It's fucking [current year] and you dumbshits still put numbers at the end of your usernames

98  2017-03-23 by CaliggyJack

Come the fuck on people

Don't give me that shit of "It's hard to come up with original ideas in this day and age". It's fucking incredibly easy to create a username that doesn't look like some fucking 11 year old got on his mom's laptop and clicked the "generate random name" button when making an account on Club Penguin.

People have stupid as shit names for sure, but you're 10x worse if you add fucking numbers. "Aww shit, the guy took my name idea! I know, I'm gonna add fucking random numbers so I can keep my original idea because that's fucking original".

Holy shit KYS

Of course then we have the people who put fucking underscores on their names so all the autistic fucks can tell they're spaces. Nobody with a brain is going to have trouble figuring out there are spaces in the name you God-damned walnuts. I mean gimme a fucking break /u/the_reason_trump_won; the name without underscores ISN'T EVEN FUCKING TAKEN.

This is fucking Reddit, not 2005 AIM. Use your damn brains.

Also, capitalize the first letter in your name. Have some fucking decorum you God-damned savages.


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. /u/the_reason_trump_won -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

The fucking bot has better names than 90% of you cucks.


Did you call me??

What if the number is 1488?

you still need to KYS, but you get to do it fast and painless

It's the final solution to their autism.

fuck u lul

Username is telling

never heard that one before

Then clean out your ears

fuccbois can't into original usernames

90% of the people with the worst usernames tend to be white people

just saying

so this is a subtle mayocide thread? /u/MasterLawls tell this fool that his meme is shit

I FUCKING MEAN /u/MasterLawlz


Holy shit third times the charm kys plz

yer face is a subtle mayocide thread

Usernames ending by 69 are ok in my book.

I can accept even the worse of memeposts, but the moment you meme your username is the moment you can just kys

Keep up the good fight, friendarino.


But that's the sex number


Case and point.

I put the number there for a reason. I didn't HAVE to.

yer reason is probs shit

16 years old? or is 16 how you like your woman? kys fam


Was /u/hugefuckingfaggot1 already taken?

>Current Year

>Using vowels in your username

Fucking plebs

user reports:
1: Can't believe this numerophobia is being allowed smh

i agree. like, what if you have favorite numbers and want them in your name?

did you sticky this. autism

i thought it could spark interesting and insightful discussion

My cock could come up with more valuable usernames and it's only 7 inches

Your ancestor are ashamed.

They were before I made this post believe me

Well yes, of course, your tiny cock and massive inferiority complex didn't just spontaneously appear after to made this post. Delete your account.

after to made this post.

You. Fine then.

Delete tour account.

Delete tour account.

tbh it would be more efficient if this whole sub just Jonestown'd itself. Pick a date, make a sticky - you're the mod after all.

Don't tempt me!



You don't need to put your diagnosis at the end of every post.

Find a favorite letter instead

but I don't want a favorite letter

tough shnitzle


Is 1413 your fave number?

it's like my third. 1729 is my fave


i always really liked this story:

I remember once going to see him (Ramanujan) when he was lying ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi-cab No. 1729, and remarked that the number seemed to be rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavourable omen. "No", he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.

from Hardy. Ramanujan is one of my favorite mathematicians, and i think it's a really neat (probably apocryphal) anecdote. there are some other neat aspects of it too, but that's the real reason.

lol kys nerd

stay salty, chad

user reports:
1: Rie you seem to like math so here's a song for you
1: surplus autism

ty fam

No problem man. I looked for like a whole 45 seconds to find that one.

Hollllllly shit son. Whatever your high school bullies did, it wasn't enough

well, they prolly ended up in the military or something. i mean can you imagine?

what a fate

Rely makes u think huh?


JFC, not a good look fam.

i am sorry you were never able to enjoy math! it's never too late, tho


i always really liked this story:

I remember once going to see him (Ramanujan) when he was lying ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi-cab No. 1729, and remarked that the number seemed to be rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavourable omen. "No", he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.

from Hardy. Ramanujan is one of my favorite mathematicians, and i think it's a really neat (probably apocryphal) anecdote. there are some other neat aspects of it too, but that's the real reason.

