omg squarefaces! long time no see, You're the one who was getting bullied by the hapas, right?!

this is quality journalism

I was thinking about another word that ends with -ism.

this is fake news


Ooo nice, our automod report is working. Thanks for the test!

Wew I should really check in on trumpgret modmail more often!

Does it just auto report everything as "white people nonsense"?

Not saying that's inherently bad

No, but it probably should.


(i have no idea what I'm reading or why I should care)

happy cakeday! Care about that the meaningless celebration of joining a forum run by a corporation owned by Conde Naste

mods are nigger fags

This but semi-ironically.

lmao you had to sticky your comment because you were getting downvoted.

I understand 100% why it helps your fragile ego to believe that

You are painfully unfunny, consider an heroing pls


No like really



lmfao I'm going to make this picture my laptop background.

Relying on regulars here to get things done


The funniest part is the losers he's referring to aren't even really "regulars". They're part of a recent wave of clueless transplants who actually think drama mods owe them something and downvotes matter. :D

Oh god I thought that was leaks of what I was up to last night

Thank goodness it's just boring srd trash mods being srd trash


I do not understand what I am looking at. Please help me, i went to American Public skool and my this is all hard for me.

This post literally became a post for drama mods to shitpost how they weren't exposed. OP should consider their life.

Holy shit why do we all have hilarious flairs in subreddit cancer? Mine is "Whiny Bitch" because I complained about them whining and bitching and being triggered all the time.

What the fuck are those screenshots supposed to be depicting?

Modcide now pls.

so what was the automod trump rule about

meet me in world 307 duel arena

the gentlemen's way, of course

Shit, I knew I should have shitposted in that modmail. Regrets.