I hate 1729 because it's become -1/12thed for me at this point.

Is there a story behind 1413?

Fuck you and fuck your stupid numbers.

aww ok

How i keep up with whose nan I'm shaggin.

Nan1413 is tonight.

tell her i said hey!

Ban him ass daddy

just when i thought i escaped your wrath, i hit the last sentence, dont know if you noticed but punctuation is a tool of the white patriarchy asshole

I feel like this post should make me validated about myself, but it doesn't

At least it's better than Duck_Hunt_Hot_Dog21345



Now this is a novelty account I can get behind.


i make sure to have numbers letters and special characters in my username so nobody can hack me


/u/HodortheDoorHolder2016 was too long of a username

I think being a attention whore is a step up for you.


Stop this, my hate boner can only get so erect.

Needs underscores.


Now, just add in some num63r5, and a clan tag, and we're good to go:


I actually like this name, thx bby xoxo.

Well, it finally happened. My comments on the internet spawned a retarded doppelganger.

I like to discard usernames every few months. Enjoy this one while it lasts.

I like the cut of your jib, sailor


This is a good post


I'm simply part of Her Majesty's Secret Service

when does her majesty require tone setting?

Every fucking day

took you over 24 hours to reply to this

kill yourself srd scum

Underscore master race!

I am an abomination

typical Jerry

What is my name supposed to be then?! Elick? That sounds just dumb!

I know I am a bad person who doesn't deserve to live because my mom tells me every day but can I add that we also need to hate people who put their birth year in their names? Like back in olden tymes you would see people with names like GooGooDolls1983 and it was just as dumb then.

now listen here you little shit

Who do you think you are you numerophobic cis white man?

It begins

Try harder

Imho references to actual titles are exempt

Fuck off you cunt, I'm a beautiful nebula.

Fuck you guy.

Expecting brains in here was your main mistake.

No dumbshit, no dumbshit. You're the dumbshit.

No, you're the dumbshit.

Satanism... Why, homeboy?

Fuck you and your boring username that isn't open for interpretation

Have a gin and Clorox

Hey fuck you

You stickied a post complaining about usernames. De-mod yourself and grow a set, old man. Or apply for a SRD mod spot. After the blood-rush from indignation passes, think about what you have done.

god, I hope you were intoxicated when you thought this post was a good idea. And when you decided to sticky it, you better have been black-out drunk.

Im not even a mod kys

I told you a got into a psychotic state. And then I say and post retarded things.

Sorry for being retarded and misreading your thread in any case.

Did you at least read the whole Thucydides 3.82 section? It's an amazing insight into political revolutions and it's not very long. Best segment of his whole book, in my view.

This is fucking Reddit, not 2005 AIM.

Today's reddit is 10,000x more retarded than AIM was in 2005, which was then 10,000x more retarded than usenet/gopher/telnet/etc before it.

Way too many losers with smartphones.

no numbers for me 😏😏

This is my streaming name.

And callsign in the Marines.

Fuck off, cunt.

❌ No numbers
✔ No underscores
✔ Capitals

eh, 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

also, fuck you, i do what i want.

Fuck you. The other 804 were binned.

more numbers more bussy get on my fucking level

dat bussi aint worth

Eat my ass retard

Fucking Pokemon...

Oh my Jesus

Fuck you, I cant be bothered to remember some stupid original name.

Ya don't have to. Your name is on every post.

Also, capitalize the first letter in your name. Have some fucking decorum you God-damned savages.

"People" with capitalized usernames will be the first in the ovens tbh

Fight me irl

Nobody with a brain is going to have trouble figuring out there are spaces in the name you God-damned walnuts.

Multiple people have thought my user name was "In Or An As Elsewhere" because multiple people are colossally fucking stupid and unread, uncultured little shits.


suggest me a better username

if it's good i'll use it


already taken

But my name looks so much nicer.